Hypo corrections

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Why would you want to detach the pump?
Leo plays academy level football for rufc and England there is no way at all a pump is feasible playing this level football. A couple of professional footballers i am in communication with who have the tslim and sensor also detaches their pumps and re attach later.
Personally I find that my blood sugar always takes at least 30 minutes to start going up, whatever hypo treatment I use and that is because I seem to have a slow digestive system (which has been checked out for anything worrying) but it does mean I have to sit around and wait a bit longer before being sure I’m ok. Or before re-treating!
Single parent dealing with multiple conditions i am sure many people tell me many things that i do NOT absorb immediately. Thanks for that
Thank you so much for this i do always use the finger prick when addressing hypos.. Try to anyway.
The issue i have with Leo is that his body does NOT react to the glucose as quick as he should hence why i panic. Example waiting 15 minutes just doesn't cut it and he can still be low... Then 2 hours later he's rocketed.... Sadly
that rocectking could sometimes be hes liver trying to help out.
Leo plays academy level football for rufc and England there is no way at all a pump is feasible playing this level football. A couple of professional footballers i am in communication with who have the tslim and sensor also detaches their pumps and re attach later.
You can keep the pump on without a problem.
I used to practice Karate and just padded the pump in bubble wrap 🙂
You can keep the pump on without a problem.
I used to practice Karate and just padded the pump in bubble wrap 🙂
I could keep my pump on when climbing/cycling/doing circuits/… but as my levels plummet soon after I finish, I need to suspend my basal so it was easy to remove it and not worry about it getting bashed when I had a tubey pump. Plus, when I do high intensity exercise, I wear breathable clothing which would be pointless if I also wore bubble wrap.
Just to put my two penn'orth in. Could you ask Leo to tuck the glucose tab under his tongue or in his cheek and let it dissolve there. As others have said absorption is faster through the mucus membranes of the mouth. This may overcome any slowing of digestion/absorption in the stomach caused by the cf. Have confidence that you're doing the right thing: I also sometimes spectacularly overshoot and sometimes I have no idea why. Hopefully the pump will make all the difference to you both!
Re: hypo treatment - my body takes too long to respond to JBs and glucotabs, so I have oj which works nice n quick (Tesco sell 125ml juice boxes, perfect!). I hope the pump sorts out some of Leo’s problems, especially around his football @Lion2012.
Thank you so much for this i do always use the finger prick when addressing hypos.. Try to anyway.
The issue i have with Leo is that his body does NOT react to the glucose as quick as he should hence why i panic. Example waiting 15 minutes just doesn't cut it and he can still be low... Then 2 hours later he's rocketed.... Sadly

I think it’s normal to panic. Hypos are scary. I always fingerprick (frequently!) when treating a hypo. As long as my blood sugar is low but ok, I try to wait for it to come up. For bad hypos I use Coke or Glucojuice. Liquid seems to work faster, and now we have the stupid sugar tax, I find Glucojuice is a good, concentrated form of glucose. Prior to the idiot move of removing glucose from a glucose drink, I used Lucozade, which was very good but is now much weaker.
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