Hypos not below 4mmol

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I’ve been getting headaches and nausea similar to when get migraines so originally thought was a migraine along with sweating and generally feeling unwell. It goes away after I eat something. I had this today about 90 mins after breakfast. I was 10.0 before breakfast. I had an apple when felt unwell and reading after was 9.7. I have type 2 and usually run in the double figures. My HbA1c is 94. When my blood goes below 8 I seem to get these symptoms. Is this a hypo of sorts even though not below 4 because my readings are normally high? And do I treat it like a hypo or do something else? I’m on 3 medications for my diabetes.
Helll @ClaireDiane , welcome to the forum.
What medications if any are you on.

As your BGs are normally high, it is possible that you are having false hypo’s. These happen because your brain has got used to your high BG levels (blood glucose) so when it starts to go lower than its used to you have hypo symptoms.

The last thing you need to do with false hypo’s is, eat or drink carby or sugary things ,fruit contains fructose (sugar)
Instead some people find that eating a little protein ie cheese, eggs etc helps but it’s often a matter of grinning and bearing them , false hypo’s are not in anyway dangerous, they are just not nice .
As your body gets used to more normal BG levels the false hypo’s stop .
I second that, it sounds like a false hypo if your body has been used to much higher levels. Try not to do anything about them and your body will readjust itself to being at lower levels and then you’ll only get the horrible feeling when you actually are hypo.
Sorry to hear about the unpleasant symptoms you are experiencing @ClaireDiane

Yes the body has a sense of its usual blood glucose concentration, rather like a ‘thermostat’, and if you consistently run your glucose at a higher level it can give warning signs as your levels begin to get into a healthy range. These should ease if you can reduce your average BG gradually, and allow your body to readjust.

Which medications do you take for your diabetes? And how long ago was your diagnosis? I wonder if members here might be able to offer some suggestions to get your BG running a little lower?

Welcome to the forum!
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Thanks for all your replies. Sorry not replied sooner but had a lot going on. I’m on metformin & sitaglyptin. Was on gliclazide then changed to Empagliflozin but getting side effects with that which aren’t improving so getting put back on gliclazide whilst wait to be seen by diabetes clinic. Will make sure to keep some small protein snacks to hand for the false hypos to hand as back to work from today in hope they help a bit so don’t have to take time out my work.
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