How often do you see your medical team?

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I am supposed to go yearly to see the gp and I have bloods done every 6 months. It only happens because I make the appts myself.
I don't like going because my doctor always pushes me to take statins and I feel bad refusing them.
I am supposed to go yearly to see the gp and I have bloods done every 6 months. It only happens because I make the appts myself.
I don't like going because my doctor always pushes me to take statins and I feel bad refusing them.
It's a shame that you are left feeling that way; it's your body after all! Perhaps let your doc know that you don't like being nagged?
My Gp is a T1. I don't see him for diabetes stuff but he understands things very well. :D
LOL Hobie - you'd really hope so wouldn't you! I wish mine was !
I was moved to seeing my consultant and DSN together for an annual appointment but have asked to go back to 6 monthly. They are both excellent and I found hat I needed a bit of reassurance before the year was up.

I do my blood tests at GP every 6 months, and have feet checked once a year.
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