How many type 1's and how many type 2's do we have on this forum

Are you type 1 or type 2

  • Type 1

    Votes: 46 59.7%
  • Type 2

    Votes: 31 40.3%

  • Total voters
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Why is everyone suddenly being offended by being labelled "type 2". That is just what it is called... no one is judging anyone or assuming anything. GET OVER IT.

and i PROMISE I would say EXACTLY the same thing if I was type 2. in fact i would possible be more offended.
This whole thread seems to have caused more problems than the diabetes we or our relatives are afflicted with.
When this board started it seemed to be aimed at helping us all to share our individual concerns and to, in whatever small way, offer help or commiseration.

I believe that it in a very large way it has and is achieving this.

Let's leave this thread now and get on with what we set out to do
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I am Type 1. Was diagnosed 11th November 2008. From the research I've done online many more people, in general, are Type 2 diabetic so to see 55% of people in this survey are Type 1 is quite interesting. Perhaps Type 1s are more IT literate? 😛
you might have a point there about being IT literate as i'm sure the age profile for Type 2 would be more biased towards later years
Maybe - but just because we are typecast as older doesn't mean we can't use a computer!
you might have a point there about being IT literate as i'm sure the age profile for Type 2 would be more biased towards later years

[Grumpy Old Man😉] Younger people may be perceived as more IT savvy, but having struggled to read the occasional 'txt speak' posting, lacking in grammar, punctuation and a liberal disregard for the rules of spelling, I'm not sure that 'literate' always applies! And no, it's not just my age-related macular degeneration!:D[/Grumpy Old Man😉]
I'll agree with that Northerner!
I believe that the majority of people with diabetes are classed as type 2. I would imagine that the reletive proportions on here would tend more towards type 1.

The reason (I believe) this would be the case is that as treatment for type 1 is (generally) more involved, it is much more of a daily concern to them.

Yes, both are as dangerous each other, but I think the general perception is that type 1 is more immediate*.

Personally, I don't like the type 1 / type 2 moniker, but is can be useful in talking about generallities. I believe that diabetes is more of a symptom of lots of other diseases / conditions, e.g. pancreatitus.

There should be no 'goal scoring'. It's all just about getting on with whatever effects this 'symptom' has on us.

*Type 1s are more likey to be hospitalised/treated for rapid effects such as hypos or DKA. Type 2s are more likely to suffer from slower, long term complications.
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This is the first real unpleasantness I've come across on this site. So far I've only met with helpfulness and the tone of this topic has moved from niggled to point scoring on a good many fronts.

🙄I think the thread should now end, let's kiss and make up and move on.
Mwah! (To Faith) And well put Alan.
Shame on me - I must admit I had to look up that in translation ! Nice to know some still know their Latin & English !!
You just had to ask!

Members to date:
Type 1: 342
Type 2: 328
Gestational: 4
Parents: 49

As you can see the board is for everyone affected by diabetes and it doesn't matter what form you have/don't have - it is all about support!
Thanks Admin - just what I suggested in post #4. There must be some people who actually fit into 2 categories eg parents with type 1 or 2 or gestational themselves and a child with type 1 (and the child may be way over 16 or 18 - they're still a vhild to the parents) or carer.
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