How many hypos?

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The whole thing seems impossible at times and I have decided that no longer will I strive for perfection!!!!!!!

I think thats good striving for perfection will only drive you mad. sometimes things just happen and you end up high or low for know known reason, trying to work out what caused every single reading is too much.
We have diabetes and are manually doing the job of a complex organ and the majority of us are doing a pretty decent job when you think about it.
Hi All,

I've just had a look at my spreadsheets that I use to record my blood sugars on. Over this month and I've had twelve hypos. A good month I think.

Tom H
at the min i have between 2 and 4 hypos per day (not so good at the mo) but i am having real problems controlling my bg levels and i cant figure it out either.
I have 1 per month on average,I have done dafne but was told 2/3 a week is quite a lot as the more you have the more more your brain gets used to the symptoms and the less warning you get. That is not until BG drops way low. Having said that its not easy is it and
3 a week is way better than 6 surely. so well done.
i have read the page before sue and even asked my consultant and dn today about it as i had to go for my 2 weekly check and they were both in agreement that its nothing to do with the type of insulin i'm on, but more likely due to my poor control for many years and that my body is not used to having insulin to use. we have all agreed to monitor it for the next 3 weeks and if it carry's on the to look at something else.
i have read the page before sue and even asked my consultant and dn today about it as i had to go for my 2 weekly check and they were both in agreement that its nothing to do with the type of insulin i'm on, but more likely due to my poor control for many years and that my body is not used to having insulin to use. we have all agreed to monitor it for the next 3 weeks and if it carry's on the to look at something else.

The trouble is MIke no consultant will admit that the insulin is at fault. Now if a diabetic using porcine or bovine had the problems you have that insulin would be blamed.
I had exactly the same problem with a particular insulin as you are having a change of insulin solved all problems.
I have a young friend who was moved to lantus and novolog the result was dreadful so they then moved him over to levemir. Now this lad has always been compliant with his diabetes. He ended up with 14 DKA in 11 mths his blood sugars would go from 1.1 to HI in a matter of an hour. Now that meter was not being friendly by saying Hi was it?
He was blamed for the bad control told he was a mental case etc. I told him about the animal insulins.
He had to fight dam hard to get it but he did get it and the difference in him is amazing. He is now in control again and he feels well for the 1st time in years.
You have to remember these so called insulin's are a lot of chemicals and additives mixed in a pot. So theres a very good chance you are reacting to one of the ingredients.
thats what i asked my consultant when this all started sue and to give him his due's he arranged for me to have allergy tests to rule out ingredients in my insulin. he has told me the most probable cause is my bad control for years and that once my body gets used to havin control again it should settle down. however he has also said if itsnt better by the next time i go he will look more closely at swapping my insulins round as he has had patients in the past who had reactions to being swapped from synthetic to bovine/pork insulins.
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