How many type 1's and how many type 2's do we have on this forum

Are you type 1 or type 2

  • Type 1

    Votes: 46 59.7%
  • Type 2

    Votes: 31 40.3%

  • Total voters
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Diabetic Pilot

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
How many type 1's and how many type 2's do we have on this forum?
Looking at the poll now I'd say more type 1 than type 2, but when I responded to the poll earlier it was more type 2 than type 1.

I feel we are all diabetic, although we have different ways of controlling things, and everyones opinion is important, type 1 or type 2.

This forum is a usefull place for getting information, and as intelligent human beings it is up to us to decide which will work for us and which wont. We are all different with a common problem!
One trouble is that it is not always clear cut which type you are. I was diagnosed T2 but I am not insulin resistant and I'm now insulin dependant so my diabetes and treatment more closely resemble T1. As I am down as T2, however, I can't get a DAFNE course, have had to teach myself to carb count and would not be considered for a pump. It shouldn't be the case but in some respects T2s are considered second class diabetics by the NHS.
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Rather than a poll, for a more complete result, you could look at each individual profile to discover Type 1 / Type 2 / parent carer, but that will include "lurkers", not just those who post, it doesn't give you the info re eg Type 2s who use insulin. Or, perhaps Admin could summarise this info monthly / every 2 months / every 6 months?
The only thing I'd say is that there is also those in the middle ground, the Type 1.5's/LADA/LADY/MODY etc. As I'm neither type 1 or type 2 I won't vote in the poll so it doesn't skew the results.

Would be nice if this was also available in the profiles too. Hint hint! ;-)
i hate the type 1 and 2 it should just be diabetic ...... iam supposed to be type 2 yet i have a pump .... at one point i was on 1800 units of insulin a day by 27 syringe injections ,,,, am i obese noooo am i unhealthy ,,,, nooooo did i have symptoms of being diabetic ,,, noooo
so i wont vote in the poll i dont want to post much as because iam classed as type 2 and have a pump i feel sometimes the type 1's dont like it which isnt my fault does diabetes run in my family yes more type 1's iam the only 2 ... did i ask for the pump no,,, was offered it because i basically ran out of injection sites plus the good side now on about 800 units a day and its not for what i eat so if i upset any type 1 then sorry but iam sick of being classed in a system that ohhh it must be your fault type 2 cenerio
there my rant over
The only thing I'd say is that there is also those in the middle ground, the Type 1.5's/LADA/LADY/MODY etc. As I'm neither type 1 or type 2 I won't vote in the poll so it doesn't skew the results.

Would be nice if this was also available in the profiles too. Hint hint! ;-)

me too I'll not vote either, I wish we could set our profiles so that we can put other options that type1 or type 2,
I think this is really a poll of people who respond to surveys rather than the make-up of the forum i.e. maybe more Type 1s respond to the survey, but there may be many more Type 2's who don't!🙂
i hate the type 1 and 2 it should just be diabetic ...... iam supposed to be type 2 yet i have a pump .... at one point i was on 1800 units of insulin a day by 27 syringe injections ,,,, am i obese noooo am i unhealthy ,,,, nooooo did i have symptoms of being diabetic ,,, noooo
so i wont vote in the poll i dont want to post much as because iam classed as type 2 and have a pump i feel sometimes the type 1's dont like it which isnt my fault does diabetes run in my family yes more type 1's iam the only 2 ... did i ask for the pump no,,, was offered it because i basically ran out of injection sites plus the good side now on about 800 units a day and its not for what i eat so if i upset any type 1 then sorry but iam sick of being classed in a system that ohhh it must be your fault type 2 cenerio
there my rant over

We are all diabetic and we're all different:D I'm intrigued by your insulin requirements. Have you been offered any explanation why it is so high? (if you don't mind sharing, of course).
i hate the type 1 and 2 it should just be diabetic ...... iam supposed to be type 2 yet i have a pump .... at one point i was on 1800 units of insulin a day by 27 syringe injections ,,,, am i obese noooo am i unhealthy ,,,, nooooo did i have symptoms of being diabetic ,,, noooo
so i wont vote in the poll i dont want to post much as because iam classed as type 2 and have a pump i feel sometimes the type 1's dont like it which isnt my fault does diabetes run in my family yes more type 1's iam the only 2 ... did i ask for the pump no,,, was offered it because i basically ran out of injection sites plus the good side now on about 800 units a day and its not for what i eat so if i upset any type 1 then sorry but iam sick of being classed in a system that ohhh it must be your fault type 2 cenerio
there my rant over

