@RichardS have you tried the Medtrum CGM?
I too react to the pump glue and use Hyperfix tape but they use a different glue for the CGM and I don't get any reaction from it.
It's nice having all the data on one app rather than having to jump between two (I used to have LIbre which I read through xDrip+). But I really like having the auto suspend function - when the CGM notices my levels are going too low, it suspends the pump. And it is cheaper than the Dexcom (and produces less rubbish).
I am self funding the CGM at the moment but plan to plead my case at my appointment next month.
I too react to the pump glue and use Hyperfix tape but they use a different glue for the CGM and I don't get any reaction from it.
It's nice having all the data on one app rather than having to jump between two (I used to have LIbre which I read through xDrip+). But I really like having the auto suspend function - when the CGM notices my levels are going too low, it suspends the pump. And it is cheaper than the Dexcom (and produces less rubbish).
I am self funding the CGM at the moment but plan to plead my case at my appointment next month.