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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Since moving to a new hosp - as soon as I have had my baby I am being put on a pump - yee ha!
Had a phone call today and am starting DAFNE course tomorrow - which will be fun since I have spent the last 20 years dosage adjusting for what I eat - but you have to do the course to qualify for the pump - a small price to pay. You never know there is always something new to learn...🙂

Am extremely happy about this 🙂🙂:D

Admin xx
Congratumalations. 😎
congrats admin 🙂 i hope to be accepted for a pump soon :D
Goodness! It's all happening for you isn't it?🙂 Congratulations - hope DAFNE goes well, and that you don't discover you've been getting it all wrong for the past 20 years!:D
Goodness! It's all happening for you isn't it?🙂 Congratulations - hope DAFNE goes well, and that you don't discover you've been getting it all wrong for the past 20 years!:D

You really make me laugh Northerner!! And I hope I haven't got it wrong - gosh! can you imagine!
Brilliant news Admin! Just one question - what is dosage adjustment as opposed to carb counting? Bev
Same same but different! LOL!!

Same thing Bev ? just a different way of putting it. Basically I always adjust my insulin according to the carbs I am eating - or I count the carbs and adjust my insulin! 😉
Since moving to a new hosp - as soon as I have had my baby I am being put on a pump - yee ha!
Had a phone call today and am starting DAFNE course tomorrow - which will be fun since I have spent the last 20 years dosage adjusting for what I eat - but you have to do the course to qualify for the pump - a small price to pay. You never know there is always something new to learn...🙂

Am extremely happy about this 🙂🙂:D

Admin xx

absolutely, I hadn't really been carb counting before dafne but lots of the group had been doing it for years and still got so much out of it, much more than a carb counting course, just the chance for that amount of direct contact with the DSN and space to focus on myself was invaluable. Hope you enjoy it, let us know how you get on.
Well done on the pump, I am getting encouraged that there seems to be more people getting approved for them these days (not enough of course) so fingers crossed when I ask next time!

I am on the dafne at the moment and am really enjoying it. Like aymes has said its great just to focus on your diabetes and find out other peoples experiences too.
l have just found out that i have got funding for my pump too, so am very chuffed today!🙂🙂:D
Wow tracey! Congratulations to you too! I feel all left out! (Me and several thousand others, no doubt!)🙂
Wow tracey! Congratulations to you too! I feel all left out! (Me and several thousand others, no doubt!)🙂

thanks! i would say to anyone if you really want one, push for it. Oh and get yourself a great, understanding consultant!!!🙂
Congratulations Admin.

I propose a toast to Admin and the pump 😛
Congratulations from me too. I had my pump fitted tuesday and my BG are brill so far (early days i know) and each day seems better than the day before. Every diabetic should be on a pump, i've been type 1 for 22years this year and I look forward to the next 22years now. Hope all goes well for you.
Congratulations from me too. Anything worth having (like babies and pumps) is worth waiting for!
Congratulations from me too. I had my pump fitted tuesday and my BG are brill so far (early days i know) and each day seems better than the day before. Every diabetic should be on a pump, i've been type 1 for 22years this year and I look forward to the next 22years now. Hope all goes well for you.

Great news Noreen - so pleased that your early results are good, it's obviously a great boost to your spirits as much as anything!🙂

More pumpers! The rate really does seem to be increasing - however, I read that there were only 8,000 pumpers in the UK in 2008. When you consider that there are (at least) 300,000 Type 1s and goodness knows how many Type 2s on insulin therapy, it's a miniscule amount. But maybe, from the increasing numbers of people reporting success here and the added confidence that gives to others, perhaps pump therapy will become more widespread.
I'm supprised that my results are on target so soon I guess thats down to my dn working out my basal and bolus rate. The Animas reps made me feel at ease while demonstrating how the pump worked although I've still got lots to read up on and learn.
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