how you cope

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm having one of those times when I feel like I can't do anything right with my blood sugars and I'm fed up of having this stupid thing I just want to eat without having to think of my blood sugar and not feel funny and think oh great i'm having another hypo again. I've only had this for 2 years now and I feel like it's been forever I can't remember what life was like before without having to think about it, if only i'd known how lucky I was back then. I just wish it would go away.

I suppose my question to you is when and if you feel like this from time to time how do you cope or pick yourself up? I tend to get upset and end up not talking to anyone for a couple of days. Basically how i've felt today.
I'm having one of those times when I feel like I can't do anything right with my blood sugars and I'm fed up of having this stupid thing I just want to eat without having to think of my blood sugar and not feel funny and think oh great i'm having another hypo again. I've only had this for 2 years now and I feel like it's been forever I can't remember what life was like before without having to think about it, if only i'd known how lucky I was back then. I just wish it would go away.

I suppose my question to you is when and if you feel like this from time to time how do you cope or pick yourself up? I tend to get upset and end up not talking to anyone for a couple of days. Basically how i've felt today.

Hi Emma firstly hugs to you hun , you know via pms i aint my best at the minute and it dont feel like its going to get any better anytime soon, i have had a day today where i have ate whatever i fancied, i guess I dont cope is my most honest answer, only way i can pick myself up is to go in and look at my gorgeous son and think about how me damaging myself the way i do
is only going to hurt everyone else around me not just me xx are they no mother and toddler groups for you to go to with little J perhaps to get you out of the house and meeting other mums??
Thanks steff I know what you mean about your son I had my husband trying to cheer me up by dancing jessica around in front of me. There are but I don't want to go to them really I'm quite a shy person and also I'll probably be quite a bit younger than most of the mums there i'd feel uncomfortable and out of place x
Thanks steff I know what you mean about your son I had my husband trying to cheer me up by dancing jessica around in front of me. There are but I don't want to go to them really I'm quite a shy person and also I'll probably be quite a bit younger than most of the mums there i'd feel uncomfortable and out of place x

Yeah i totally understand that hun , i had the same worry when i went on my X-PERT course and when i got there i was the youngest by 20 years or so but i guess i got what i needed from the course.
Hi Emma ..

Sorry to hear you feeling down .. sending you big hugs ...:D

While I cant comment on how it truly feels to b diabetic ... but I wish everyday I could have it instead of Nathan ..

I can relate a little to your question .. of how Nathan copes .. he's been diagnosed 3 years .. and while he is no where near accepting it ....if at all a diabetic ever does .. we have good weeks then bad ...

He gets really angry and vents a lot of his frustration out on me ...that I accept .. but the other week when he was high .. and no matter what we attempted made no difference .. Nathan screamed well I'm pig sick off it all .. eat this .. dont eat that .. inject here .. not there ... test this test that ... I asked him what if he could eat one thing what would it be ... his reply a cadbury's flake .... right go and get one walk to the shop .. eat on way back .. but slowly .. then batter your pillow ... It did'nt take the diabetes away but it made him smile ... and he had much fun battering the pillow for 5mins when he got back in .. and it lowered his bg ...

Thanks heidi - I've missed you being around! that made me feel a bit better. I guess it's because I don't know any other diabetics in my area I feel isolated and forget that everyone feels like this time to time. I don't think any diabetic really ever accepts it no matter how long they've had it or it doesn't seem that way. My husband always says he wishes he could have it instead of me and how he thinks I cope with it better than he ever could xx
hi emma sorry to hear you're having a tough time ...big huggs ....
We all feel like that some days more than others, I tend to bottle it up til it goes away, but I find I tend to sometimes stop taking my long acting insulin which I have done for the past week, I know what I am doing is wrong but will get back on track.. I have been diabetic 11 years in aug and I still haven't really come to terms with it.
I don't know where you live in Essex but found this:

and it might help to get on this:
Thanks squidge, haverhill is a bit far for me though and I have a newborn to look after. I went on the BERTIE course last year it helped a lot because I couldn't carb count before that x
I don't know that I cope with it at all. I seem to lurch from one near disaster to another and, every time I think I'm getting a handle on things, something else goes wrong. I really wish I could wake up from this nightmare.

