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If unconscious or unable to eat or drink (but conscious) you will need a glucagon injection. This is a one off shot and cannot be repeated until your liver has replenished itself.

Do you have to use the glucagon injection if unconcious? Or can you use the gel? I'm not sure what its called, but you just put it into the persons mouth, and it gets absorbed through the gums or something?
I dont like the look of that massive glucagon needle 😛

Yep sorry about that, has to be the glucagon. They did used to say you could use the gel when it used to be called Hypostop (now called Glucogel) but apparently you can gag and choke on it so they now say no to the gel.

Sophie if you are unconscious you won't even know the needle went in you. I had to use it on my daughter two years ago and she was conscious but mid fit and foaming at the mouth and she screamed like a wounded animal but has absolutely no recollection of the injection at all so for you it won't be a problem. Its sticks more in the mind of the person giving it.
I have stuck this as it will help quite a lot of people and will make it easier to find quickly.
Do you have to use the glucagon injection if unconcious? Or can you use the gel? I'm not sure what its called, but you just put it into the persons mouth, and it gets absorbed through the gums or something?
I dont like the look of that massive glucagon needle 😛

They used to say that you could rub the Glucogel into someone's gum if they were unconscious, but they discovered that some people were choking on it! So it's no longer advised. I guess if you're need the glucagon injection you'll most likely be unconscious and won't feel it! 😛
They used to say that you could rub the Glucogel into someone's gum if they were unconscious, but they discovered that some people were choking on it! So it's no longer advised. I guess if you're need the glucagon injection you'll most likely be unconscious and won't feel it! 😛

Never even thought of that haha
Great post Adrienne.
It contains 6.4g carb per 100ml. I usually find that 200ml is enough to treat my hypos.
It contains 6.4g carb per 100ml. I usually find that 200ml is enough to treat my hypos.

I presume this is the Sports stuff as the normal lucozade (different flavoured ones as well) contain 17 cho per 100 ml

What we need is those small alert ones they have just brought out to contain carbs. They would be really handy to carry around, they are carb free though and just purely energy or caffine drinks.
A few swigs of Lucozade does me fine. 🙂

Any reason why the two threads have been amalgamated. I know they are the same thing but the reason I started a new thread is so that the info was at the top so that people seaching for hypo treatment could see it immediately rather than searching through threads, that is also why I named it differently.

I thought it would be easier, I think this has made it harder to find. Sorry.
I agree Adrienne, it took me a while to find the post thread about what to do for a hypo.:confused:I think it would be better to split it so its easier to find if your in a hurry! I didnt know about the glucogon only being used once, so what happens if it doesnt work?😱🙂Bev
I'll post about that once (hopefully) the threads get split again as it might get lost on the wrong thread !!

Started a new thread in case got too complicated to split again. Imagine no mods were around this afternoon to split them

(I always wanted to be a mod actually, as in mods and rockers 🙂)
Started a new thread in case got too complicated to split again. Imagine no mods were around this afternoon to split them

(I always wanted to be a mod actually, as in mods and rockers 🙂)

nice one ad makes it more clearer.
Thanks Steff, just makes it easier I think.
can we all remeber our first hypo god i can and i wanted to eat the kitchen im so better controlled with it now but sunday i was 2.9 before i relized that i was hypoing another time at 5 i can feel i am.. but i have oj or luxazade if a home find it works quicker always have glucotabs everywhere..
can we all remeber our first hypo god i can and i wanted to eat the kitchen im so better controlled with it now but sunday i was 2.9 before i relized that i was hypoing another time at 5 i can feel i am.. but i have oj or luxazade if a home find it works quicker always have glucotabs everywhere..

My first hypo was a controlled hypo deliberately brought on when I was in hospital after diagnosis. I was given my normal morning injection then had to fast till I was hypo 😱 this was so I would know what it felt like when I went home.

I was 9 (just) and did NOT appreciate it, so I faked my response (I'd read the books and knew what it was *meant* to feel like). Since they didn't actually test my sugars I got away with it and I got fed.

I'm told this doesn't happen any more as it's considered too cruel!
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