How often should we see the Quack re hba1c?

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Well done rossi, awesome result 🙂

In the past I have forgotten to get my blood test done in time for my appointment (unfortunately, *cough cough*), so they just get a sample from a finger tip test! Why can't they always do that??? I hate getting a proper blood test :(
Cheers you guys, I wasn't expecting to be that good, but then again I wasn't expecting to have the test & result in the same ten minutes!!

Nursey said that they have managed to wangle an all signing all dancing machine, costs thousands and each cartridge they use costs at least a fiver! But yeah great!!
Wow I hope my DSN gets one of those, one of the worst things about having diabetes is the blood tests :D
have a look on ebay!!

But yeah I know what you mean, I don't mind it to be honest but can understand some people needles and blood not good.

When I give blood for the full tests they get the line in, then pop on little tubes, and fill them with my blood, three in all, seems very strange.
have a look on ebay!!

But yeah I know what you mean, I don't mind it to be honest but can understand some people needles and blood not good.

When I give blood for the full tests they get the line in, then pop on little tubes, and fill them with my blood, three in all, seems very strange.

yeah, they do that to me too lol why do they need so much? eew even the thought makes me feel sick. I wasnt really scared of blood tests before I went into hospital, but i have small veins and occasionally the nurse mucks it up, cant find a vein etc and I end up feeling really ill because they leave the strap thing on me too long!

Right... i'm off to to search for this machine on ebay 😉
Well done rossi, awesome result 🙂

In the past I have forgotten to get my blood test done in time for my appointment (unfortunately, *cough cough*), so they just get a sample from a finger tip test! Why can't they always do that??? I hate getting a proper blood test :(

I'm with you on that one Katie - I did so well with the one before last (I managed to stand up when she had finished lol) but the last one was awful - I think even the nurse was scared! I'm due another one anyday and I'm getting sweaty palms and palpitations jut thinking about it!
Well I saw a dietician today and nursey!

I asked if waiting to see quack till Dec is a bit of a long wait she said, well we'll do you Hba1c now!?! They've got one of those fancy machine that gives you a score from a finger prick in 6 mins!! And it said 6.6! So Rossi feels good! Had a good chat with her about loads of stuff too, wish I hadn't left it so long, not all numbers were good, but I've not got a bad hand at the mo!

Also booked to see a pediatrists! (Hmm spelling?)


Rossi out.

Well lucky it wasn't 6.66!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had my blood taken this morning for tests.
Normally I don't have a problem, but I felt quite faint and dizzy this time, although I have been having a few dizzy spells of late. Think I'll have to have a word with the Drs about my blood pressure.
I'm with you on that one Katie - I did so well with the one before last (I managed to stand up when she had finished lol) but the last one was awful - I think even the nurse was scared! I'm due another one anyday and I'm getting sweaty palms and palpitations jut thinking about it!

lol, yeah sometimes you get a dodgy nurse 😱 the woman who left the stap on too long (my arm was going blue) and then took the samples asked afterwards "is it because I left the thing on too long?" I just thought... I don't know, you are the nurse?!?!

lol, yeah sometimes you get a dodgy nurse 😱 the woman who left the stap on too long (my arm was going blue) and then took the samples asked afterwards "is it because I left the thing on too long?" I just thought... I don't know, you are the nurse?!?!


She hadn't 'honed her technique to invisibility' then?😉 I got a cracking bruise the last time I had blood tests. It was the same nurse who had taken it on previous occasions, but before it has been fine. The bruise took about a fortnight to fade!😱
You're less likely to get a bruise if you don't bend your elbow after blood is taken from the vein - just press on hole, with arm straight.
Seen the Doctor re my blood test results.........he was fairly happy.
My Hba1c was down from 8.8 to 7.7, this after only four months, the nice guidelines 2008 are for 7.5. He wanted to place me on Statins, I resisted this on the basis that I felt I should be given another six months to see that Diet and exercise can make an improvement.

My LO was 0.61 (recommended between 0.75 and 1.85), my HI was 8.0 (recommended between 1.0 and 4.0)......Total was 4.9 (recommended 4.0)....other than that all the other things tested for Liver function, bone profile,Renal profile etc, are 'satisfactory'!!!.

That's that for six months 😉
Seen the Doctor re my blood test results.........he was fairly happy.
My Hba1c was down from 8.8 to 7.7, this after only four months, the nice guidelines 2008 are for 7.5. He wanted to place me on Statins, I resisted this on the basis that I felt I should be given another six months to see that Diet and exercise can make an improvement.

My LO was 0.61 (recommended between 0.75 and 1.85), my HI was 8.0 (recommended between 1.0 and 4.0)......Total was 4.9 (recommended 4.0)....other than that all the other things tested for Liver function, bone profile,Renal profile etc, are 'satisfactory'!!!.

That's that for six months 😉

Nice work Dave!! I wish they'd use a better word than "satisfactory"!!
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