How often do you eat Chocolate Cake/chocolate/Cookies/Baked Goods?

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Admiral Benbow

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Ok my question is in the title. How often do you eat the aforementioned stuff if you have diabetes? Or even if you don't have it, how often would you eat that stuff?
Very occasionally, but not on a regular basis.
My name’s Elaine and I’m a chocoholic, so everyday without fail. But I do use insulin to offset the carbs and I’m not eating huge amounts. A two finger KitKat is 15 grams of carbs and a plain chocolate digestive is about 8. Anything over 15 grams I try to avoid as I inevitably spike. Life without chocolate, for me, is not worth contemplating.
Chocolate cake - never, I don't like it.
Baked goods - occasionally, for birthdays, Christmas, and on holiday.
Chocolate - pretty much every day, but I eat very dark chocolate and it has zero effect on my blood sugar.
Cookies - pretty much every day, because eating Hobnobs between meals is the only way I can have enough insulin for my meals to prevent a spike immediately afterwards without plummeting into a hypo before the next meal. But I'm unusually sensitive to insulin and my ME means I have delayed and random reactions to everything (insulin, food, exercise) so while this helps me manage my diabetes I wouldn't recommend it to others!
Most days. Like @eggyg I don't consider my consumption excessive and I take insulin to cover it.
I am not a chocoholic but I enjoy baking so have homemade biscuits or cakes most weeks. I often freeze scones and cupcakes as well as bread so I can eat them when I want.
85% dark chocolate..daily.
Teabread, flapjack, or a pudding, whichever I've made,…weekends.
If I go out to a garden centre, or something like that, I rarely have anything with my coffee, I find the cakes are massive, and come with a huge sickly layer of buttercream on them, and are usually not a patch on homemade.
Chocolate cake or cookies - never
Baked goods - never, unless it's a Tuna Pasta Bake
Chocolate - every evening as a reward for staying under 130g carb for the day, but it's always Lindt 85% Robust Dark and never more than 2 or 3 squares
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And for me, it's two squares of dark chocolate (sometimes 4) three mini chocolate chip muffins, one as a dessert after each meal and two chocolate chip cookies with my afternoon tea. And that's my treats most days.
Ok my question is in the title. How often do you eat the aforementioned stuff if you have diabetes? Or even if you don't have it, how often would you eat that stuff?

Hardly ever.
A couple of bits of dark chocolate every now and then.

Approximately never
I'm not that keen on cakes, so hardly ever, but I do have a bit of chocolate most days. Usually after my dinner as dessert.
Whenever I feel like it - though it isn't often, but I make baked things myself, and I don't use the sugar, or the wheat flour or other high carb ingredients of 'normal' baking.
The chocolate I buy is the highest cocoa one Lidl has on sale - at the moment that is 85%, but I am aware of it not being the 95% one and don't eat it as often.
The high carbohydrate ingredients usually sold for baking are all cheaper than the lower carb ones. I keep my supplies in the freezer to extend their useful life - I used to work for Allied Lyons doing storage tests and know that keeping things cold will extend their use for a very long time.
Ok my question is in the title. How often do you eat the aforementioned stuff if you have diabetes? Or even if you don't have it, how often would you eat that stuff?
I don't particularly like cake so maybe four slices year at birthdays etc. Not a great fan of biscuits. Chocolate, now you are talking. That was hard to stop, so I limit myself usually to a chocolate coin . Not everyday as I sometimes forget. As someone who could merrily eat loads of the stuff I am continually amazed at my self control. However , I do eat a Bounce protein ball thing daily. Not for the protein I simply like them and at 10-12 carbs I allow myself the slack. No doubt someone will burst this particular bubble and advise me of some horror containrd in these delights I hadn't thought about!!
I eat chocolate every day and cake every few weeks at a guess. As for baked goods, if you’re including things like flapjacks and brownies, then a few times a week.
I rarely have anything significant (unless I'm going low), but if the coffee comes with a little biscuit I'm not leaving that.
Same here. I was told not to touch it, unless I needed it for lows. The “little biscuit” with the coffees? Lol, I pass them over to my wife. She then says she’ll keep it incase I “need it later.” I’m already packin for “that.” 🙂
There is more likely to be pork pie than cake in our house.
There can be on the rare occasion, chocolate. But that’s at request of my wife. (Which is her business.)
I used to eat a pear&bran muffin every few months but that was the last remnant of that kind of thing for me & I lost my taste even for them a while back.

Nothing compares to almonds 🙂
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