How low can you go.(hbA1c)

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I have to agree with John here. For me as a T2 my objective is to avoid complications and ruining whatever insulin production I still have. I don't know if I can get lower than my last reading because I really haven't been eating to a plan, I just restrict my carbs and it has worked for me.
I have to agree with John here. For me as a T2 my objective is to avoid complications and ruining whatever insulin production I still have. I don't know if I can get lower than my last reading because I really haven't been eating to a plan, I just restrict my carbs and it has worked for me.
................and doing a great job of it too Knapweed from looking at your signature.

Great stuff! Keep on track!

Very best wishes - John
After diagnosis I got my HbA1c down to 5.2% which my GP said a non diabetic would be pleased with - without medication or insulin - just healthy eating and lots of exercise (mainly running). Since then I got it down to 4.5%, 4.4% then 4.9%. Another test due tomorrow. I lost 4 stones and definitely feel better.

After diagnosis I got my HbA1c down to 5.2% which my GP said a non diabetic would be pleased with - without medication or insulin - just healthy eating and lots of exercise (mainly running). Since then I got it down to 4.5%, 4.4% then 4.9%. Another test due tomorrow. I lost 4 stones and definitely feel better.

Great stuff that Richard! Well done!

I'd be interested to know what sort of diet you eat?

Best wishes - John
After diagnosis I got my HbA1c down to 5.2% which my GP said a non diabetic would be pleased with - without medication or insulin - just healthy eating and lots of exercise (mainly running). Since then I got it down to 4.5%, 4.4% then 4.9%. Another test due tomorrow. I lost 4 stones and definitely feel better.


Blimey, that's terrific Richard - hope the next one goes as well! I don't think there's anything wrong with having such low levels, but I do doubt that they can be applied to everyone as a goal. As long as you're fit and healthy, that's great, but I do worry that some people who will never attain that without possibly compromising other areas of their health or quality of life will feel as though they are failing if they get a result of 5.x or 6.x
4.1 is very impressive. Mine varies from 5.2 to below 6.5 which feels ok for me. I don't believe i could get it lower without suffering hypo regularly. Like everything else, it's about balance and we're all different.
When i'm running a bit high i swear i can 'feel' the sugar in my system. I itch and start to feel generally sluggish.
My doc thinks i'm mad when i say this but i know i'm right. My kids often play a guess dad's level game with me before i test and we're all bloody good at it now. In fact, the kids are as good as me! I know my body better than doc does . He's not diabetic!
The problem I have with targets is that they are ever being lowered. This seems to apply to HbA1c, cholesterol and BP for instance. You seem to be chasing a moving target. My BMI is below 25 and yet last year my DSN said I was overweight! The cholesterol one has been well documented here. Mine is 4.1 but I am offered statins regularly. Statins seem to have become a ?cradle to grave? drug. Initially the starting level for taking statins was above 6.0, then 5.0 and now 4.0, but then it also varies between clinics. My target HbA1c is set at 6.5 and I struggle to achieve it. I have been told people on insulin running much lower are in danger of losing symptoms of hypos, which could in some circumstances lead indirectly to injury or even death. People on diet and tablets, or diet alone, have a far far lower risk of having a hypo so can achieve lower HbA1c levels than those on insulin. This is of course ?on average? as we are all different
I agree, by running my bms at 4.0 all day I have less hypo awareness. all I get these days is feeling a little tired but nothing as extreme as the sweating shaky feelin I used to get, I was in the diab antenatal clinic yest and when the nurse tested my bm it was 2.1 and i was having a normal coversation with her, so is a bit scary to think u can appear completely normal at that level!!😱

But as I say I will be running at 7/8 the days after her birth so I can get my symptoms back lol (eventhough they do suck)

I thought it was weird that the last 4 times I had my bp tested it was 98/60 ish and they only say something if its sky high lol soooo hard to be diabetic tho seems like these days the only place I can go without a urine sample is to my sisters for a cup of tea lol

I think its also worth remembering that there is a difference between how people glycate - and according to this link there can be as much as a 3% difference in hba1c even when 2 people have the same 'average' blood meter readings. So you could be trying as much as the next person - but your body dictates whether its able to be as efficient at glycation as the other person.

There is a parent on the other list who has 2 diabetic children and they are both on pumps. She often achieves 96% in range for both children and their hba1c is 7.1. This isnt awful, but you would think they would be in the 5's with a result like this. 🙂Bev
Blimey, that's terrific Richard - hope the next one goes as well! I don't think there's anything wrong with having such low levels, but I do doubt that they can be applied to everyone as a goal. As long as you're fit and healthy, that's great, but I do worry that some people who will never attain that without possibly compromising other areas of their health or quality of life will feel as though they are failing if they get a result of 5.x or 6.x

Great stuff that Richard! Well done!

