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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I think i need to start HRT & I'm looking to go on the patches.
When i looked up the HRT Dr is considering, it mentions Diabetes.
Does anyone here take HRT & do you need to take extra precautions? Whether that's keeping an eye on sugars or heart etc.
Thank you & hope you are all well.
Thanks for posting this as I’m also interested in the answer. I have recently started thinking that some of my distressing symptoms I have been putting down to diabetes may actually be peri menopause. I have enough on my plate so really want some relief. Would you mind if I asked how this is effecting you and how long you have been suffering ? Will tag in @rebrascora if she doesn’t mind. She usually speaks openly about her experience.

Also have you had any testing to confirm your going through the change? I had some tests about a year ago, female hormone stuff and everything was normal range, but as I understand it this doesn’t mean a great deal due to fluctuations
Hi, yes no problem being tagged and talking about HRT as it has really revolutionized my life.

I have the patches (Evorell Conti) and whilst it takes a little time to find good places to stick them where they stay stuck well and aren't uncomfortable (you have to place them below the waist for some reason) it blows my mind how a small patch of clear plastic can be impregnated with enough hormone and be absorbed through the skin to make such a massive difference to your wellbeing in so many respects and with no apparent side effects.

I think the concerns with them may be if you are overweight and not doing much exercise/physical activity. Not sure about the diabetes issue, but presumable it is all linked to cardiovascular risk. I have to get my BP checked for them but that seems to be just once a year and I have to have it done for my annual diabetes check anyway, so in reality no extra testing.
They haven't put them on repeat prescription so I have to make a special request each time and I worry that they will refuse next time, but I have only been on them for 2 years so hopefully I am good for a couple more and I manage on half a dose so they last twice as long as they should for the same massive benefits.

If you want to know anything else, I am open to any questions.
I have had blood tests done months apart as like you, they came back within normal range but the second lot of blood tests showed i was entering the perimenopausal stage.
I've been suffering for about 28 mths. At first Drs blamed covid & a decline in my health. But a few months back i bought a fitbit & really began noting things down on the period app, fitbit provides & realised at certain times of the month my anxiety/low mood became unbearable. Its there all the time but much more heightened during ovulation & few days before period.
Saw gynae who diagnoses me with PCOS & said i need to start HRT asap.
My anxiety feels out of control atm. I've also been told to start Vit B6 at 50mg daily (obvs check with your Dr) as its been proven to significantly help with severe PMS. I also have PMDD which is adding to my menopausal symptoms.
I still have periods & they're long & heavy but that can be normal during perimenopausal as people think periods just stop or reduce.
That is not my opinion but what gynae told me.
You have my sympathy as it is awful & my hubby doesn't understand what I'm going through & just says..oh its that time again & rolls his eyes.
That is the one my GP mentioned
Hi, yes no problem being tagged and talking about HRT as it has really revolutionized my life.

I have the patches (Evorell Conti) and whilst it takes a little time to find good places to stick them where they stay stuck well and aren't uncomfortable (you have to place them below the waist for some reason) it blows my mind how a small patch of clear plastic can be impregnated with enough hormone and be absorbed through the skin to make such a massive difference to your wellbeing in so many respects and with no apparent side effects.

I think the concerns with them may be if you are overweight and not doing much exercise/physical activity. Not sure about the diabetes issue, but presumable it is all linked to cardiovascular risk. I have to get my BP checked for them but that seems to be just once a year and I have to have it done for my annual diabetes check anyway, so in reality no extra testing.
They haven't put them on repeat prescription so I have to make a special request each time and I worry that they will refuse next time, but I have only been on them for 2 years so hopefully I am good for a couple more and I manage on half a dose so they last twice as long as they should for the same massive benefits.

If you want to know anything else, I am open to any questions.

Hi, yes no problem being tagged and talking about HRT as it has really revolutionized my life.

