How regularly do you have hypos?

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

This may seem stupid... but how many hypos is right? I mean I'm sure none is ideal, but probably virtually impossible.

Having only really recently re-acknowledged my diabetes properly, I have been getting my blood sugar back down, but obviously this leads to hypos occurring much more frequently. At the moment probably too frequently.

So I'm kinda wondering what's considered reasonable. Every other day? 1 a week? A couple a month? I really don't know. And, how often does everyone else have them? And what is expected?

(I hope this hasn't already been discussed, but doing a search on hypos brought up millions of results)
Hi Jax, I used to have quite a lot when I was first diagnosed as I was terrified of high numbers, but now I get them far less. I've probably had maybe two this week and one last week, whereas I was getting 2 or three a day a while ago. I think that things should improve for you as you get into the swing of things again - it's great that you are making this effort to get things under control.

My consultant told me a while ago that getting half a dozen hypos a week was too many and that I should relax my control a little - much easier said than done! Getting your basal dose correct is a big help too - I reduced mine from 20 to 8 and subsequently had far fewer hypos!
i hypo two or three times a week. when i was growing up i was told it was normal to hypo a couple of times a week, just as a non-d person would.

there is usually a reason behind the hypo that i can identify, and sometimes there isn't.
I have had more hypers than hypos since my diagnosis around 3 months ago, i have only have a handful of hypos and they were due to either walking around too much/exercise, oddly walking around a supermarket tends to send my low as well not sure why! the other reason is completely forgetting about the time and leaving a meal too late 🙄
At the moment, a couple of times a day :(

Usually a couple a week

Hi Jax, I used to have quite a lot when I was first diagnosed as I was terrified of high numbers, but now I get them far less. I've probably had maybe two this week and one last week, whereas I was getting 2 or three a day a while ago. I think that things should improve for you as you get into the swing of things again - it's great that you are making this effort to get things under control.

My consultant told me a while ago that getting half a dozen hypos a week was too many and that I should relax my control a little - much easier said than done! Getting your basal dose correct is a big help too - I reduced mine from 20 to 8 and subsequently had far fewer hypos!

Hi - sorry to butt in on the convo, but what is the basal dose - i've seen it mentioned on here alot but don't know what it means?

Hi - sorry to butt in on the convo, but what is the basal dose - i've seen it mentioned on here alot but don't know what it means?


People on multiple injections (MDI) inject two types of insulin: a background (basal) insulin like levemir or lantus which slowly releases throughout the day and night. This helps process the low levels of glucose constantly released by the liver to keep all our autonomic processes like heart beating, breathing, digestive system etc. provided with necessary energy. A 'bolus' dose is an amount of fast-acting insulin taken to cover the carb content of meals. 🙂 MDI is also known as basal/bolus. People on pumps only use one type of insulin, but they have 'basal rates' which more closely match the way the pancreas works. Pumpers then 'bolus' for their meals the same as people on injections (well, they can be a bit more fancy with it, truth be told, so tend to get better control).
Like Northerner I was (and still am scared of highs) and used to have lots of hypos, I was getting down to very low levels before I recognised them. I decided to up my overall levels a bit to avoid them. I was also lucky enough to get a pump and this has helped immensly, particularly as many were caused by exercise.

According to my meter I've had 4 in the last fortnight but I do have my meter set to show hypos at 65mg/dl ( 3.6mmol) and below. I still tend to have a quite a lot of readings, at between 65 and 72mg/dl (4mmol/l) but my doc only questions those at this level and below. (and she goes through my readings ringing them in red and asking about them individually)
I can go the week with only one, but have been getting one a day of late, I think it's to do with trying to fine tune my ratios, but there are so many bloomin variables it's doing me nut in!

I would say for me 2-3 a week would be normal, but I rarely get "severe" hypo's for me I can feel the symptons in the 4's, sometimes 5.0 even, and would count that as a hypo as I'm feeling low.

But hey we're all different. Glad to hear you're trying to get your levels down.

Take care

Rossi 🙂
I have a few a week, not one everyday.

But some days i can have a few, I tend to know the reasons why.

In the early days i was having loads of hypers.

Its just a case of getting the hang of it.
I usually get one or two hypo's a week.
C can go for weeks with just the odd hypo and then suddenly she'll be hypo all the time. It usually lasts 1 to 2 weeks. We haven't sussed yet what causes the hypos, that they come so severely every few months. usually we reduce the insulin, but as soon we do so she will by hyper and we need to increase back to the usual ratio again. Very weird!
I am getting about 4 or 5 a week at the moment, which I think is managable. There have been times I have had 2 a day for a week or so but I think this was probalby pregnancy related.
At the minute I'm not getting many maybe one every 3 days or so but before that it was a couple a day. My dsn said I should only be having a handful of them each month... I wish! x
I'm in the Northerner and Helen camp - I might have 5 or 6 on a bad day (just one today, i think). but I catch them and deal with them and they don't muck my day up as much as they used to....tried to get it higher at one point, but I'm trying for a baby and don't want to change for now.

(Guess, like them, i'll relax a bit when this is all over).
I checked my readings today for the past year - I've had 106 hypos in the last 12 months (about 1 in every three days), but only two in the past 30 days, which quite surprised me!😱
I'm in the Northerner and Helen camp - I might have 5 or 6 on a bad day (just one today, i think). but I catch them and deal with them and they don't muck my day up as much as they used to....tried to get it higher at one point, but I'm trying for a baby and don't want to change for now.

(Guess, like them, i'll relax a bit when this is all over).

Me too to the above....probably more so as we too are trying for another baby...perhaps in due course we will be talking pregnancy together 😉 fingers crossed.

Bernie xx
I have had more hypers than hypos since my diagnosis around 3 months ago, i have only have a handful of hypos and they were due to either walking around too much/exercise, oddly walking around a supermarket tends to send my low as well not sure why! the other reason is completely forgetting about the time and leaving a meal too late 🙄

On the rare occasions I walk around a supermarket I feel as though I am going low. It took a while to realise it was the lights doing this and I actually wasn't going low - do you test yourself when you're low in a supermarket or just 'know' you are low. If you don't test it may be worth doing it a few times?

Just an idea

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