How do others lose weight?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am really struggling with weight loss at the moment. I am back to old fashioned calorie counting and for the last week stuck to 1300 calories a day but i've hardly lost anything so have decided to cut them down further to 1200 a day starting from today. I'm still sticking to my walking every day and also will try and go on my Wii fit most evenings and see if this will work. What i would like to know from others who are trying to lose weight (or have lost weight) how did you do it? what methods/diets did you adopt?
carina how much have you lost and kept off so far ?
I weighed 15 stones at diagnosis last October and managed to lose 2 stones by having mainly soup for lunch. I now weigh 13 st 12lbs so have crept up quite considerably, i just don't want to creep back up to 15 stones again and got told off by my DN last week for gaining 10 lbs. I though calorie counting worked so why haven't i lost anything this week? :confused:
umm thats difficult can they refer to dietician ...? not fair to be told off cos overall you are still down over a stone! well done !! ...on D/E only and probably i would say you will keep that off
....i did same lost nearly 1 stone ...gained back... now stable for ages ...still need to loose 1 1/2 stone ...but must loose it consistantly ...maybe bring up excercise a bit maybe eat a little less ...still experimenting ...good luck Carina and well done on loosing over a stone since DX !!!! 🙂
Hi Carina Swimming has been my saviour i love it and have really enjoyed losing weight with it, good old walking always does the trick as well, i went onto the byetta and i also think that helped me as it curbed my appetite big time.Can you not be seen by a dietician surely they can help you out if they know your struggling.
Hi Carina - its hard to say why you haven't lost any weight.

Calorie counting may help but only if you are sure that your portion sizes line up with the calories. For instance the portion size for cereals tends to be a lot smaller than what most people eat. The other thing is that at certain times (cough) of the month you may have fluid retention. If it is that time, then next week you may get a pleasant surprise.
Hi carina.

I'm not really in the same boat, but weight loss is weight loss so here goes.

I weighed 11st 11 lbs 3 weeks ago. I wanted to lose about 5 or 6 lbs. I thought it would be easy. How wrong I was 🙄

We started walking about 1.5 miles in about 45 minutes plus pottering to total about 4 miles a day. My calories were around the 2000 mark due to low blood sugars and needing some extra carbs to bring me up.
I actually gained at one point. We are now averaging about 6 miles a day, including some serious hills without slowing much. The pain seems to be the key to it. If it ain't hurting, it ain't helping (in a mr.motivator voice).

I've now lost 2 or 3 lbs in the past week due to better control so I don't the jelly babies and coke so often and I cut down my breakfast to about 45grams of carbs (about 200-220 calories).
Dinner varies but is around 400-600 calories.
Tea again varies but would be about 500-800 calories.
Apart from that I have about 6 or 7 teas or coffees.
Plus maybe 2 or 3 snack bars for exercise.

But the thing that made the difference was pushing the exercise so we walk briskly for a couple of hours a day total.
We got pedometers so we can both compete on steps. They also show calories and fat burned and today I burned about 590 calories, assuming it is accurate.

DO you have any hills you can walk up ?

Steffie: i can't swim lol so that is out but i have come to really enjoy walking.

Robster65: don't do any hill walking, no hills round where i live. I try and walk to work most days (about half an hour each way) and do a bit of jogging on the Wii fit and a bit of boxing so i will see how it goes next tues when i will weigh myself and see if i've lost anything.
You need to come here for a couple of weeks and try some of these hills !

Another possible is to get a small backpack and stuff it full of milk bottles full of water so that you're carrying more weight than you are at present.

I'm going to start boxing on the Wii too. It's the only one to really get a sweat on and you don't end up with tennis elbow ! 🙂

Good luck with it. I hope you get some suggestions you can use and if you keep pushing, it will eventually go.
My weight stayed off due to high blood sugars or I'd be 20 stone by now. I'm now trying to be sensible.

Hi Carina,

I've just started another 'push' after a couple of months of practically no weight loss. I had got to a point where I just wouldn't drop below 213lbs and kept bouncing back up to 215 - 218lbs (this was probably mostly down to differing water levels because I could vary quite considerably on a daily basis --> I do weigh myself on a daily basis at the same time each day after breakfast and after doing the same things, if you take my meaning!).

Anyway, I'm running a log of everything I eat at the moment and am taking care to control portion sizes quite rigidly. That way, I know my calorie counting (etc) is reasonably accurate. I've averaged ~1,500 calories per day for the last couple of days.

I'm picking up the exercise again (trying to walk for an hour each day and have restarted my 10km rowing machine 'trips'). This morning I'd hit the 210lb mark for the first time ever (well, since the first time going in the other direction!).

