How/why did you choose your user name?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ok Im being nosy I know but I wondered how people choose their user name.
Mine was easy Gail is my real name and 2 is because i used to post as gail1 years ago, but forgot log in details so picked the easiest thing next to it
I hesitated to join the forum at first, because everyone seemed to have clever user names, and I couldn’t think of one! Eventually I tried my real name, and was surprised to find it was available, so went with that!
Mine is a combo of 3 of my horses. Rebel, Rascal and their mother, Cora
at a previous place where I worked about 25 years ago there were 3 of us Dave’s (after all everyone knows a Dave)
so goodybags started off as a workplace nickname, then I chose it as an email address, now quite a few people call me goodybags (not just on here)
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When I joined the Alzheimer's forum around 2007 "Yvonne" was taken so I tried my old childhood name of Vonny. Strangely enough people not on forums have started calling me Vonny again. Hey ho, they say you go into your second childhood at a certain age :rofl:
I couldn't really think of a user name so i used my name. However, a combination of fat fingers and carpel tunnel meant I added another 'r' in error. I couldn't be bothered to get it changed, I also quite like the double 'r' gravitas.
Mine is just my initials (pjg) and an old nickname (tech).
During my teens, I was the first of my friends to get a computer (ZX Speccy) and I got into the IT/gaming stuff, so my mates used to call me "tech".
When I set up my very first email/usernet name, many years ago, I went with pjgtech, and its just sort of stuck ever since.
NB: Lots of people think its pIgtech (with an i) as the small J can look like an i!!!)
As I am concerned about personal security, I chose a name that has nothing to do with me except I used to travel to Finland a lot for work where it is common and I like the name. It is also nice and short to type.
I picked mine because I've had 6 cats over the past 30 years, and my neighbours called me Catwoman!
Mine started as my nickname on another forum, or rather it was a bit more of an old fashioned news group where interactions weren't fairly immediate, that my husband joined when he bought a motorbike. Our surname is Chapman, the bike is a Triumph Trophy, so the Trophy one and he called himself Trophychap. He later also bought a Honda Superblackbird and joined their forum( which was on the Xenforo platform so just like this one was originally) and because I was his pillion so met the other members together usually, and socialised ditto, we were both on there - being a female from the black country I'm automatically a wench in the common parlance so made sense to designate our attachment to each other. I first registered on this one before there was really useful T1 user info on it eg basal testing so I carried on looking and joined a different one, where @everydayupsanddowns became known to me.
I'm the drummer.
Mine is basically my name, I switched my Discord name some years ago to snick, I forget if that was taken on here or if I altered it to s'nic.
But snick is basically a corruption of, 'it's Nic'. Friends have always shortened my name to some variant of nic/nicky, but I'm super lazy and sign with just 3 letters.
Still not as bad as one girl I worked with, she just signed as H, and a number of people called her H as a name
Mine is named after a character in old Will Hay films (Played with a long dead actor called Moore Marriott.)

It was either that or something linked to Jethro Tull (One of my favourite bands.)