How is your diabetes care?

How is your diabetes care?

  • Utterly brilliant!

    Votes: 13 18.8%
  • On the whole not bad

    Votes: 23 33.3%
  • Neither good or bad, a few issues

    Votes: 11 15.9%
  • Needs a lot of improvement

    Votes: 10 14.5%
  • Awful! Might as well treat myself!

    Votes: 12 17.4%

  • Total voters
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My care is under Grampian NHS in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

I voted utterly brilliant. Before doing DAFNE it was ok, but since then I can't fault it.

I've got email addresses and telephone numbers for my DSN and Dietician who both ran the DAFNE course so I can get hold of them whenever I need. They even use a DAFNE Excel spreadsheet I made for them so that people can send them their BG, Insulin and carb data to look at if they need pointing in the right direction.

Clinic appointments have improved and theres a lot less waiting around.

On the whole, no complaints from me at the moment.

I voted the second option. My DSN is pretty good and contacts me about once a week to have a chat. The doctors will prescribe all the testing strips I need without any fuss and they run a pretty good diabetes clinic, the practise nurse has an interest in diabetes and is always available for a chat if I need someone to talk to. However, there is no DAFNE available in the area and they won't let me go somewhere else (I suppose I could find out about paying for it myself but expect it will cost a lot!). I became diabetic almost overnight, due to severe pancreatitis, in May last year and have been dealing with it since I was discharged from hospital in Sept. I haven't seen a consultant yet, although have seen the dietician and a podiatrist a couple of times. Overall, I'm fairly happy with the service in my area (although would like to know a lot more about DAFNE or something similar). It's a bit difficult to tell if the service is good or not, or what's missing from the care - what you've never had you don't miss!
I voted the second option. My DSN is pretty good and contacts me about once a week to have a chat. The doctors will prescribe all the testing strips I need without any fuss and they run a pretty good diabetes clinic, the practise nurse has an interest in diabetes and is always available for a chat if I need someone to talk to. However, there is no DAFNE available in the area and they won't let me go somewhere else (I suppose I could find out about paying for it myself but expect it will cost a lot!). I became diabetic almost overnight, due to severe pancreatitis, in May last year and have been dealing with it since I was discharged from hospital in Sept. I haven't seen a consultant yet, although have seen the dietician and a podiatrist a couple of times. Overall, I'm fairly happy with the service in my area (although would like to know a lot more about DAFNE or something similar). It's a bit difficult to tell if the service is good or not, or what's missing from the care - what you've never had you don't miss!

The PCT have to provide some sort of structured education, so they are failing in their duty to you if they cannot provide it.
Thanks, Northerner. I'll start chasing them on Monday and see what I can push them into! I know they have something for Type 2s but was told it isn't suitable for me as a Type 1. I believe there aren't very many Type 1s in this area so the service is more geared to the Type 2s. The local Diabetes UK support group only has one Type 1 member!
I voted for the last option because to be honest my treatment from my surgery has been soooo bad.
I was diagnosed the beginning of November, put on Metformin and Simvastatin. The Simvastatin caused me no end of problems (not sleeping, muscular aches, indigestion, constipation - everything really). Had to arrange educational classes myself and given no information from my surgery. I came off the Simvastatin after two weeks (have since found out my cholestrol is 4.9). Saw my Doctor the end of November and she insists I go back on Simvastatin but I should go on antidepressants as well. I resisted and said I would do it my diet and exercise. She said she would see me again in 6 weeks (which is this week). Honestly, I know I was pretty low but let's face it diabetes is a shock when you think you are fit! At my educational class I mentioned that I was feeling so bad all the time - they looked at my figures and suggested that I should not be on metformin as it was bringing by blood glugose too low. They suggested I come off it and they would write to my Doctor. To be on the safe side I got myself a blood glucose monitor and checked myself. Sure enough while on Metformin my readings averaged 2! Came off the medicine and I average between 4 and 6 which I don't think is good. I now live a normal life, can do all the things I did before, like walking and cycling Went for my cholestrol and HBA1c test on Friday - just had a call from the surgery to say everything is fine and the Doctor does not need to see me. The receptionist would not give me any figures so I have insisted I see the Doctor. Am waiting an appointment. I have never seen the DSN, but Poole Hospital have been brilliant and I can ring them anytime. My vote was for my surgery. Unfortunately, it will be difficult for me to change Doctors as I live on Purbeck and we only have the one surgery. Shall see what her response is when I see her next.
Hang on, your blood sugars are veering between 4 and 6? Those are really good numbers, really good. In fact, they're normal. What were they when you were diagnosed?
After my glucose test they were14.5. I should have said I thought between 4-6 were good! I have gone up occassionally to 9 but that was two hours after eating something I should not have had.

By the way, I have an appointment with the Doctor for Wednesday morning.

I could not have got through the last 3 months without this site. I have learnt so much.
After my glucose test they were14.5. I should have said I thought between 4-6 were good! I have gone up occassionally to 9 but that was two hours after eating something I should not have had.

By the way, I have an appointment with the Doctor for Wednesday morning.

I could not have got through the last 3 months without this site. I have learnt so much.

Good luck at the doctors annie hope it goes well, your like many of us this place has been a god send xx

take care
After my glucose test they were14.5. I should have said I thought between 4-6 were good! I have gone up occassionally to 9 but that was two hours after eating something I should not have had.

By the way, I have an appointment with the Doctor for Wednesday morning.

I could not have got through the last 3 months without this site. I have learnt so much.
I feel the same way about this place, I'm so glad I found it. I hope the docs appointment goes well. Don't take the statins if you feel they aren't needed.
Hi. I just joined this forum so that I could have a wee rant about the standard of diabetes care in NHS Highland. It is truly dire. When I moved back to Scotland 6 years ago, I was told by the diabetes nurse specialist and the Health & Safety officer at Raigmore that Sharps bins were not prescribable in Scotland, and that I should dispose of my used needles, syringes and lancets in the household waste! It took me a year to get an admission from the Scottish Health Dept that yes, they were on prescription. Presumably they are not disseminating this information to patients and surgeries to cut costs. How much it would cost them if some poor refuse collector stabbed himself is anybody's guess. The litany goes on. 20 months between retinopaphy screenings, no podiatrist appointment in 6 years, etc. I was told that my insulin would be changed to deal with changes in my medical condition. That will be 2 years ago in July, and I'm still waiting.
It's a pity this poll wasn't broken down by area, to give a more comprehensive idea of the postcode levels of care which seem to apply in diabetes.
I posted the 1st option as I think my team are very good at the hospital and my GP surgery also check me out once a year. I see my DSN approx every couple of months and I see the dr's at the clinic twice a year. I have an annual review for cardiac/asthma and diabetes at my GP surgery around my birthday so have just had that done. I have no problems in getting insulin/tablets or test strips, and the pharmacy I use is excellent (Lloyds).. I am in Epsom, Surrey.
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