Hypos and eating

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Age really has nothing to do with being diagnosed as Type 1 and getting the correct diagnosis will allow you better access to the technology and more specialised support.
A friend has recently been diagnosed as Type 1 at nearly 80 having been labelled as Type 2 for 2 years, she now has the correct medication and a Libre.
Age really has nothing to do with being diagnosed as Type 1 and getting the correct diagnosis will allow you better access to the technology and more specialised support.
A friend has recently been diagnosed as Type 1 at nearly 80 having been labelled as Type 2 for 2 years, she now has the correct medication and a Libre.
I completely agree. But unfortunately alot of gps/nurses still adhere to old thoughts.
Hello @Hellybell80, I'm a Type3c and very much as if T1 with essential insulin dependence having no pancreas whatsoever. I'm also relatively new to this D management business.

One aspect that stands out to me and which should strengthen your request for a referral, is the pretty obvious point that notwithstanding your diagnosis and current prescribed medication your GP hasn't found a solution in the last 2 years that actually helps keep you safe against your current irregular and seemingly completely unforseen night time hypos. I would make a polite and pleasant - but persistent - insistence that a 2nd opinion is now essential.

I might also point out that Libre 2 with its alarms seems like the only way right now of temporarily giving you some necessary protection and that seems like a modest cost to the NHS to both keep you alive and in continued employment.

I wish you luck Iin keeping your care moving in a positive direction.
That's exactly how I feel. Thank you. I thought it was just me with this issue. I actually don't feel like I'm a failure now. I don't want to mess too much with my lantus if its good 90% of the time.

You could try keeping notes to see of there are any potential predictors (however obscure or vague) like noticing that it happens the day after something, rather than on the same day.

Mood… stress… activity… alcohol… work patterns… gym… bigger meals than usual…

I never was able to work out what it was for me - but those were all things I pondered.
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