how would you describe having a hypo..?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
interested on how fellow diabetics would explain a hypo..want use it for my blog... and also for fellow diabetics to show how they feel isnt wrong....
interested on how fellow diabetics would explain a hypo..want use it for my blog... and also for fellow diabetics to show how they feel isnt wrong....

i get really annoyed with people and snap at them, i can't make decisions, my breath gets really shakey, i can't concentrate, my hands shake, my legs wobble if i'm low enough, i can't focus on anything (hence the lack of concentration and inability to make decisions)...
the temper thing is key here for me...... i get exactly the same... i know i aint no saint... and had alittle temper anyway... and its no excuse.... but it takes over when in a hypo....
the temper thing is key here for me...... i get exactly the same... i know i aint no saint... and had alittle temper anyway... and its no excuse.... but it takes over when in a hypo....

i tend to get really matter of fact, state the obvious when i'm low. i don't have a temper, but i do snap at those around me. i obviously try not to, but sometimes my mouth works faster than my brain.
As a parent I can only describe what I've witnessed.

C has several different symptoms, most of them I only know because she's said at the time how she felt.
She has been shaky, dizzy, or just shaky hands, sweaty.
She has also not had any symptoms and we only found out she was hypo because she did a routine test. Her lowest was 1.7 with no signs at all.
She can become quite unreasonable, has little outbursts, agressive (although sometimes we are wrong about being hypo when she's become a "little madam", maybe it's because she's a teenager 😉 )

Almost always when I tell her to test whether she's hypo (on the rare occasions that I notice, that she might be), she'll refuse and go on and on. But I usually win that one and am right too.
excellent monica... i think that there are more "MOMS" out there that need to here things like this... 😉 x
I don't seem to lose the rag, but I do get teary and confused. I'm told I don't respond immediately when I'm spoken to and that my answers don't always make sense. Afterwards when I'm coming back up again it feels like the worst hangover you can imagine, or the aftermath of a migraine. I'm cold, sweaty, dizzy and shaking. And very, very tired.
No two days are the same....

Sometimes i can't read, write or think and other times i can think "oh my blood sugars dropping"!

Sometimes i get clammy, dizzy, shaky and other times i can have a heavy head and think this 'doesn't feel right'.

Sometimes when really low I find my hand cramps or I can get a dead leg! Peripheral shutdown my husband says...

Sometimes i can't control myself rubbing my eyes (not a good look when wearing mascara) or doing silly things like that. People at work in particular are always blissfully unaware.

Sometimes i may get narky but only my hubby would be able to answer that as i can be in my own little world. I have been told i to do things that i can't remember...

And sometimes i find i get particularly thirsty. This sometimes can fool me as i can think my BG is high.

Even though no 2 diabetics are the same, I can sometimes find my symptoms of low BG are different, just to confuse me and people around me even more.

Hope this helps

Bernie xx 🙂
The physical signs vary, sometimes shaking, sometimes sweating, sometimes a slight dizzynesss, a few times a supersensitivity and I feel the material from my clothes rubbing. When exercising there is a loss of energy, but the physical symptoms aren't always there.
The biggest thing is mental, I tend to focus inwards, don't want to answer questions or alter my thought patterns. If forced to answer I can be snappy. Quite often I know I'm hypo..but just want to finish what I'm doing ie I'm reluctant to treat.
Fortunately, (apart from a couple of times at night) I've always been able to treat quickly with just a couple of glucose tabs and I don't have any after effects.
why is it when i say i'm going on a forum break all the interesting things pop up? 😛

me? At the moment I have very very poor hypo awareness and sometimes don't notice if levels are very low. My other half notices however.

Short tempered and snappy
My eyes go fuzzy and things start jumping around
I get really thirsty and sometimes feel my BGs are high...when they're actually not
I've started getting the shakes back sometimes too
Get very teary and emotional
I normally get the shakes and start sweating, then feel really hungry.

