"How I cured myself of diabetes"

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Oooh, there's lots of little bits in that I take issue with, good old Daily Mail eh?!

May need to go into more detail and fly off a bit of an email this evening!

Also interesting to see that the comments section at the bottom of the article has descended into 'T1 vs T2', so ridiculous but sadly something I've seen so many times before, really glad we avoid that here!

Thanks for the posting the link!
In most instances, the main cause is being overweight. 'I'd brought it on myself through stress, eating the wrong foods and not exercising,'

What I really dislike about this kind of reporting is the way that people are made to feel guilty for becoming diabetic, and then made to feel even guiltier if they are unable to 'reverse the condition' by lifestyle modifications i.e. diet and exercise. Sure, some may be able to control their diabetes in this manner, but it is also possible that, however hard some people try, it is not enough. It does mention this in the article, but the overall tone is 'get off your fat a**es and stop whining' - similar to telling someone who is clinically depressed to 'snap out of it' or someone with cancer to 'fight it'. There's no doubt some stories can be truly inspirational, but this kind of story is more of a wagging finger and blame-exercise in my view.

Rant over!😱
A little knowledge is often dangerous - add a journalist and the combination has the potential to become er, even more dangerous.
Surely they have just totally contradicted themselves:

"Two years ago, Janet was able to stop taking her medication completely. She still sees her GP for check-ups every three months. But she no longer experiences any diabetes symptoms, although officially she is still a diabetic"

So shes not cured, shes diet controlled. Its a shame this isnt seen as the achievement it is in itself without attaching a ludicrous, (medically impossible!) headline.

Surely they have just totally contradicted themselves:

"Two years ago, Janet was able to stop taking her medication completely. She still sees her GP for check-ups every three months. But she no longer experiences any diabetes symptoms, although officially she is still a diabetic"

So shes not cured, shes diet controlled. Its a shame this isnt seen as the achievement it is in itself without attaching a ludicrous, (medically impossible!) headline.


We're only jealous because we're type 1's and are so bad and evil we can't be cured, and even if we could we wouldn't want to be cured 🙄
Bloody journos. Even if you gave them the complete facts in an easy to digest, journalist friendly format (ideally aimed for those with the intellect of a labrador) they could still get things wrong and twist them out of proportion.
I wish they hadn't used the cure word in the title. She's not cured, she is now diet controlled and would likely fail a GTT.
Oooh, there's lots of little bits in that I take issue with, good old Daily Mail eh?!

May need to go into more detail and fly off a bit of an email this evening!

Also interesting to see that the comments section at the bottom of the article has descended into 'T1 vs T2', so ridiculous but sadly something I've seen so many times before, really glad we avoid that here!

Thanks for the posting the link!

I kind of left a message about that on there, isn't it sad that there is such "snobbery" (eg. my diabetes is better than your diabetes!). It's not the same but it's just as serious, just because overweight people are at higher risk doesn't mean all us fatties got diabetes because of that alone.
Of course it's misleading! It's from the Daily Fail!

I'm not even going to touch the main body of the article, but I do find a size 14-16 being classified as 'big' as a bit stupid.

They'd have a field day with me. I dont think one of my thighs is a size 14. But I've lost a stone so far and dont intend to stop til I'm healthy (no size limit on that IMO), that's all that matters.
We're only jealous because we're type 1's and are so bad and evil we can't be cured, and even if we could we wouldn't want to be cured 🙄

Thats not true, I "cure" myself all the time with a great big glass of wine. Its a miracle, levels come right down, no insulin required :D

I think the T1 vs T2 thing is really sad. Its society's lack of knowledge of our conditions which make some of us turn in on ourselves.

Thats why you guys and this place is so refreshing, we understand that carbs hate us all, whatever the original cause 🙂
I like the Daily Mail, but had to laugh when I read that article, as soon as I read the word "cure" I thought here we go... my dad who still hasn't grasped my diabetes will probably have read that and when I next speak to him he will tell me that I can cure myself... hmmmm 5 injections and 2000mg metformin a day to nothing.. I don't think so...

The other thing that annoys me is when people say "oh it's only mild diabetes" or like a dr said to me recently (orthopaedic), I see you have a little diabetes... !!!! as opposed to what large diabetes..
The other thing that annoys me is when people say "oh it's only mild diabetes" or like a dr said to me recently (orthopaedic), I see you have a little diabetes... !!!! as opposed to what large diabetes..

Funnily enough, I was told that I had "mild diabetes" too! 😱
If the last time an orthopaedic doctor had any training in diabetes was more than say 10 years ago, it's quite likely they heard type 2 diabetes described as "mild diabetes". Terminiology has moved on since then.
Totally agree. To be fair, I think what she was trying to convey is that we might have caught it before my levels were excessively high and possibly I had a better chance of getting it under control. Then again, I might be giving her too much credit!!
OMG I hate articles like this, the sad thing is the ppl who read it will believe it and be educated by it, albeit incorrectly!!!!!

I for one really want to campaign for better awareness for diabetes, both types....RANT RANT RANT!!!!!!!!!😡
It's amazing how ingnorant the press are concerning diabetes and as a result the general public by and large.

The amount of times you hear people saying type 2 diabetes is not as serious as type 1(so type 2's don't get complications like retinopathy or myopathy or kidney problems if they have bad control?), or the other common statement that all type 2 diabetics are overweight, never exersise and eat junk food all the time so it's their own fault they are diabetic! I know lots of type 2 diabetics that could not be considered in the slightest as being overweight and even if they were, no one deserves to have an illness like diabetes.

Maybe instead of putting alot of factually inaccurate and frankly insulting comments in the media they might try actually talking to the people who know best about diabetes, namely us!
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