How we've grown!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just looking at some statistics over the past year. In March 2009 we had 3656 posts during the month - for March 2010 we had a staggering 12,362 making it our busiest month yet 😱

There were 381 new threads started in March 2009, and 838 in March this year.

57 new members joined in March 2009, and 180 in March 2010.

We've had the occasional flare up, but I think everyone will agree that the bad posts have been hugely overwhelmed by the good, kind, helpful and supportive ones which is a testament to the caring nature of our members. Thank you all 🙂
I wholeheartedly agree.

I truly love this Forum. I have 'spoken' to many people, and in recent weeks I have met some really smashing people too.

What better people to deal with with than those who have Diabetes, live it it, cope with the issues it presents.

Likeminded people discussing a common issue - we all can learn, I know I have.

My thanks again to everyone involved and especially those who took the time to set up the Forum. I just love it

Best wishes
And I agree with Hazel. Huge thanks to everyone for being there, those who set it up, and those who keep it going. Keep up the good work.
I like being here and find everyobe very helpful and friendly.

Like any large family, people fall out from time to time, but things are aorted and we get on with it. On the whole we have more good times than bad ones.
I love this forum & hate to think where i would be with out it. Everyone is so helpful & friendly & offers great support & I hope I do the same for them as well as make a few people giggle along the way =)
brilliant place wish id found it when i was first diagx 🙂
I joined when I was expecting and I was so glad I did as I have met so many nice people which made my situation a lot less scary to go through!
Its good to know now that if I have got questions or worries or just want a chat, or share my experience of diabetes, that you are all here :D
this forum is great and im glad i found it. its been a great help to me these past couple of weeks since being dignosed and everyone has been so supportive and kind. 🙂 xxx
Just looking at some statistics over the past year. In March 2009 we had 3656 posts during the month - for March 2010 we had a staggering 12,362 making it our busiest month yet 😱

There were 381 new threads started in March 2009, and 838 in March this year.

57 new members joined in March 2009, and 180 in March 2010.

We've had the occasional flare up, but I think everyone will agree that the bad posts have been hugely overwhelmed by the good, kind, helpful and supportive ones which is a testament to the caring nature of our members. Thank you all 🙂

I think 50% of them might be down to Steph 🙂
I do love this place - it was a wonderful network and safety net to find in this first year, so thank you all.

When is the forum's birthday, out of interest?

The official launch date was November 14th 2008 (World Diabetes Day and Fred Banting'a birthday) 🙂
Now there is an image to think about !?!!?!?!?
Cheers Alan always nice to have a few stats now and again

This place rocks x its the best place on the net

jst abit of topic for a sec but im loving the acatar work there alan x
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Now there is an image to think about !?!!?!?!?

So that would be me falling over then, Rossi? :D can't do the flipping things to save my life!

Hmm maybe not my finest idea!

Haven't tried for a while, but could be a good publicity shot aline of us handstanding against a wall drinking a pint, showing that we can still do normal things??!??

I'll go away now, no idea where that came from!

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