If I'm very low I start to lose co-ordination and feel like everything is slowing down (like I'm in slow motion) and find it hard to think what I'm doing. I also find that everything sounds far away like you get when you're going to faint.
get carter... i was thinking the same... some hypos are different to others... sometimes it really hits me sometimes it dont.. and it depends on what type of hypo... either too much insulin... or not enough food that day.. or too much exercise... or for not bloody reason at all lol!!!1... does anyone mind if i use these comments... i want to try and explain to others how hypos are so diff.. and how its not all about just eating sugar and its all ok lol.xx
I agree all hypos are different, well they are for me.. sometimes im like an obssesive compulsive person in that everything has to be in a specific order before I realise what is happening, it feels like dementia sometimes (how id imagine i seem to others if they didnt know what was happening)
The other night before bed I went low but had fell asleep on couch so when my oh woke me up he told me to test, and although I wasnt too bad i felt it necessary to take everything around me up to bed, including an ice cream lolly stick 😱 i convinced myself in my dream like state that i needed it for something!!
then i get the common crying hypos or the ones when im sarcastic and not too nice to people lol
lee i'm currently 2.2 - and I have wierd spots in front of my eyes...its like a bit of a wierd jumpy sensation too.
hot sweaty cold at the same time, chest pain, agession extremely so i once had the police called when i was in a bar and had had a hypo, if it wasnt for one of the police reconising a hypo i would have been in a lot of trouble as it was i was taken to a+e and from wot i have been told they had to pin me down as i was being so agressive, threatning people and wanted to walk out, feeling like everything was coming from far away, feeling like there was nothing wrong with me and people were just making it up feeling like i was going to die this was when my bs was to low to read a friend called abulance i can rember paramedic coming into my house then i woke up in a hospital bed. I think the worse thing for me is the total lack of control. The most embarassing was when I wet myself when i had a fit as well
Today's hypo was simply "I'm hungry". Well, she's been hungry for at least 1 1/2 hour, so I told her to do a blood test. What for I'm only hungry!!!! Result: 2.7. 🙄
Typically I get these:

1) Shakey hands
2) Wobbly legs
3) Sweaty
4) Heavy breathing
5) I find I can't hold my head up
6) Can't make decisions
7) Get very emotional (like today I just burst into tears earlier)
8) Sometimes feel queasy/sick
9) I also can't speak properly sometimes and jumble words up

As I've said in other posts, I have had hypos pretty much ALL day today and some I've not felt
i think over the past few weeks the hypos have changed

having the shakes
feeling disorianted
not been able to take any thing in
feeling very tired afterwords
feeling sick

a new one today b s low and not aware of any signs
It's exactly like being drunk. When I used to get drunk, I used to do different things and when i have hypos, I experience different things, too.

If i'm reading, a white slodge flashes up in front of the words I'm trying to read.

If I'm talking to someone, I repeat myself over and over again, trying to get the words out, but it keeps sticking, and I try again.... (asked a colleague for a black coffee with some milk in about 4 times in a row t'oher week - kept thinking 'no, that's not right' and trying again....)

If I'm walking, I take a step and one leg seems to buckle from underneath me. First couple of times, I usually catch myself. Third or fourth, I end up on the floor.

If I'm with my hubby, I usually snap, am rude, pour out something he's doing that is annoying me.... once tried to bang my head against a brick wall repeatedly, mid-conversation with my mother. I did all this with the detachment of being drunk: I knew i was doing it and it wasn't appropriate, but just let myself get on with it.

If I'm asleep, I wake up (phew) but just lie there, often thinking really morbid thoughts, before I realise....

Enjoyed reading everyone's responses, btw. Really interesting....
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For me, things tend to just go a bit 'foggy', everything slows down, in particular my brain! If someone talks to me for example, there'll be a very long pause while I try to make sense of what they said, almost as if I'm translating it from another language. I'll go very hot and feel extremely hungry.

I've also noticed a very strong personal narrative going on in my head when I'm hypo, almost as if I'm someone else talking myself through it, like ' ok Amy, I think you're need to test...right now you need to get some juice...' etc etc, I don't say anything out loud though!

If I wake up on the night hypo it will take me ages to register what I'm doing. I just sit there trying to work out what possibly could have woken me up!
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