How to ask for a pump?

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DAFNE is fab 🙂

I'm a bit confused by what you mean by 'to have a pump you would need a very high level of control' - pumps are another method of delivering insulin, as they are more refined than injections they can help gain better control, but they aren't magic wands and don't fix all the problems - there are still lots and lots of children I know that have hypos, hypers, etc on pumps - sorry if I have misunderstood?

I was under the impression that pumpers test far more frequently than injecters. That demonstrates very good control to me.
I understand that you can do the same injecting, but have come to the conclusion from my own experience that that isn't required to that same level.
Pumpers tend to test more frequently, but I definitely don't think it represents having good control - what if all those results are out of range?

I dunno I ain't got a pump lol:D
Haha fair enough.

Good control, in literal terms, I think (for me at least) means having the majority of your BGs within acceptable safe range. Obviously, we're diabetic, so we're never going to be perfect - we're going to have highs and lows. Frequent testing will obviously help maintain good control as it allows you to spot problems...but there are loads of people who test loads and still have shoddy control despite doing everything they can!
I was under the impression that pumpers test far more frequently than injecters. That demonstrates very good control to me.
I understand that you can do the same injecting, but have come to the conclusion from my own experience that that isn't required to that same level.

Another reason why people who are on pumps are required to test more frequently, besides trying to maintain good control, is because we don't use a long-acting insulin. If something goes wrong with the pump that causes us not to receive any of the insulin this will result in soaring numbers really quickly because there is no long-acting insulin to fall back on so this can be very dangerous. By testing frequently you can spot it in time and fix it 🙂
This just happens to some people. I experienced exactly the same, no matter how much effort I put into trying to get my levels under control with normal injections, I just couldn't. After I had a CGM it turned out that a few things happened to me during the day that just weren't fixable with normal injections. First of all there's the dawn phenomenon which you can only combat with a pump, then they found out I get high spikes right after my lunch (no matter what I eat) which then come back down after two hours so they never showed up on my tests before. These spikes can't be dealt with with normal injections either, because when you take more insulin it might get rid of the spike but it means you will drop too low later on.
Diabetes is different for everyone! Some people are able to control their levels with normal injections perfectly, but others just can't. Not something we do wrong, it's just how it is sadly.

I didn't mean to offend you, just trying to offer you some advice.....I tend to be fairly direct, incidently I didn't carb count for the first 14 years of my dx and only started about 9 months control has got much better, plus I test much, much more! I suppose my point is, if you don't get good levels on MDI it might prove difficult also with a Shiv has said it is not a cure.
I didn't mean to offend you, just trying to offer you some advice.....I tend to be fairly direct, incidently I didn't carb count for the first 14 years of my dx and only started about 9 months control has got much better, plus I test much, much more! I suppose my point is, if you don't get good levels on MDI it might prove difficult also with a Shiv has said it is not a cure.

Offend me? Not at all! 🙂 Sorry I was just explaining but I guess I am as direct as you in this case lol. I meant it in a sort of matter-of-fact way nothing more! 😛
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Offend me? Not at all! 🙂 Sorry I was just explaining but I guess I am as direct as you in this case 😛

cool......🙂 as I'll be asking for your advice soon when it comes to pumping!....get mine on the 11 April :D
cool......🙂 as I'll be asking for your advice soon when it comes to pumping!....get mine on the 11 April :D

Ahhh how exciting!! I was dead nervous for mine. Which one are you getting? 🙂
Ahhh how exciting!! I was dead nervous for mine. Which one are you getting? 🙂

I'm really excited! :D accu chek combo 🙂
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