I have the patches (Evorell Conti) and whilst it takes a little time to find good places to stick them where they stay stuck well and aren't uncomfortable (you have to place them below the waist for some reason) it blows my mind how a small patch of clear plastic can be impregnated with enough hormone and be absorbed through the skin to make such a massive difference to your wellbeing in so many respects and with no apparent side effects.

I think the concerns with them may be if you are overweight and not doing much exercise/physical activity. Not sure about the diabetes issue, but presumable it is all linked to cardiovascular risk. I have to get my BP checked for them but that seems to be just once a year and I have to have it done for my annual diabetes check anyway, so in reality no extra testing.
They haven't put them on repeat prescription so I have to make a special request each time and I worry that they will refuse next time, but I have only been on them for 2 years so hopefully I am good for a couple more and I manage on half a dose so they last twice as long as they should for the same massive benefits.

If you want to know anything else, I am open to any questions.
Were there any side effects starting the patches? I once took Tibolone & it was stopped due to constant vomiting. Are you in full menopause or perimenopausal?
No nausea whatsoever. I was on the contraceptive pill most of my life and that caused nausea but nothing with the patches. The only thing I have experienced is that every now and then my boobs get really swollen and tender. I can go months as normal then they will start to get larger and really tender and might be like that for a month and then go back to normal. It hasn't happened for at least 6 months.... maybe just 3 occasions in 2 years so very random.

I had been battling full and debilitating menopause symptoms for 5 years before starting on HRT and I so wish I had asked earlier. It was actually my diabetes which prompted me to ask because I was finding it tough to detect hypos, particularly nocturnal ones when I was having such frequent hot flushes.
No nausea whatsoever. I was on the contraceptive pill most of my life and that caused nausea but nothing with the patches. The only thing I have experienced is that every now and then my boobs get really swollen and tender. I can go months as normal then they will start to get larger and really tender and might be like that for a month and then go back to normal. It hasn't happened for at least 6 months.... maybe just 3 occasions in 2 years so very random.

I had been battling full and debilitating menopause symptoms for 5 years before starting on HRT and I so wish I had asked earlier. It was actually my diabetes which prompted me to ask because I was finding it tough to detect hypos, particularly nocturnal ones when I was having such frequent hot flushes.
I don't mind the swollen boobs. I haven't got any so a nice littlr handful would be appreciated lol. Not the pain though.
I'm so glad i came on here now to ask. You've greatly put my mind at rest about starting the patches & I'm hoping i can get myself back.
Atm i feel like a shell of myself & even though my marriage is fine, i feel it is impacting on it as i have no sex drive either & even though i try desperately to hide my symptoms, it isn't always possible.
So pleased you are feeling more positive about it and I really hope you get all the benefits that I have.

One of the surprising benefits for me was no longer needing a pit stop through the night and it was pretty much an instantaneous change when I started taking it. I had assumed that it was just an age thing and something to just put up with, but I sleep right through from 11pm until 6.30am and I am not even desperate for the loo when I wake up. It was like my bladder had regained it's elasticity and could stretch and hold all night. It wasn't just confined to my bladder either. Sex had become too painful and it wasn't a lubrication issue, it was just that there was no elasticity in those muscles. They just didn't give and stretch anymore (sorry if that is TMI) and of course because it was painful, that was a turn off. Can't say that it particularly affected my libido. For me regular exercise seems to improve that, but the HRT certainly improved our sex life enormously just simply by enabling us to have normal sexual relations.

