How many Diabetics in your family?

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diabetes in the family


Just me in my family (unlucky)!!. Type 1, diagnosed 2.5 years ago.:(
Up until recently I've have said just me (T1) and my grandad (T2) but my grandmother told us the other day, after I've been diabetic for 5 years (!), that her nephew (does that mean my 2nd cousin?) is T1.
Around 15 members I think, but it's growing all the time.

Me, my brother, my mum, my grandad (before he died), then there was my grandads brother and sister and their relatives that I'm not in contact with.

We are a MODY family though

Dad, Aunt, Grandpa (deceased), plus various of my dad's cousin's and their kids - I don't know how many exactly. Me and at least one sister have the gene so will probably get it too, one day. I also have a second cousin who is type 1, on my mum's side.

Like sofaraway I'm from a MODY family.
Just me. 😎
My brother (t1 from 14 yrs) my other brother just found out currently t2, my mother before she died (t1 from age 20) both of my mothers parents and grandparents aswell and myself just getting checked for 1.5! after been told i was t2 when i am 34 and 2 stone underweight.
Brother type 1 diagnosed 35 years ago when in his 30s He had had a viral infection, aunt on mothers side with Diabetese tablet controlled later in life.
Mother no longer with us, brother said when he told our mother he was a diabetic, she burst into tears our mother was not the emoitonal type so he was suprised at her reaction, he never asked her why, we think possibly was daibetese further back in family, have yet to do a trace. Me type 2 for last 19

mixture of both

In my family I have Son age 10 Type 1
My sister age 44 Type 1
interestingly both diagnosed age 4 in the month of September but 40 years apart.
Dad type 2
Uncle type2
up until a couple of years ago i was the only one in my family with the dreaded diabetes, but now my mum and auntie (dads sister) both have type 2. so i am still unique in my family as i am the only type1 and other than the 3 of us who have diabetes there has never been anyone else in the family with it at all. (i know this due to the fact most of my family i have traced in my family tree lived to a very ripe old age)
Most of the males on my grandparents side have developed T2 when they got to their 60's.

I am the first T1 and was dianosed 8 years ago when I was 26.
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