How do you keep cool in this weather?

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I just went out to check on my plants in the poly tunnel and give them some more water and check on chucks. Opening the back door was like opening an oven door. The heat just blasted me. Even my bees are struggling with this heat!! They are all clustered around the base of the big tub I have my pumpkin in on the shaded side enjoying the damp cool and probably collecting moisture to take back to cool the hive. You would think it was a swarm there are so many there. Gave the pumpkin half a bucket of water to cool down both the plant and the bees! Surprisingly the poly tunnel isn't as hot as other parts of the garden but it is a green plastic cover rather than the clear colourless plastic that some use, so it is providing a little shade and it has vents on the sides. The tops of the tomato plants and the cucumbers are limp though.

I'm back in the house again now cooling off with a drink. Windows are staying firmly shut here. Way too hot to allow any of that outside air in.
I wet a hand towel with cold water and either drape it over my shoulders or over my legs depending on if I am moving about or sitting down :rofl:
That would be an example of "taking the p*ss"
Many people do that to me.
Let alone higher beings.
I obviously led a bad life
But in the tub at a pleasant 34 now, with a beer after the BBQ. 🙂
I find it really helps to keep wetting my face and shoulders.

we open windows early in the day, close them during the middle of the day and then open again as it cools (if it does) during the evening.

Today we actually had some big drops of rain, but it was very short lived. I still enjoyed juststanding out in it and cooling down however briefly.
I find it really helps to keep wetting my face and shoulders.

we open windows early in the day, close them during the middle of the day and then open again as it cools (if it does) during the evening.

Today we actually had some big drops of rain, but it was very short lived. I still enjoyed juststanding out in it and cooling down however briefly.

Short shower here as well, really pleasant.
But the neighbours must have been chasing the kids with a hosepipe.
We were in the tub and suddenly got a short sharp shock over the fence.
It was quite nice!
Hey guys,

So the weather has taken an extreme turn, to say the least!

I'm just wondering if anyone can share their tips for keeping cool? I've found carrying a spray bottle filled with water is a quick way to cool down when I'm out and about!

I hope everyone is managing okay, the UK definitely wasn't built for this 😱
I keep a small spray perfume bottle filled with an eau de cologne. The evaporation of the alcohol within keeps you cooler than just water. also I use Frio wallets to keep my daily insulin cool when out and about.
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