Hypos Galore

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
15 hypos in 7 days.

I am absolutely exhausted. No energy for anything.

Suffice to say I've dropped my basals. Now expecting BG to swing the other way.

Also have a job interview this afternoon, so the stress of that will probably send my BG up too. It's 10am and I'm still in my pyjamas - don't know where I'm going to find the energy to get showered, dressed, tidy up, make lunch, carb count, walk to bus station, walk to interview from bus, sit through a scary interview & wow them with my personality, then walk back to bus stop and home from bus station.

Can't wait to get home tonight & collapse on the couch!
15 hypos in 7 days.

I am absolutely exhausted. No energy for anything.

Suffice to say I've dropped my basals. Now expecting BG to swing the other way.

Also have a job interview this afternoon, so the stress of that will probably send my BG up too. It's 10am and I'm still in my pyjamas - don't know where I'm going to find the energy to get showered, dressed, tidy up, make lunch, carb count, walk to bus station, walk to interview from bus, sit through a scary interview & wow them with my personality, then walk back to bus stop and home from bus station.

Can't wait to get home tonight & collapse on the couch!

You poor thing. I hope things settle down for you and you get back on track.

Dig deep for your interview this afternoon - you can do it !! and good luck, I'll keep everything crossed for you - just think when you are finished you can go home and rest.

Di x
Sounds like you have had a tough time with hypos lately. I hope the sort themselves out for you.

Good luck for the interview, I'm sending some positive energy over the internet for you. Let us know how you get on
Good luck for the interview Bigpurpleduck - you can do it!
Polo mints are great to keep in pockets - small, robust, sold at most station shops, unremarkable, as lots of people use them to freshen breath for interviews. Available in both sugar and sugar-free versions. Unfortunately, not suitable for vegetarians.
Thanks to all for your kind wishes!

Interview went well - I was happy with how I did and really liked the two interviewers. Should hear the end of this week/beginning of next. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Is much more money and 20 minutes closer to home.

BG was fine this morning. As predicted, interview sent them up - 15.6 when I got home. I'd rather that than a hypo during the interview, though. Got them back to 8.8 before dinner.

So far today no hypos, hurrah! Hopefully it stays that way!
Thanks to all for your kind wishes!

Interview went well - I was happy with how I did and really liked the two interviewers. Should hear the end of this week/beginning of next. Keep your fingers crossed for me! Is much more money and 20 minutes closer to home.

BG was fine this morning. As predicted, interview sent them up - 15.6 when I got home. I'd rather that than a hypo during the interview, though. Got them back to 8.8 before dinner.

So far today no hypos, hurrah! Hopefully it stays that way!

Im so sorry you have been having a bad time with the hypos i feel a fraud answering as ive never experienced a hypo, but hope things improve for you i had the same with hypers a while ago and they proper exhaused me.

p.s glad the interview went well and so far so good no hypos x
Hate it when keep getting loads of hypos, they totally wipe you out after a while don't they? Good luck with the job interview, think you did really well to get there, I'd definitely give you the job!
Good luck with the job interview, think you did really well to get there, I'd definitely give you the job!

Aw thanks! Will let you know as soon as I hear.
Alas... BG currently 3.7. Maybe tomorrow!
It was legal cashier at a solicitor. The salary band is much the same as what I'm on now, but at the moment I'm a secretary and only work 35 weeks of the year so all year round will be about ?5000 more!
I am sure you know this - so forgive me if I am stating the obvious.🙂 If you suffer from a few hypo's then this will breed more hypo's and means that the liver stocks will need to be replenished. This can take up to 3 weeks ( I know - its an awfully long time) - but it is important that you let your liver stock up again, as if you were to have a very low low - then it could be quite serious. The advice I have been given is to let levels stay above 9 or 10 for a while as this should help the liver to recover.🙂Bev
Thanks for that Bev, not something Id heard before. Mind you I'd quite like my liver to back off a bit. Been mucking me about big time after breakfast recently.

Good luck with the interview outcome Em. Fingers crossed for you 🙂

Thanks for that Bev, not something Id heard before. Mind you I'd quite like my liver to back off a bit. Been mucking me about big time after breakfast recently.

Good luck with the interview outcome Em. Fingers crossed for you 🙂


Sorry to hear that - are you having a lot of lows too?🙂Bev
3 weeks?

I was told this: "you should consume 15g (and that is all that is needed) of carbohydrates, within 40 minutes of exercise in order to restore the glycogen in your muscles. This should help to prevent hypos in the following hours after exercise. "
3 weeks?

I was told this: "you should consume 15g (and that is all that is needed) of carbohydrates, within 40 minutes of exercise in order to restore the glycogen in your muscles. This should help to prevent hypos in the following hours after exercise. "

Yes - this is right - but this is if you have 1 hypo. If you have 3 or 4 in a day then the liver is put under stress and its stocks are depleted with so many hypo's. If you dont let the liver recover (by eating lots of carbs over a period of time) - then you can run the risk of a more severe hypo where the liver may not be able to respond as it would do otherwise. I have to admit that it would be very hard to follow this advice as its difficult sometimes to keep levels up - so although its what is advised - its not always practical. What I do if this happens is no exercise for at least a couple of days and let levels run around the 10ish mark as I feel this should all help to let the liver recover. We also have the added advantage of being able to alter the basals for this time to help keep levels up a bit🙂Bev
Thanks for the info. Did your specialist tell you about this?
Thanks for the info. Did your specialist tell you about this?

Hi Katie, I read about it on the childrens forum I am on - if Adrienne sees this she may be able to give you more detailed information about it. I think (?) it was something that came up last year at the Friends For Life Conference held in Windsor.🙂Bev
I was told this: "you should consume 15g (and that is all that is needed) of carbohydrates, within 40 minutes of exercise in order to restore the glycogen in your muscles. This should help to prevent hypos in the following hours after exercise. "

15g?! More like 30 or 40g for me. Plus a reduced insulin:carb ratio for the whole day, and if building up over several days, a tweaked basal too!

Bev - Not many lows no, just ridiculous post-breakfast spikes. Not exactly DP, as basal tests are fine when fasting, but it's taking Humalog about an hour (sometimes two) to get going, and I've needed pretty much double ratio over the summer when I've eaten breakfast.

Now the kids are back at school I'm hitting the gym again, and the problem seems to disappear with early morning exercise so I'm hoping it'll all sort itself out for the Autumn.
I am sure you know this - so forgive me if I am stating the obvious.🙂 If you suffer from a few hypo's then this will breed more hypo's and means that the liver stocks will need to be replenished. This can take up to 3 weeks ( I know - its an awfully long time) - but it is important that you let your liver stock up again, as if you were to have a very low low - then it could be quite serious. The advice I have been given is to let levels stay above 9 or 10 for a while as this should help the liver to recover.🙂Bev

I know several hypos can often lead to more, but I've never been told about the liver recovery. Perhaps why I feel so poo. Am pretty devastated at the thought of keeping my BG higher, though... I'm managing to stay in mostly single figures these days and a double figure is so frustrating! What if I can't get them down again?!

Fortunately I work term-time only so still have a couple of weeks before going back to work. Hopefully this will give me enough time to sort out the hypos.
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