how would you describe having a hypo..?

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My heart will start to race, I will feel shaky mostly my hands and I will sometimes get a bit confused and get things mixed up.

my worst hypos have resulted in palpitations and chest pain
Hi All

Just read all your posts, as I am newly diagnosed with type 2. but have fibro as well, just to make matters worse. Hopefully thank you to you all, you have explained a lot to me. With fibro (which your wouldnt want trust me) you get many of the same symptons as with a hypo, fogetting things, weeps and mood swings, clothes sensativity plus many more. Since being diagnosed these seem to have multiplied 10 times more. Can anyone offer any advice please.:confused: .com.....

Many thanks

hugs to all
get carter... i was thinking the same... some hypos are different to others... sometimes it really hits me sometimes it dont.. and it depends on what type of hypo... either too much insulin... or not enough food that day.. or too much exercise... or for not bloody reason at all lol!!!1... does anyone mind if i use these comments... i want to try and explain to others how hypos are so diff.. and how its not all about just eating sugar and its all ok lol.xx

Yes yes no problemo with using my comments....if it helps others and all those things....

Bernie xx 🙂
I've had very few and they were all at 3am. Woke up with cold sweats. Never been below 3.5 though so don;t know if the lower readings give different symptoms.
"when" I get hypos, I become increasingly irritable, snapping at all and sundry. I also start feeling light headed and confused, my mind seems to start racing and making ideas about various topics (none relevant to what I was doing at the time though) my extremities start tingling followed soon after by my lips going numb. I get a cold sweat and the shakes and start losing vision for short spells. Never gone so low as to fully black out but come close with a BM of 1.2m/mol
When I recover I do have to appologise to my friends/family/work mates for anything I may have said, as I very rarely remember anything I've said.
If you've ever read the harry potter books and the bits about the "dementors" you will know what a hypo is like. Dementors suck all the good away and everything is cold and hopeless. That's how I'd describe a hypo plus all the shakiness, confusion, thirst, need to go to the loo, weakness, blurred vision, sweatiness etc etc. Not nice! But sometimes the cure is nice!!!!!
Good thread Lee 😉

It does depend on the level of hypo and sometimes It can be a high hypo and feel really bad or a low one and feel not too bad (for a hypo anyway!)

I usually get very confused, I can get quite angry, I mix my words up and slur them a bit, shaky, light headed and dizzy.
My boyf says i get the Freaky Stare haha

I just look straight through him and just can't answer properly, making either no sense coz of rambling or just no words at all.

The usual, shaky, really sweaty, if i'm in bed the duvet goes across the room. No energy, heavy arms and legs.

If i'm reading a book the words start to kinda feel like they are moving round the page or jump out the way of my focus, thats strange.

Again depending on how bad it is, but it can feel quite drug like, bit spacy, euphoric state type thing, but with a underlying horribleness lol
If you've ever read the harry potter books and the bits about the "dementors" you will know what a hypo is like. Dementors suck all the good away and everything is cold and hopeless. That's how I'd describe a hypo plus all the shakiness, confusion, thirst, need to go to the loo, weakness, blurred vision, sweatiness etc etc. Not nice! But sometimes the cure is nice!!!!!
Hi flutterby
thank you for posting that, so does that mean when I get a hypo and a fibro bad day..may I please have double the cure??<s> what ever it is..
many thanks
hugs krysia

thanks for all these,... i am going to put them together.. and try and do somethiing with them.... trying to get people to understand a little more about hypos...
My poem on the subject 'Thirty Words for Snow'🙂

The weather comes in many forms,
We have a name for each,
And Eskimos have words for ?snow? ?
Too numerous to teach!

In Manchester, I?ve heard it said,
So many kinds of rain
Can fall upon a single day,
It permeates the brain!

But what about low sugar?
So many terms we lack?
There?s ?hypo? or its bigger friend,
The hypoglycaemic attack!

What about the ?slowpo?
That takes an hour to fall?
We might not even know
That we are having one at all!

Then there is the ?plummet?
That falls at such a rate
We panic and we fret and sweat
That we may be too late!

Let?s not forget ?rebounder?
That strikes just like a viper,
But when you treat it, rockets up
And leaves you feeling hyper!

The ?raging ocean? is the worst
With peaks and troughs so wide
That plunge you down, then up, then down,
And floundering in the tide?

So, ?hypo? isn?t quite enough,
We need some other way
To let you know when we go low,
Just what we mean to say!
i love the poem northerner its everything to a tee🙂

Yes i agree, very clever indeedy...did you write this poem Northe?
Bernie x 🙂
Yes I did - lots more dotted around here and on my blog 🙂 All sorts of topics and I try to keep them light hearted.

Wowweee, inspirational. Have you tried approaching others about this as it really is superb?

I remember being given a book when i was about 7 years old about having T1 diabetes and i remember a line in it that said:

"you can catch a cold and catch a plane, but diabetes is not the same"

As a child at school i used to actually reiterate this to others who thought diabetes was catching 😱

I am thinking that others may benefit from such poems which simplifies such things if you know what i mean. More so others that aren't aware of sites such as this 🙂

Bernie x
Thanks Bernie 🙂 I had a poem published in Balance last month and am included in an anthology coming out in America soon. One of these days I'll get round to polishing up some of the best ones and putting them together in a book of my own.
Thanks Bernie 🙂 I had a poem published in Balance last month and am included in an anthology coming out in America soon. One of these days I'll get round to polishing up some of the best ones and putting them together in a book of my own.

Nice one....i'd buy it 🙂

Bernie x
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