I'd be interested to know what sort of diet you eat?

Best wishes - John

Thanks Northerner and John

I agree such low levels are unacievable for some. I was fortunate to be diagnosed when my HbA1c was (only) 7.7.

My diet:
Breakfast - Muesli (no added sugar, 3 spoons) with fat free natural youghurt, and a banana, then porridge with semi skimmed milk (when I get to work).

Lunch - soup (low saturated fat fat), a M&S cold pasta (usually with sun dried tomatoes and goats cheese) and an apple.

For Dinner , soup, a main course (varies but low saturated fat) and fresh fruit salad with fat free natural yoghurt.

For supper, a slice of burgen bread with cottage cheese.

I drink tea (herbal) with no milk or sugar, snack on dried fruit and nuts. Rarely eat sweets chocolate, etc.

Thanks for that summary Richard - I find it useful!

That sounds a very well balanced diet to me. A little more starchy carbohydrate than I'd have expected you to say but most of the rest of your diet is quite similar to what I eat.

As you know, by keeping doing what you are doing and your results in that general area should keep you well clear of diabetic complications. That's what I'm trying to achieve!

Very best wishes - John
Thanks for that summary Richard - I find it useful!

That sounds a very well balanced diet to me. A little more starchy carbohydrate than I'd have expected you to say but most of the rest of your diet is quite similar to what I eat.

As you know, by keeping doing what you are doing and your results in that general area should keep you well clear of diabetic complications. That's what I'm trying to achieve!

Very best wishes - John

Thanks, John. It is fairly high in starchy carb, so I guess that may be the next area to address if my HbA1c goes up. For the time being I'm probably balancing it with exercise.
Thanks, John. It is fairly high in starchy carb, so I guess that may be the next area to address if my HbA1c goes up. For the time being I'm probably balancing it with exercise.

It's an important point Richard - it you are very active, your body will work best using carbs as an energy source and eating them won't compromise your control - this is what I have found also.
Thanks, John. It is fairly high in starchy carb, so I guess that may be the next area to address if my HbA1c goes up. For the time being I'm probably balancing it with exercise.
Yes Richard - It's great that you are in front so to speak and know what you would do next.

However, maybe because of the short time that you had been diabetic before you got things sorted out could mean that you will never need to do anything more than you are doing now.

It's a great inspirational story - keep telling it! Shout it from the rooftops!

Best wishes - John
Yes Richard - It's great that you are in front so to speak and know what you would do next.

However, maybe because of the short time that you had been diabetic before you got things sorted out could mean that you will never need to do anything more than you are doing now.

It's a great inspirational story - keep telling it! Shout it from the rooftops!

Best wishes - John

Just got my latest HbA1c - 4.3%!

It can be done via healthy eating and exercise, though in my case I was diagnosed relatively early I hope others can take inspiration to lower theirs as far as they can.

Just got my latest HbA1c - 4.3%!

It can be done via healthy eating and exercise, though in my case I was diagnosed relatively early I hope others can take inspiration to lower theirs as far as they can.

An absolutely marvelous result Richard - 4% Club!

Now that really is a very exclusive Club! I hope to join you there before very long at all. Hope that I will make it!

Very best wishes - John
An absolutely marvelous result Richard - 4% Club!

Now that really is a very exclusive Club! I hope to join you there before very long at all. Hope that I will make it!

Very best wishes - John

Thanks John and Steff.

I'm sure we'll be welcoming you to the 4% club soon, John. Think positive!

Congratulations on your HBA1c Richard.
It may well be impossible for me to join you because I show all the symptoms of hypoglycemia if I go lower than 4.5.
Doctor tells me to carry on doing what I am doing as I feel great and my numbers are at a reasonable level I think his advice works for me. The saying, "we are all different" springs to mind.🙂
You must feel so positive about this excellent result and I notice that your diet is very similar to mine.

Congratulations on your HBA1c Richard.
It may well be impossible for me to join you because I show all the symptoms of hypoglycemia if I go lower than 4.5.
Doctor tells me to carry on doing what I am doing as I feel great and my numbers are at a reasonable level I think his advice works for me. The saying, "we are all different" springs to mind.🙂
You must feel so positive about this excellent result and I notice that your diet is very similar to mine.


Thanks, Maisie

I am really pleased. Agree we're all different though and it looks like you've found the right balance too - well done!

The other positive for me is that I prefer to eat what I do now to what I used to eat. After giving up sweets, for example, for a couple of weeks I don't like them now so don't miss them

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