This seems a bit aggressive... I don't think any type 1s on this forum would be annoyed at you having a pump, and I've never seen anyone here suggest that their diabetes is more important than someone else's. It sounds more like you're annoyed at the (false) stereotype that all type 2s are obese and unhealthy and type 1s are just unlucky. I think the people on this forum are very clued up about diabetes and we know that the stereotypes aren't true.
i hate the type 1 and 2 it should just be diabetic ...... iam supposed to be type 2 yet i have a pump .... at one point i was on 1800 units of insulin a day by 27 syringe injections ,,,, am i obese noooo am i unhealthy ,,,, nooooo did i have symptoms of being diabetic ,,, noooo
so i wont vote in the poll i dont want to post much as because iam classed as type 2 and have a pump i feel sometimes the type 1's dont like it which isnt my fault does diabetes run in my family yes more type 1's iam the only 2 ... did i ask for the pump no,,, was offered it because i basically ran out of injection sites plus the good side now on about 800 units a day and its not for what i eat so if i upset any type 1 then sorry but iam sick of being classed in a system that ohhh it must be your fault type 2 cenerio
there my rant over

I think this is a little unfair, I don't think any of us on here begrudge someone getting the treatment they need, regardless if they are type 1 or 2. Sure I'm frustrated that I can't get one but I don't have a problem with the people that do.
I don't have any issue with a separation between type 1 and 2, if anything maybe there should be further distinctions but I do feel that there is plently that links us whatever type we have and I think it's a shame that there seems to be almost a rivalry, in both directions, real or imagined, between different types.
i dont mind northener no explanation just my body just doesnt know what insulin is so kinda ignores it some could say resistance or as one person did say gawd you should be dead of insulin overdose .... i just thought yes well iam still standing and my now of course normal range is anything below 7 is a hpyo and anything over 45 is hyper i am for 15 at all times like i say thats way high for some but for me its normal so i go in the freak range those my words no one elses just funny when the diabetic nurse comes out in sweats when she would normally up doses by say 1 -2 units my average was 50- 100 units at a time (pre pump)like i say iam diabetic nothing more or less no numbers just diabetic ..... funny when you completely confuse a paramedic bs is 8 iam out cold hypo mode when really on his words erm you should be hyper lol made his day

This seems a bit aggressive... I don't think any type 1s on this forum would be annoyed at you having a pump, and I've never seen anyone here suggest that their diabetes is more important than someone else's. It sounds more like you're annoyed at the (false) stereotype that all type 2s are obese and unhealthy and type 1s are just unlucky. I think the people on this forum are very clued up about diabetes and we know that the stereotypes aren't true.

I beg to difer, there was a heated thread about who has what type and why and some people did get quite stroppy about how type 2's give type 1's a bad name and someone also said that all type 2's are obese so i see where skitzzz is coming from in respect to people maybe judging wrongly or unkindly
I beg to difer, there was a heated thread about who has what type and why and some people did get quite stroppy about how type 2's give type 1's a bad name and someone also said that all type 2's are obese so i see where skitzzz is coming from in respect to people maybe judging wrongly or unkindly

I still think it was an over-reaction. The VAST majority of people here are really supportive.
The vast majority of people using these forums are supportive While I don't want to be any kind of diabetic, if I wasn't, I wouldn't be using these forums and making friends.

I think being type 1 or type 2 is a bit like black and white with all the shades of grey in between. One is not better or worse than the other, we are a collection of individulas with diabetes in common.

I also don't think there is any one cause for diabetes, there are many factors. I MIGHT have got it in any case as I have two family members who are, but I am also in some of the other risk groups too.
wow, I am really sorry everyone

I am really sorry everyone, I didn't start this to cause offense or upset any memebers. We are all the same and we are all one. I was just curious question I had in my head at the time, I wasnt trying to start a competition or anything.

Type 1 or Type 2 or 1.5 w/e you classify yourself, I dont dislike anyone, or why would I be campaigning for pilots with "Diabetes".

Sorry again everyone,

Admin close this thread if you feel approrpriate.
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i hate the type 1 and 2 it should just be diabetic ...... iam supposed to be type 2 yet i have a pump .... at one point i was on 1800 units of insulin a day by 27 syringe injections ,,,, am i obese noooo am i unhealthy ,,,, nooooo did i have symptoms of being diabetic ,,, noooo
so i wont vote in the poll i dont want to post much as because iam classed as type 2 and have a pump i feel sometimes the type 1's dont like it which isnt my fault does diabetes run in my family yes more type 1's iam the only 2 ... did i ask for the pump no,,, was offered it because i basically ran out of injection sites plus the good side now on about 800 units a day and its not for what i eat so if i upset any type 1 then sorry but iam sick of being classed in a system that ohhh it must be your fault type 2 cenerio
there my rant over
Hi my son is type 1 diagnosed 6 weeks ago. Discussing his diabetes with his singing teacher, it appears that she comes from a family of 250 on one side and 150 on the other side who all have diabetes, some type 1 and some type 2, and they have been told that theyre type 2 is a genetic fault and has nothing to do with lifestyle choices etc.. And even if it were a lifestyle choice (and i am not saying yours is) does it matter? You are still diabetic, with all of the challenges that diabetes throws at you, so i wouldnt worry what other people think, it really doesnt matter, just focus on staying healthy, it really is all that matters! Bev
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