How often do you slip back to the chippy , chinese , reach for a bag of crisps or chocolate ?

My son (also T2) has a weekly chinese takeaway at the end of the week as his reward for being good!
As I just posted in another thread, small chippy dinner for me at work twice a month, due to go down to once a month as hba1c has gone up from 39 to 40! Takeaway around every 2 or 3 months. Luckily I'm not that bothered with chocolate, but I do have an occasional packet of crisps. Hard to give it all up completely isn't it? x
Chippy - only if we're at the seaside
Crisps - never
Chinese - never
Chocolate - extra dark (70+) but in moderation
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I get dark chocolate from Lidl, the highest cocoa one they have. It is eaten in one square portions and not every day, or even every week.
I do have a fish from the fish shop when my husband gets a meal there - and mushy peas these days, but I am almost 8 years from diagnosis and in remission, so it is not a dangerous choice, and I don't eat all the batter even though they know to make it thin for me.
Our Chinese takeaway changed hands and was not very good after that, so it was easy to decide not to have that, and crisps are not something I'd eat - I might have had two bags this year when suffering cramps as I find salt helps.
Chippy - nope
Chinese - nope
Curry - nope
Cake - yes, as a very occasional treat
Crisps - nope
Ice cream - same as cake

I could very easily give into temptation but I know once I start eating that sort of food again, I wouldn’t stop. I’ve done enough damage to myself with the diabetes, I don’t need more.
Chippy - never, but I only used to have one once every couple of months before.
Chinese - yes but we have a chinese selling authentic chinese food, so easy to eat low carb.
Crisps - never but never ate them anyway
Chocolate - yes, i run my blood sugar pretty low and sometimes need to eat a few carbs. Chocolate instead of jelly babies.
Cake - occasionally, but again - didn’t really eat much cake before.
I share a standard fish and chips with my partner about once a month. I have half the fish but less than half the batter and about 10 chips and he has the rest.
We have about 3 Indian takeaways/meals a year. We share a portion of onion bhaji and then I have a vegetable side dish like cabbage, cauliflower or spinach bhaji which is just lightly curried veg in an aromatic tomato and onion base, rather than being deep fried in flour and crispy like the onion bhaji. He always has chicken Malayan, so I have a dessert spoon of his chicken with my veggie dish and a couple of dessert spoons of veg pilau rice to soak up any sauce and I really enjoy that.
A couple of times a year our driving club have a hot beef/pork sarnie with roast potatoes at a pub where we meet for our first and last drive of the season and to save any difficulty, I just have the same as everyone else but to be honest, whilst the roasties are nice, I would happily swap the white bun for a plate of veggies. I am so over my love of bread!

Of course I am Type 1 so I can cover the extra carbs on these occasions with insulin but sometimes the BG upheaval just isn't worth it, especially as there is usually a long drive home afterwards when a walk is what is really needed to help manage the spike. The Indian is probably the most enjoyable and easiest to manage.
As I just posted in another thread, small chippy dinner for me at work twice a month, due to go down to once a month as hba1c has gone up from 39 to 40!
That sounds an overreaction. Hba1cs aren’t accurate enough to call going from 39 to 40 an increase, and 40 is still in the non diabetic range anyway. Plus it’s reflective of the last 3 months so changing what you do on one afternoon per month won’t impact it.
In the 2 months since my diagnosis the "worst" thing I've done is have coffee with a little sugar, toast a few times and one ice cream.

Thankfully I don't like Chinese or crisps. Chocolate I do love but I have found a chocolate spread without sugar that I enjoy (in moderation) and it doesn't bother my BS at all.
Chippy - nope
Chinese - nope
Curry - nope
Cake - yes, as a very occasional treat
Crisps - nope
Ice cream - same as cake

I could very easily give into temptation but I know once I start eating that sort of food again, I wouldn’t stop. I’ve done enough damage to myself with the diabetes, I don’t need more.
Fair play to you
I rarely have a take away but that's not because I am some sort of puritan. It is because there is nothing worth having around home.
But when away (especially when by the sea), I will treat myself to fish and chips and definitely not see it as "slipping back to".
I appreciate that it may be different for a slim, active person with Type 1 but I refuse to see food as something I should feel any guilt about.
I enjoy food and particularly enjoy trying different types of food which means there is no weekly menu - I don't even have a "usual" breakfast. And the variety ensures that my diet is reasonably balanced, usually with lots of fresh fruit and veg.
My initial consultant said a lot of his patients had diabetes because of eating absolute rubbish and if a diabetes sufferer can reduce poor eating that's the right road to be on