Love the fact that apart from waking to treat hypos or hypers, I sleep soundly all night and don't need to get out of bed until I wake up in the morning. Good sleep puts a better perspective on all aspects of life and helps with anxiety.
There are theoretical risks to any hormones but as the patches are a low dose (the hormones don’t have to survive the gut so you can use a much smaller amount) then you’re less likely to get side effects than with the pill even though it’s the same meds. I’ve been on evorell conti for about 7 months now. It’s helping but not a miracle worker. I have high blood pressure which is already being treated but the GP is happy to still put me on them. One of the things I like is it makes my cycles more predictable although even then my body likes to throw in weird bleeds. I sleep better than I did. I’m having fewer hot flushes and night sweats. I feel better but still not fully me. It depends what point in peri menopause you’re at as to whether it’s better to start you with just progesterone or with a mix so definitely talk it all through with your GP

I put my patches on my hip either under the knicker line or just below and that seems to be more comfortable than the top of my thigh. The black sticky line you get around a patch is annoying though. If you have trouble getting them to stick it can help to hold your palm over the patch for 30 seconds or so on application as the heat helps it stick.
I have had blood tests done months apart as like you, they came back within normal range but the second lot of blood tests showed i was entering the perimenopausal stage.
I've been suffering for about 28 mths. At first Drs blamed covid & a decline in my health. But a few months back i bought a fitbit & really began noting things down on the period app, fitbit provides & realised at certain times of the month my anxiety/low mood became unbearable. Its there all the time but much more heightened during ovulation & few days before period.
Saw gynae who diagnoses me with PCOS & said i need to start HRT asap.
My anxiety feels out of control atm. I've also been told to start Vit B6 at 50mg daily (obvs check with your Dr) as its been proven to significantly help with severe PMS. I also have PMDD which is adding to my menopausal symptoms.
I still have periods & they're long & heavy but that can be normal during perimenopausal as people think periods just stop or reduce.
That is not my opinion but what gynae told me.
You have my sympathy as it is awful & my hubby doesn't understand what I'm going through & just says..oh its that time again & rolls his eyes.
You do sound a little bit like me. Ovulation is the worst time for me, pain bloating digestion all horrendous. Moods, well I feel like i have about 2-3 days tops of feeling myself. I’m 45, don’t know why it hasn’t occurred to me before that this is what’s going on. My tests originally were because of my night sweats which I later realised were blood sugars. This has settled now mostly but do still get them. I think us women have the poopy end of the stick, periods.. babies menopause. Especially when you throw diabetes into the mix. Well at least @rebrascora has given us a glimmer of hope, bless you wonderful lady x
Pain around ovulation - yes some folk do get this - hence I ignored mine and didn't even mention it when I opted for a hysterectomy to obliterate the horrendously heavy and extremely painful periods caused by massive fibroids. Bad move. Was soundly rebuked by the gynae the morning after my op cos I had shedloads of endometriosis which guess what? Causes just as much if not more period pain at other times of the month than your period .... Op took nearly 5 hours instead of an hour and a half .....

Loved HRT post op !! Be aware however that you must not get sunlight on HRT patches because it renders them useless! - so don't get sticking em where they'll get any sunlight on them!

MY GP thought I was bats when I mentioned that latter fact to him - just gave me one of those 'old fashioned' looks - ie is she barmy? - as he reached up and got his copy of MIMS off the shelf (before everything was on the internet in Drs surgeries) - but then had to say - Yes, that's true, thank you for telling me that!
So I need to stick it where the sun don’t shine :confused:
Haha love it. Made me laugh for the first time in ages.
I get that where you feel normal for 2-3 days & you innocently think - this month will be different & bam, it hits you again out of nowhere.
Past 2 days have been bad for me & yes, I'm ovulating. I felt like i was losing my mind yesterday afternoon & the overwhelming feeling scared me.
Today has been better but i managed a walk.
I also started a high strength Vit B complex & omega 3 & vit d as i was told by my gynae that they "can" potentially help with menopause & symptoms of here's hoping.
I'm so desperate, I'll try anything.
The doctor told me the pain I was getting was ovulation pain ( though I had not had it before) but referred me to the family planning clinic to have my coil checked and it was there that picked up something untoward which turned out to be an precancerous ovarian cyst the size of a grapefruit. The G P never actually examined me. I ended up having a hysterectomy at age 32 and was told I would get menopausal symptoms but never did and never have.
I hope your various supplements will help, have you had an ultrasound examination to check things out.
The doctor told me the pain I was getting was ovulation pain ( though I had not had it before) but referred me to the family planning clinic to have my coil checked and it was there that picked up something untoward which turned out to be an precancerous ovarian cyst the size of a grapefruit. The G P never actually examined me. I ended up having a hysterectomy at age 32 and was told I would get menopausal symptoms but never did and never have.
I hope your various supplements will help, have you had an ultrasound examination to check things out.
Yes, I've had an ultrasound & internals as they like to keep an eye on my PCOS.
Sounds terrible that your Dr never even examined you. But glad you never had an menopausal symptoms.
My mama had ovarian cancer aged 70+ - and her only symptom was blood appearing at the front of her knickers. Straight off to the GP who sent her to see the hospital PDQ and hysterectomy done inside a week.