How you manage with a new baby as well Emma, I can't imagine. I admire you enormously for the way you do get through it though. Hugs from me too.
I'm having one of those times when I feel like I can't do anything right with my blood sugars and I'm fed up of having this stupid thing I just want to eat without having to think of my blood sugar and not feel funny and think oh great i'm having another hypo again. I've only had this for 2 years now and I feel like it's been forever I can't remember what life was like before without having to think about it, if only i'd known how lucky I was back then. I just wish it would go away.

I suppose my question to you is when and if you feel like this from time to time how do you cope or pick yourself up? I tend to get upset and end up not talking to anyone for a couple of days. Basically how i've felt today.
So sorry your'e feeling like this, iv'e had some pretty bad times in the past and i have felt a complete failure especially to my daughter Tia, but she keeps me going. I have had type 1 for 21 yrs , i give myself a kick up the backside from time to time and think there are worse things in life than having diabetes. Hope you feel better soon.Sheenax
So sorry your'e feeling like this, iv'e had some pretty bad times in the past and i have felt a complete failure especially to my daughter Tia, but she keeps me going. I have had type 1 for 21 yrs , i give myself a kick up the backside from time to time and think there are worse things in life than having diabetes. Hope you feel better soon.Sheenax

Yes that's always my thought sheena then I feel quilty for moaning or getting upset about it x
I don't know that I cope with it at all. I seem to lurch from one near disaster to another and, every time I think I'm getting a handle on things, something else goes wrong. I really wish I could wake up from this nightmare.

How you manage with a new baby as well Emma, I can't imagine. I admire you enormously for the way you do get through it though. Hugs from me too.

Awh thank you alison that's really sweet. I agree diabetes is definately a nightmare especially when you have dreams of having hypo's :confused: xx
There are but I don't want to go to them really I'm quite a shy person and also I'll probably be quite a bit younger than most of the mums there i'd feel uncomfortable and out of place x

I have the reverse problem, at 52 and with a five year old, I am a lot older than many mums, so I feel awkward about going to them for help!

I hope you are feeling better. We all have good days and bad days.
Hi Emma
Big hugs to you. I know exactly how you feel, especially to distance myself from everyone, pretending there's nothing wrong.
I've been diagnosed just over a year now and over the last 4 months have been feeling 'not right' for most of that time, testing my blood sugars so much that my fingers are hardening up rapidly!!
Its so frustrating and difficult at times but remember your little girl, they are a source of inspiration.
Jackie x
Oh Emma, I do know how you feel, there are times when you just want a day off. I don't know how much you talk to your husband or family about day to day diabetes things? Last time I was really down (had just changed insulins and had a week or crazy hypos) then I had a big cry by myself, then asked my boyfriend to sit and look at my BG results with me, and I was really surprised by how much he knew about it all. He was able to make some suggestions by looking at trends that I coudn't see, and it really helped.

On the mums and toddler groups subject, could you ask your health visitor or at the baby clinic if they know of any groups where there would be mums of a similar age?
...I suppose my question to you is when and if you feel like this from time to time how do you cope or pick yourself up? I tend to get upset and end up not talking to anyone for a couple of days. Basically how i've felt today.

That's me in a nutshell :(
Your even dreaming about hypos Emma?😱 It sometimes feels like your whole life is defined by having diabetes, and I guess it is in many ways! It does get you down but it never stays that way (well it shouldnt) I think the fact that your sleeping patterns, hormones etc are all out of the ordanary just now with the little one arriving not so long ago, will probably explain a lot of how you feel at the moment and I am finding the same things are not making my diabetes manageable at the moment either! And im getting soooo over it!!
I used to cheer myself up by having a cold beer with lime but im off it at the moment 🙄
I do find that talking to colin helps, even just the fact he is there listening... I mean im not the only one living with my disease lol (I do feel sorry for him having to cope when I hypo)
Maybe talking to your other half will help you get through your bad days when the come along?

I like your new avatar and profile pic emma (your wedding dress looks lovely) xx
Hi Emma - hope today is a better day. Have you anyone near you who you can talk too, not sure how long it is since you had the baby but that will be tiring you and its always harder to cope without proper sleep. Do you have any family near by who could take care of the baby for a few hours so you can catch up on your sleep ?

Take care
I had jessica 9 weeks tomorrow so still early weeks margie. Lou I think your definately right the lack of sleep isn't helping my levels or mood but I've got some time off this friday which I'm looking forward to. Why do I feel quilty for saying that? I'm entitled to a bit of time off. I talk to my husband about everything but I feel like I do go on about diabetes too much with him that sometimes I don't like to say how I'm feeling about it. After all he does have to live with it too just in a different way xx
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