I absolutely love a good curry or Chinese though and fish and chips on a Saturday night with my parents was a good memory

I couldn't ever stop an occasional treat
Chippy / Take away's - nope (I eat small meals, and they are just too much for me)
Crisps - extremely rare
Chocolate - nothing in the past 6 months, I was never a chocolate addict
Cake - yes, as a very occasional treat
Ice cream - yes, as a very occasional treat during summer
flapjack/cereal bar - yes as an occasional treat

I've bought some treat stuff for myself recently - flapjack bar, cereal bar type things (checked and selected for my chosen eating plan).
I've put them inside a counter-top bread bin - one I can't see inside without lifting the lid, so temptation is fully out of sight. I did end up eating 2 small flapjack bars yesterday, but total carbs for the day maxed out at 125g, so not too bad.

I also bought one of those small loaves of fruit bread and froze it off in sections of 3 slices per bag (there's only me here). I can now defrost a bag and have 1 slice a day as a treat. based on their stated 36g per slice that's 19g carb per treat.
Another purchase was a sliced Brioche loaf, which I figured I can use as a cake substitute (put a bit of reduced sugar jam on it, or maybe as toast). The stated average slice of 33g is about 18g carbs. Again frozen in sections of 3 slice per bag.

I figure I'm less likely to go off the rails as i start to slow the dieting if I factor in treats. I've specifically chosen those low in saturated fats (I need to ensure my cholesterol does not rise again). I can factor the carb content into my days food so that it isn't too excessive.

I figure on setting a rule for myself, no treat until after the evening meal. That will help ensure I don't eat too many.
I haven't had a chippy tea in a good few months. It's not a takeaway we have very frequently. Also, its been about 3 months since I had a chinese. More likely to have an indian, or fried chicken and chips (KFC or similar), but even this is only every 6 weeks or so.

Crisps - I tend to have a small pack of Quavers/Wotsits or something similar every couple of days, but I've found that I seem to tolerate them quite well. Chocolate - again I may have a square every few days, but its usually the Lindt Excellence Dark - sometimes the flavoured ones - or supermarket versions of similar. Again - this is something that testing has shown I tolerate within reason.

Cake is something that I've largely given up / cut back. If we were out, I'd often opt for a slice of cake with my coffee. But this has largely been replaced. Granted it's sometimes been with a sandwich, but I always make sure that it's something with plenty of meat/protein, and always wholemeal bread.
My son (also T2) has a weekly chinese takeaway at the end of the week as his reward for being good!
As I just posted in another thread, small chippy dinner for me at work twice a month, due to go down to once a month as hba1c has gone up from 39 to 40! Takeaway around every 2 or 3 months. Luckily I'm not that bothered with chocolate, but I do have an occasional packet of crisps. Hard to give it all up completely isn't it? x
I am looking more at your weight etc and thinking wow you have done so well 12 st to 7 stone wow wow wow. You do need a treat. So proud you achieved your goals. I want some success but cannot dream of being as good as you. well done AMaZing
Chippy - nope
Chinese - nope
Curry - nope
Cake - yes, as a very occasional treat
Crisps - nope
Ice cream - same as cake

I could very easily give into temptation but I know once I start eating that sort of food again, I wouldn’t stop. I’ve done enough damage to myself with the diabetes, I don’t need more.
Another star pupil
Same as @helli really don't see foods/treats as slipping in any way, understand it might be different for those who use strict dietary measures to control diabetes.

Chippy tea, we had one 2 months back around same time as chinese takeaway, so don't have them that often mainly due to cost.

Probably eat crisps twice a week, goes well with sandwich & side salad, especially ready salted.

Tend to have chocolate more frequently, not bothered if it's diary or dark high cocoa type.

Cake, when we visit garden centres & tea rooms sometimes have slice, Costa coffee do a nice carrot & walnut cake which cones highly recommended.
Fish and Chips every so often but share a portion with hubby and eat very little batter
Chinese curry never
Cake cheese cake or chocolate cake maybe one a week neither cause a problem
Crisps every so often
Ice-cream on holiday and the odd lemon sucker
Chocolate yes maybe twice a week but not bothered lately chocolate doesn't cause any problems either