So, when I had my hysterectomy I was asked how I felt about my ovaries? I said, OK I know if I keep them it may avoid or reduce HRT BUT if bleeding from the front is the only symptom of ovarian cancer and I'm removing my womb so can't bleed there in future, I think while you're in there, it would make sense to get rid of them too - but what do you think as an expert? - and the nice female gynae agreed that what I'd said was true, so knowing my family history, she'd be strongly recommending doing that anyway. Total hysterectomy and bilateral oopherectomy. Lovely neat scar, stitches whipped out in 5 days, HRT implants inserted whilst I was under anaesthetic! In the plural as I had testosterone as well as the usual. The T did honestly help on the libido front.
My mama had ovarian cancer aged 70+ - and her only symptom was blood appearing at the front of her knickers. Straight off to the GP who sent her to see the hospital PDQ and hysterectomy done inside a week.

So, when I had my hysterectomy I was asked how I felt about my ovaries? I said, OK I know if I keep them it may avoid or reduce HRT BUT if bleeding from the front is the only symptom of ovarian cancer and I'm removing my womb so can't bleed there in future, I think while you're in there, it would make sense to get rid of them too - but what do you think as an expert? - and the nice female gynae agreed that what I'd said was true, so knowing my family history, she'd be strongly recommending doing that anyway. Total hysterectomy and bilateral oopherectomy. Lovely neat scar, stitches whipped out in 5 days, HRT implants inserted whilst I was under anaesthetic! In the plural as I had testosterone as well as the usual. The T did honestly help on the libido front.
The surgery I had was in 1983 and had 1 surgery to remove the cyst and when they did the histology discovered it was precancerous so then had a second surgery the next week to remove the other stuff as they said the chances were high it would develop in the other ovary, don't recall any mention of the HRT implant.
Had mine in 1994 - admittedly at a BUPA etc hospital - but the gynae was one of the gynaes who otherwise worked for the NHS hospital I'd have been referred to anyway if no insurance involved - and my GP surgery who referred me to her, thereafter continued the implants when they needed replacing (6 monthly-ish)

All in all, including diabetes - a far more modern thinking medical practice in Kidderminster than when I moved to Coventry and found the medical service here, lacking. Still stuck in the 20th century here. Have to fight for most things I'm afraid.
Had mine in 1994 - admittedly at a BUPA etc hospital - but the gynae was one of the gynaes who otherwise worked for the NHS hospital I'd have been referred to anyway if no insurance involved - and my GP surgery who referred me to her, thereafter continued the implants when they needed replacing (6 monthly-ish)

All in all, including diabetes - a far more modern thinking medical practice in Kidderminster than when I moved to Coventry and found the medical service here, lacking. Still stuck in the 20th century here. Have to fight for most things I'm afraid.
I had mine at the Chelsea Hospital for Women as I lived in Surrey at the time. I was referred under the NHS but was told there was a four month wait for appointments with the gynae consultant so I went privately for a consultation and ultrasound which as I recall cost £150, the consultant then said he would prioritise me on his NHS list and I then was 'done' two weeks later. I suspect if I had waited I may not have been here now.
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