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"How I cured myself of diabetes"

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.
Some of the comments on the thread are really sad. Has there always been this "mine is worse than yours - boo hoo!" kind of thing going on or is it something new? I think it's very sad that some people commenting are saying that it's offensive to type 1s for them to talk about a cure when "type 1s can only dream of one", well surely it's offensive to type 2s too as there is none for either?! I know I like to whinge but come on - "my diabetes is worse than your diabetes so ner!" is really pathetic...
From my experience the friction bewteen types is fairly common, and other forums this is really evident. Here though I've almost never seen it which has been really nice.
Lisa, type 1 diabetes isn't something you are born with, it is something you develop... I was a non-diabetic for 18 years.
Aaah sorry for my ignorance, I always thought it was a lifelong thing - sorry 😱
Aaah sorry for my ignorance, I always thought it was a lifelong thing - sorry 😱

No worries!

I just like people to know that I didn't have to inject myself etc for 18 years of my life, so I was like everyone else once apon a time 😉
I get questions a lot of the time...

I just explain I'm a Type 2. Insulin is needed to let the cells in the body use the glucose in my blood. My body has a resistance to insulin made by my pancreas. I take tablets and exercise to keep my blood glucose to a safe levels. A Type 1 diabetic cannot produce their own insulin and has to inject insulin. Some Type 2s need extra insulin through injections.

Why can't the papers state these facts?
God damn journo's sensationalising things as usual. Not much excitement in "Woman controls diabetes by eating healthy, exercising and losing weight"

Diabetes is such a complicated condition for both type 1's and type 2's (and type 1.5's and LADA, MODY, etc) I feel having been diabetic for 13 years I myself am still learning all the time so what chance do non-diabetics have when they are being told we can "cure ourselves" by rediculous articles such as these.

If diabetes could be "cured" do you not think we'd all already be forming an orderly queue at our local GP/NHS trust?

You know, I would have taken the warnings I had more seriously if I hadn't been told that type 2 was curable if you lost weight. I figured there was no rush to start being more healthy and it wouldn't happen to me anyway, or at least not til I was old. And then it did, and I thought - oh well, yeah it's a big deal but it's curable right? When the nurse told me it wasnt and it's progressive in most people, THAT's when I woke up and realised how stupid I'd been. So stories like this really pee me off, as some people might also be ignoring the warnings they get because they think it's nothing to worry about.
Ps. I left another message on the DM apologising for the ignorance on type 1...sorry about that.
Lisa - it's exactly stories like these that lead to our own ignorance too!! I know I certainly have some ignorance about T2, and I'm T1, what on earth must the general public think!?? What a stupid article.

Going back to an earlier comment - I also hate the term 'mild diabetic' as I've been described before: 'She doesn't have it badly' 😱
''How I cured myself of diabetes''

First of all, what a misleading statement!😡

It is impossible to cure yourself from diabetes. Diabetes is a lifelong condition where, as yet there are no medical advancements to restore normal pancreatic function.

What this lady had successfully achieved is to eat a diet which is compatible to the amount of insulin her pancreas still produces. As she is type 2, it looks like her body can produce sufficient insulin to match the low-carb diet that she obviously is currently eating. The problem before, as she admits herself, was that she was eating a diet consisting of glucose (chocolate) and fish & chips/takeaways which are extremely high carb foods. Therefore, her pancreas could not cope and medication would have been necessary.

This lady certainly has not cured herself, and she will always be classed as having diabetes. What she has achieved, is to control her diabetes by diet, which many other type 2's successfully do.

i have to say when i read this article i was left dumbstruck that a journalist would even think of putting a piece of work out like this! it is sensationalism at best! the lady clearly is still diabeteic but has been able to get herself to diet and exercise control alone! i for one would love to be diabetes free, but alas i am not able to be and i am ok with that. i have been type1 for a decade now and still i wouldnt say i know everything about diabetes.

as for the snobery between type1's and type2's i would have to say it would be very stupid if it existed. i for one feel we are all in this and no matter type1 or type2 we need to put pressure on the world to hear our voice.
Ive lost over 4 stone now in 7 months my consultant says in 6 to 12 months i will be coming off insulin. my long term HbA1c is 7.5 down from 10 a 25% drop, still need to do more another 1 1/2 st though. 😛 eat healthly and our diabetes will improve but never disapear
Well done Stute, I'd love to know how you've done it - I'm vastly overweight (roughly double what I should be at most) and I've lost roughly a stone so far but dont feel any better yet (dont know what my bloods are as I'm not allowed to test).
Yeah, this losing weight malarkey isn't half as easy as they make out in the papers and magasines. This does really annoy me, but i'll stop that rant there i think...So anyway, losing any weight is a real achievement, well done!

There's two other points to this story, firstly "woman controlls diabetes through healthy living" isn't going to sell any papers. Secondly, she's not just any random woman, she's a hairdresser with celebrity clients! Clearly a woman who dresses the hair and chats with Elle McPherson and Sadie Frost can't be expected to be in the same boat as the rest of us. She's obviously much more important than we are and therefore her diabetes must be either more or less serious. (please note the tone of sarcasm in this paragraph, if you happen to be a good friend of a celebrity, i'm sorry, i'm sure they're really nice in real life...)
Personally. i'm quite glad i'm not Sadie Frost's hairdresser, for one i'm crap with hair and secondly i'd have to confess, i fancy her ex-husband..🙂

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.