Hypos-how to deal with them

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Meant to post this the other day but then lost my track of the thread - can't even blame a hypo at that time tho! I was having lots of mid morning hypos with my gliclazide and my Gp has now altered when I take them so instead of 2 at breakfast and 2 at dinner I have one at breakfast, 1 at lunch and 2 at dinner - it seems to have solved the problem so I no longer have to have more than a light snack mid morning. One of his other suggestions was to move my double morning dose to lunchtime but I thought that might just transfer the problem to the afternoons.

Anyhow, as you say, we are all different but it might be worth a chat to your GP to see if swapping the timing or even splitting the tablet in two and taking half in the morning and half at lunchtime could work for you

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