The trick is not to lose heart, but to keep at it. The exercise that you do WILL be doing you good even if the weight doesn't come off.

Andy 🙂
Andy makes a good point about exercise - muscle is denser than fat, so you may be getting leaner without actually losing weight. More muscle mass will improve your insulin sensitivity and metabolism, so don't just focus on the poundage! 🙂
Hi Carina, cant really add much to what has already been said... I find exercise really helps me and although I have been the same weight for the last 8 weeks, I have lost inches/gained muscle mass.

You also might need to watch that you are eating enough calories, 1200 sounds very little. Your body may go into "starvation mode". I am with ww and at 15st 6lbs I am on 22 points a day, which equates to 1540 calories. For every stone I loose I go down 70 cals.

I also find at totm I can bloat as much as 3lbs 😱. I also find that sometimes if I have been very good (or very bad 😛) it takes 2 weeks to show up on the scales. Good luck xxx
I lost weight really well on diet alone when first diagnosed, I was too ill to do much else, after a while though, my weight loss stopped and no amount of dieting made a difference. However, over the last couple of weeks since I started swimming again I've also started losing weight, 2lbs so far. Perhaps because in the water I feel I can push myself a bit more without risking injury and possibly because I don't feel the strain so much since I absolutely love swimming and hate leaving the water. I'll be going more often now I don't have the dog for company on walks. Walking on my own is boring unless I have a goal in mind.
strict diet and ...
Ball dancing🙂)) I've adored this kind of dances ever since I was a child but never had a chance to go for it.
When I was diagnosed diabetes I thought there isn't a better way to keep fit. My best friend became my partner (I forced him into that by telling him I'll die if he won't go😉))
He liked it eventually and now I have fun and keep fit at the same time
strict diet and ...
Ball dancing🙂)) I've adored this kind of dances ever since I was a child but never had a chance to go for it.
When I was diagnosed diabetes I thought there isn't a better way to keep fit. My best friend became my partner (I forced him into that by telling him I'll die if he won't go😉))
He liked it eventually and now I have fun and keep fit at the same time

I love ballroom and latin. I'm competing for the team that I'm doing my MA at over the next 2 years. We're going to the WinterGardens not TOO far off. I can't wait! :D

Although my partner for the last year is studying in Germany next year. I don't want him to go - I miss him already, and he hasn't even left the country yet :(
Exercise, last night was the first gym session in months, walking to and from work every day which totals up to an hour. Stopping drinking, seriously, I drink enough to float a battleship when I'm at university. Home cooking, it's also dropped my cholesterol but the fact that smaller portions of Mum's better cooked grub really has helped. I've lost two kilos to bring me down to eighty kilos. Granted that's not my pre university seventy kilos but hey, I'm getting there. I just really need to start hitting the gym when I get back to uni.

Since June 9th I have lost 11kg. I feel a bit of a fraud as I have Byetta to help me and I would have found it very hard without it. I still have to make an effort though. I have a small dinner plate and do not fill it, I leave something on my plate after every meal. I rarely snack. I eat no more than 100g carbs a day and usually a lot less. I have also made sure I have at least 30 mins excercise a day usually swimming. There are some weeks when it seems as though I have lost nothing but then a few days later the scales go down and it seems to come off at around 1kg per week. I need to lose another 20 kg so I hope I can continue to manage it. So another 20 weeks and fingers x I'll be there. Then of course there will be the challenge of keeping it off.
Smaller plate and logging everything you eat - and exercise til it hurts since 10 June has lost me 2 stone almost. Its not easy - but it sure feels good.

I did think I was doing okay with playing tennis regularly and eating what I thought was healthy, but when you log the food it can be quite enlightening that maybe not being as good as you thought. have now added gym and aerobics classes to my exercise.

Its hard work but worth it in the end I am sure.
Carina - hope you don't t hink i am blowing my own trumpet here - just this seems to be working for me - but you have to put in to get out.
My diabetes doctor asked me on friday whether i had noticed my weight creeping up and it got my into thinking about taking tablets with the Adios that is always advertised on the tv, so i looked at some reviews on the internet and one particular one said that it was pointless taking things like that and the key was ........

"eat less and do more"!!

its brutal but true! and it sounds like you're doing the right things. calories counting and exercising more so maybe you just need to step it up at bit. find an exercise regime that you really enjoy.
you mentioned you can't swim. maybe you could start taking lessons. you'll start using mussles you never knew you had!

good luck with your challenge, and don't forget we're all in there with you!
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