• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


Hi Bev, I have woken up quite afew times being hypo during the night. its not that you feel hypo, like you would notice during the day, well for me anyway. At first you think your just waking, but its an instinct that tells me to test. I have always been hypo when ive done this.

There are plenty of times i wake and dont feel like this and just go back to sleep. The best thing to do if you are worried, is do a couple of checks on alex for a few nights, if only to put your mind at rest.
Hi Bev, I have woken up quite afew times being hypo during the night. its not that you feel hypo, like you would notice during the day, well for me anyway. At first you think your just waking, but its an instinct that tells me to test. I have always been hypo when ive done this.

ive had this... but also i have woken up in sweats and shaking because im VERY low and then I dont test, just eat lots straight away!
I have woken up hypo, usually I'm awake for a few minutes before I test because I don't feel hypo the same as I do in the day. I have had very few hypo's during the night, usually when I've injected novorapid very soon before bed and not got the dose quite right.
Hi all!

Last night Alex had a good hours exercise - gave him some snacks - but he was 3 this morning - then ok during the day - but he went to the park with his friend and was given 45 minutes to play and then come back for a check on his blood - but he turned up at the door looking awful after only 20 minutes and he was 2.1!
So, my question is , can the effects of exercise really take 24 hours to 'kick in' or do you think its because we have changed his ratios 1 week ago? We have changed it from 1:20 to 1:15.:)Thanks. Bev

p.s. just when we think we have it cracked - we realise we dont!! Grrrr:confused:

Hi Bev

I haven't read all the replies yet but yes exercise can have an effect as much as 48 hours later, especially if it is something particularly energetic and not normal. For my daughter, when she was young for example, a few hours in an indoor soft play area would play havoc with her levels for about 36 hours as would trampolening and bouncy castles. One friend (who you know from the other email group) has to set her son's insulin pump on a much lower basal for 24 hours just from a swimming lesson!

By the way, you have 'cracked it'. We all still have questions about things and things will always be different on a daily basis. Don't forget with children you have growth spurts and puberty and other stuff going on.