
Thanks I am not sure if I had genuine hypos now or just low BG, but each time I did my eyesight was bit blurry.

I am now showing 5.3 CGM and 6.3 on the strip, but have only taken one glicizide today.

I need to stop the hpos ASAP, don't mind if I go a hit higher on BG, am at home with my wife and kids but sometimes am away from on my own, so will not take chances with getting an Hypo. Just need a bit if stability with my BG and work out what medicines to use and wht to get rid of.

So will have some beans on toast with cheese, 2 slices and some chips and will take my 500mg metformin, too hopefully enough done so as not to get hypo and I don't mind the BG a bit raised at the moment so a BG read of less than 8 tomorrow. Morning would be great.
Sorry just seen this now, oh OK, then I will eat the dextrose tablets 5 of them and a biscuit or the gel and a biscuit, will be trial and error, but will get it right

Depending on your blood sugar, 2 or 3 Dextro should work ok. You mention your blood sugar ‘takes a long time’ to come back up after your hypo treatment, but 15 mins is normal. Keep testing if you feel worried, but it does take around 10-15 mins to see a rise, and even then that might not be the full rise.
You mention your blood sugar ‘takes a long time’ to come back up after your hypo treatment, but 15 mins is normal.
I am guessing this may be because @Newbie777 has been relying on Libre which has a delay when levels are changing direction rather than finger pricking or it may be because they have been eating an apple first or a combination of the two.

If only taking Gliclazide in the morning then the chances of a real nocturnal hypo are very low.

Beans on toast with chips is a pretty carb rich meal! Carbs in the bread, carbs in the beans and carbs in the chips.
I am guessing this may be because @Newbie777 has been relying on Libre which has a delay when levels are changing direction rather than finger pricking or it may be because they have been eating an apple first or a combination of the two.

If only taking Gliclazide in the morning then the chances of a real nocturnal hypo are very low.

Beans on toast with chips is a pretty carb rich meal! Carbs in the bread, carbs in the beans and carbs in the chips.
Yes I have been too reliant on Libre.

After a hour of eating my CGM Is 7.7 and test strip is 8.5, so another hour to go.

Sorry the bread was seeded and 4.8g carbs per slice but the beans and the fries are high carbs.

I think I may have the solution now, but it does mean I stick to 4 different medicines for Diabetes.

1x 100mg Canagaflorzin before breakfast
1x 80mg Glicizide before breakfast
1 500mg Metfomin with breakfast.
1 x 5mg Trajenta with food at lunchtime.
1x 500mg Metformin with food at tea time.

Hopefully, this may give me slightly raised BG which is fine as I will be going gym starting tomorrow.

Will use test strip when CGM alarm is showing 5.0 and getting lower, then if it is hypo will have the glucose gel and biscuit and will use the test strip after 15 minutes until normalised.

Key to this working is if BG levels dropping by small amount in 1 hour and then a very small amount tonight, otherwise will need to have one or two biscuits tonight before bed and monitor at night and early motning, like I said will be happy if my BG is on the slightly high side
Yes I have been too reliant on Libre.

After a hour of eating my CGM Is 7.7 and test strip is 8.5, so another hour to go.

Sorry the bread was seeded and 4.8g carbs per slice but the beans and the fries are high carbs.

I think I may have the solution now, but it does mean I stick to 4 different medicines for Diabetes.

1x 100mg Canagaflorzin before breakfast
1x 80mg Glicizide before breakfast
1 500mg Metfomin with breakfast.
1 x 5mg Trajenta with food at lunchtime.
1x 500mg Metformin with food at tea time.

Hopefully, this may give me slightly raised BG which is fine as I will be going gym starting tomorrow.

Will use test strip when CGM alarm is showing 5.0 and getting lower, then if it is hypo will have the glucose gel and biscuit and will use the test strip after 15 minutes until normalised.

Key to this working is if BG levels dropping by small amount in 1 hour and then a very small amount tonight, otherwise will need to have one or two biscuits tonight before bed and monitor at night and early motning, like I said will be happy if my BG is on the slightly high side
That is good you have a plan and see how it works out, the best thing is not to change too many things at once if it is not quite right after trying the same for a few days.
It might be better to delay the gym for a few days to see how your new plan works.
You could always go and see as they would usually want to do a assessment and introduction before you start on an exercise program, best to start gently and build up if you haven't done any exercise in a while.
Thank you, yes I agree.

