How much of a raise is considered a ‘spike’

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I try not to go over 90-100g a day myself. I allow myself 10-15g carbs at lunch and then eat my carb meal in the evening.
I think I’m going to try tomorrow with a lower carb dinner and see how I get on at these intervals with my blood sugar and the spiking.
I think I will keep doing this for a week with different foods at these intervals and then cut the testing. I’m getting unhealthily obsessed and stressed with the numbers.

Looks like the changes you’ve made are suiting you really well @Emilymay

Different folks seem to prefer to focus either on the maximum reading reached (in T2, generally people try to keep below 8.5mmol/l); or on the amount of change either at their highest time (likely to be around 1 hours) or at the 2hr mark. Many here aim to keep meal rises to 2-3mmol/L.

Adjusting portion sizes, carb types, and the balance of elements on your plate (eg using lots of leafy greens or adding healthy fats to slow the digestion of carbs) can all help in keeping both the rise and the maximum result within a good range.

Different people have very different tolerances. So don’t be all that surprised if you can eat reasonable portions of foods that are thought of as a nightmare by others. What matters is tuning your menu and way of eating to suit your metabolism :D
Thank you for your response. Last nights blood sugars seemed high but I’d never ‘experimented’ eating spring rolls (pastry) before. Don’t think I’ll be having pastry again.
Lunch today was McDonald’s(Big Mac, 6 nuggets and fries) before reading was 6.1 and 2 hours after was 6.9.

Going to wait until my CMG comes, experiment with different carbs then and see how we go. Definitely becoming a bit unhealthy obsessed with checking my blood sugar
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