How often should we see the Quack re hba1c?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, having read lots of threads lately about Hba1c, I thought I should have a look at what mine have been.

At diagnosis 10.8
3-4 months later 6.9

The next appointment isn't due to till 9 months after the last, is this normal?
A lot of you seem to imply that you go every 3 or 6 months?
Yes the last reading seems good, but not sure how, maybe it was due to honeymoon period, not sure it will be so good in December.

Just wanted to ask you lot what you thought.


Hba1c should be measured twice a year if you are diabetic. However, if your blood sugar is high, your doctor may want to measure the hemoglobin A1C more frequently (every three months) until your blood sugar returns to an acceptable range. Personally at diagnosis i was 9,4 and last month i was 7.2 and he said to me see you again in 6 months.
Every 6 months for me. Although, it would have been 9 months this time because they moved my appointment from July to October - so I asked my GP if I could have the test done there and she agreed.
It generally depends on how 'good' (hate using good or bad to describe diabetes!) your control is. As the a1c measures the picture over the last 2-3 months you usually wouldn't be measured more often than that. Most people seem to report having it done every 6 months, although those with continual good control may only be seen every year. Someone struggling to get good control may be seen every 6 months.

I'm seen every 6 months, but my latest clinic appointment was put back meaning it'd have been nearer 10 months between a1cs. I spoke to my GP who made me an appointment with the surgery DSN who has given me 2 a1cs in the interim.

I'm not sure how long you've been diagnosed but as you mention the honeymoon period I'm guessing not a huge amount of time? 9 months does seem like a long time, if I were you I'd aski if you can have one inbetween just to keep an eye on it, maybe try your GP as I have done if the hospital aren't forthcoming?
Hi Ross..

Its every 3mths for Nathan...but remember he is under the care of paediatric diabetes clinic.

Only diagnosed Nov 08, hmm seems like ages ago!!

GP doesn't take blood but hospital does, I'm off to see nursey week tomorrow, so might ask her how I can squeeze another one in.

Hey guys

This is an interesting subject to talk about. A question for you all.

If we as PWD value this figure especially for those that maintain closer/better control but only have access to the test once or twice a year.

Would you get the test done by yourself (via GP, Clinic etc..) if there was a small charge (10 pounds or so) so that you have more regular a1c readings?
Hey guys

This is an interesting subject to talk about. A question for you all.

If we as PWD value this figure especially for those that maintain closer/better control but only have access to the test once or twice a year.

Would you get the test done by yourself (via GP, Clinic etc..) if there was a small charge (10 pounds or so) so that you have more regular a1c readings?

It is possible to purchase a test, I think it is around ?20. You take a sample yourself and post it off to a lab for the results. I'm happy enough with 6 months as I have my meter readings also to give me a good indication of how I'm doing. Not sure I'd trust the 'DIY' method. My GP thought it reasonable for me to ask her for the test rather than waiting a further 3 months as I am only 1 year diagnosed.
Hey guys

This is an interesting subject to talk about. A question for you all.

If we as PWD value this figure especially for those that maintain closer/better control but only have access to the test once or twice a year.

Would you get the test done by yourself (via GP, Clinic etc..) if there was a small charge (10 pounds or so) so that you have more regular a1c readings?

As it stands I'm happy with the frequency of my tests, and when I have been off track I've had the option of having more as necessary so it's not something I'd consider. However if I wasn't being giving the same level of service then possibly, but I would question why first.
I've been having A1c's done for the past 3 years every 3 months. I like the feedback of how I am doing. Though in 3 years they have all been within a 1% range, just realised that now. I had one done in May so will wait until my November appointment to get the next one done, unless I run into difficulties between now and then.
Blood test tomorrow.........Doctor next week. This is my first MOT since I was diagnosed, so it will be interesting to compare my Hba1c results, as well as the others.
Hope all goes well Dave! 🙂 Ca I just take this opportunity to thank you for all the terrific jokes and stories you have posted - an absolute tonic of the first order!:D
Hope all goes well Dave! 🙂 Ca I just take this opportunity to thank you for all the terrific jokes and stories you have posted - an absolute tonic of the first order!:D

Cripes...........I'm only going for a blood test.....what else do you know????😉😉
Hope all goes well Dave! 🙂 Ca I just take this opportunity to thank you for all the terrific jokes and stories you have posted - an absolute tonic of the first order!:D

Ill second this Dave , no matter how down I am you always make me smile thankyou !!
Every 6 months I understood, though my GP is asking to see me every few months at the moment as I can't seem to get under 14.
I was 66.8 when I was first diagnosed. My first Hba1c, when I was at home for 3 months with nothing to think about except my diabetes, was 6.6. Then after I went back into the 'real' world of work etc I was 8.5. My last was 7.7. My consultant sees me approx every 6 months. I've was diagnosed 29 months ago, next visit to the consultant (and Hba1c due the week before) in early Sept.
Well I saw a dietician today and nursey!

I asked if waiting to see quack till Dec is a bit of a long wait she said, well we'll do you Hba1c now!?! They've got one of those fancy machine that gives you a score from a finger prick in 6 mins!! And it said 6.6! So Rossi feels good! Had a good chat with her about loads of stuff too, wish I hadn't left it so long, not all numbers were good, but I've not got a bad hand at the mo!

Also booked to see a pediatrists! (Hmm spelling?)


Rossi out.
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