How to wear the pump

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I found a ?2.50 m/phone case in morrisons. It's called travel additions. Pump fits in it very snuggly has a velcro strap so can be hung from bra if so desired or can use the belt loop on the back of it.

Oh I wonder if Carol would like one
Oh I wonder if Carol would like one

well theres a good choice of colours........ black or black :D
For puting in bra might be a bit to bulky but hanging down is fine.
If carol would rather have pump in bra has a baby sock been tried?
well theres a good choice of colours........ black or black :D
For puting in bra might be a bit to bulky but hanging down is fine.
If carol would rather have pump in bra has a baby sock been tried?

No, same as phone sock - not interested. Maybe I should make her.......
Well if she's comfy as she is, why change it?
I also wear skirts a lot and I recently purchased the Diabetic Spibelt from funkypumpers. It is amazing, and hardly noticeable worn low on the waist with a top pulled over it. It also means you can take the annoying clip off the pump!
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