I have the membership for 10 months now and used to go every 3 days, doing CV stuff and then low resistance weights on upper body and then next time on my legs, trust me I dont really exert myself, typical Northerner very laid back.
Gwttubg ready for bed not good news, cgm 5.4 and rest strip 6.3... Damn can see this dropping more at night/early.morning

Thinking will have some white bread two pieces with butter now and check throughout the morning.

BTW the reads 2 hours after food was 10. 0 test strip and 8.8 cgm.
Gwttubg ready for bed not good news, cgm 5.4 and rest strip 6.3... Damn can see this dropping more at night/early.morning

Thinking will have some white bread two pieces with butter now and check throughout the morning.

BTW the reads 2 hours after food was 10. 0 test strip and 8.8 cgm.
It almost feels like you need to go back to the drawing board with the medications as if you are newly diagnosed where you might be started on metformin and make dietary changes which you seem to be doing anyway and closely monitor what happens with those low carb meals.
It would be worth asking for a complete medication review given you are struggling with fluctuating highs and lows. Though if you di have a higher carb meal as you said you were going to then 10 / 8.8 which is really 9 would be likely. Those 2 reading are essentially the same and within the accuracy of both devices.
Why are you having white bread at bedtime? 6.3 is a perfectly good number.... a normal number. Yes it has dropped from 9 -10 2 hours after your meal, but it is supposed to do that. It should not continue to drop but stabilize at these normal levels.
One slice of white bread is going to be about 17g carbs, so 2 slices is over 30g carbs.
They generally suggest when you start on insulin that 10g carbs will raise your BG by about 3mmols, so 30g carbs could raise your levels as much as 9mmols, so if you add 9 and 6.3 you are looking at mid teens which is not a healthy level and your body and particularly your kidneys, will have to work during the night to try to bring those levels down. A single jelly baby which is about 5g carbs will likely raise your levels by about 1.5 mmols, so that would take your 6.3 up to about 7.8mmols. That is still slightly higher than a normal person, but isn't going to cause your body nearly so much of a problem as 2 slices of toast or even just one slice. I know you are worrying about hypos but you are counteracting all the medication you are taking by then eating bread to push your levels higher.

It would be different if you were on insulin, but you are not and the only medication which could potentially cause you to hypo is the gliclazide but you took that in the morning before breakfast, so it should be gone.
Can you provide a reference for this as it is contrary to my experience and what I have read?
@helli, that is not my experience. We regularly tell each other that we are all different and I suspect that you and I have very different fitness levels. In former years I have been extremely fit, alas in the last 5 years I'm now constrained more than I like by health issues (and age).

My references would be from my personal experiences in the last 4 years and supported by various articles I read during 2021 and through into 2022. At that time, with my newly provided CGM (Libre 2), I was trying to make sense of how to adjust my bolus doses to accommodate forthcoming exercise and activity. Before that time I knew nothing about insulin dependence and on MDI with only FPs I was really roller coastering from some deep and lengthy hypos rapidly into hypers in the 20s. That "before CGM" period was pretty miserable at times.

The DUK online T1 Conference in the autumn in (I think) 2022 further informed me; a particular speaker gave his presentation on Exercise and Activity. I have the notes I scribbled down at the time - but these are still in storage (due final release for good behaviour, next week). But they may not see daylight for several weeks; so much else to be unpacked and placed.
In my experience, a full on cardio work out significantly reduces my BG.
And in my experience a full on Cardio workout is as intense as I can manage these days. This will (does) quickly raise my BG significantly; it does eventually drop (crash usually unless I anticipate it properly), but I attribute that speed of fall directly to my total pancreatectomy and consequent brittleness of my D.

Steady walking works best for me and I can happily walk most of a day. That gives me a degree of control (ie reasonable BG management); I still need to adjust my bolus dosing for such days and can often make a 75% reduction of bolus for that post activity meal. Mowing my own and my daughter's lawns (a few houses away and hers is on 3 levels) is my equivalent of a full gym workout; I invariably regret taking that on, since it just plays havoc with my BG management.

However my intention in that post was to encourage @Newbie777 to return to some exercise and fitness training as soon as practical for him. And to not overdo that exercise after many months away from the gym. It may well be I could have added to those particular words with "this works well for me". However, having read my post again I think my immediate subsequent sentence:
"Once again I caveat my remarks: we are all different and what works for one person may not work for another"
goes some way towards that objective.

This has been a relatively fast moving thread, with now 50 posts in some 30 hrs and I've had to erode my beauty sleep to get this reply to you, before I step away for a while and look to where (and how) we are going to stow everything coming out of storage on Monday! At the very least in the coming weeks there will be multiple "Hanging Committees" needed to be commissioned, for the final detailed approvals of each picture's next resting place. Busy weeks ahead.