Hurrah! It's arrived...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My Medtronic Minimed pump and cgm has arrived🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 (Though UPS seem to think I can read minds and don't need to leave me a card to say they've attempted delivery😡)

I've an appointment on Friday to learn how to work it all. My DSN hasn't had a patient with the system before, so she's organised the rep from Medtronic to teach us both:D.

It has 'industrial strength' AA batteries for the pump! and the glucose tester has a rechargeable battery. Hopefully the battery life will be better than the Roche Insight (which could drive one to drink😱). It will be interesting to compare how fast the Medtronic is with the Insight. Could it be much slower?
Exciting! We will expect a full demonstration at the Southampton meet!
Terrific news! 🙂 Don't worry, the DF says she knows everything there is to know about it, so she will happily set it all up for you.... 😱 😉
Terrific news! 🙂 Don't worry, the DF says she knows everything there is to know about it, so she will happily set it all up for you.... 😱 😉
Now that is a seriously scary thought😱
I've splashed out on a handful of sensors this year, so happy to offer my thoughts if that would help.
Yay 🙂 Must admit i'm a bit jealous Lol, thats only because i'm stuck with the insight for the next 3 years 😉 let us know how it all goes and what its like in comparison, i would be interested to see how other pumps compare to the insight. Good luck with the training x
Great news Susan. I look forward to hearing how you get on.
Well the Insight's quite a bit slower than the Combo or the Omnipod, (3 of us 'users' sat at a dinner table together last July LOL) so I should think it can't help but be quicker - though it will be easier to tell when Susan finds out - as it's rare to get a direct comparison like this one.

Do you look like a guinea pig Susan? LOL (I've already guessed you aren't really a fluffy duck)
Glad everything ready to go Roll on Friday! Good luck 🙂
When I moved from the Combo to the 640G I didn't notice much difference in speed, although there seems to be a lot more button pressing. The CGM works a treat, but the insertion and sensor preparation were a bit intimidating at first. It's a doddle when you've done it a few times though. Same with the reservoir/cannula change, and the Medtronic reservoir are so much easier to fill without bubbles. I thought I might miss the remote, but in practice it made little difference. Good luck!
We really like the 640G. There's much more button pressing than strictly necessary, but it does the job quickly enough for an impatient 16yo! And the menus are simple and intuitive. Make sure you get the batteries from Medtronic (or buy the same ones) - ordinary AAs can be used if nothing else to hand, but they don't last more than a couple of days, especially if you're using full time sensors.
Well the Insight's quite a bit slower than the Combo or the Omnipod, (3 of us 'users' sat at a dinner table together last July LOL) so I should think it can't help but be quicker - though it will be easier to tell when Susan finds out - as it's rare to get a direct comparison like this one.

Do you look like a guinea pig Susan? LOL (I've already guessed you aren't really a fluffy duck)
I think I'll feel like a guinea pig tomorrow!
When I moved from the Combo to the 640G I didn't notice much difference in speed, although there seems to be a lot more button pressing. The CGM works a treat, but the insertion and sensor preparation were a bit intimidating at first. It's a doddle when you've done it a few times though. Same with the reservoir/cannula change, and the Medtronic reservoir are so much easier to fill without bubbles. I thought I might miss the remote, but in practice it made little difference. Good luck!

Oooh - It sounds as though it'll be faster than the Insight. Hurrah!
We really like the 640G. There's much more button pressing than strictly necessary, but it does the job quickly enough for an impatient 16yo! And the menus are simple and intuitive. Make sure you get the batteries from Medtronic (or buy the same ones) - ordinary AAs can be used if nothing else to hand, but they don't last more than a couple of days, especially if you're using full time sensors.
I've got a heap of 'industrial strength' AAs - I didn't know such a thing existed!
I hope all goes well with your new Medtronic pump and sensors Susan 🙂. The system has definitely been a life saver for me although I do sometimes call it for everything- especially at 3 am !😉
Not long to wait now. Going to leave soon to walk to the hospital with all the stuff - of which there is quite a lot!
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