How do I get on DAFNE?

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I will be on humalog and humulin i.

will start new years day, as very busy at work right now (retail) and the nurse wants to make sure people around for me to talk to regularly. Cant wait, and really looking forward to the course.

I take humalog 25 at present so hopefully wont get any problems as Im not changing type of insulin.
Hope it works out for you. Sounds a good idea to wait until the new year so your nurse will be around to help you out with dosing. Mine was resulctant to start me on a friday afternoon, so she gave me her mobile number for the weekend.

Are you having to 'feed' your current insulin by having snacks between meals?
Hope it works out for you. Sounds a good idea to wait until the new year so your nurse will be around to help you out with dosing. Mine was resulctant to start me on a friday afternoon, so she gave me her mobile number for the weekend.

Are you having to 'feed' your current insulin by having snacks between meals?

not really. I was doing ok on twice daily until I started working shifts a couple of months ago. Cant seem to get it right now, always really high in the afternoon so much so often dont eat lunch! But if i try to compensate with my morning insulin I get really low 1 -2 hours after and then end up having 2 breakfasts. My days off are fine but not when working! Working in the evenings can be problematic to. If I take too much then I have really low night hypos and too little again sugars high in the morning, very frustating :D
think you will do much better on basal bolus as you should be able to overcome those problems, by adjusting each dose to need. as you ahve founf on a mix adjusting for one meal will affects all other readings.
Just have a look at the action profile of humulin I, it's not a particulary flat basal insulin, but it does suit some people better.
think you will do much better on basal bolus as you should be able to overcome those problems, by adjusting each dose to need. as you ahve founf on a mix adjusting for one meal will affects all other readings.
Just have a look at the action profile of humulin I, it's not a particulary flat basal insulin, but it does suit some people better.


when you say not a flat insulin, do you mean that it has a peak? The dns told me that if i take at bedtime it should peak around breakfast as most peoples readings go up naturally then due to hormones.

when you say not a flat insulin, do you mean that it has a peak? The dns told me that if i take at bedtime it should peak around breakfast as most peoples readings go up naturally then due to hormones.

yes it does have quite a peak, in comparision with lantus/levemir.
yeah thats true and a reason why people use it at night to combat dawn phenomenon (where the blood sugar rises in the morning).

Really it should be given twice a day to provide full basal coverage as it only lasts around 12 hours.
yes it does have quite a peak, in comparision with lantus/levemir.
yeah thats true and a reason why people use it at night to combat dawn phenomenon (where the blood sugar rises in the morning).

Really it should be given twice a day to provide full basal coverage as it only lasts around 12 hours.

Hmm, wonder why they are putting me on this as my bs are usually good on waking 4-5?

She did say there were other insulins she could put me on but asked me a few personal questions and decided to go with this one. But now i am worried i may hypo after breakfast. you are very knowledgeable about insulins, do you mind if i ask you if you are in the medical profession? It is good to get such great advice on here though, thank you.


Should take you to a picture of the action profile so you can see when it peaks.

You said in a previous post if I remember right that you are often high at lunchtime, it might be that the peak will help you be in range at lunchtime coupled with an accurate humalog dose will prevent you having hypo's after breakfast.

by increasing your humalog mix dose to try and control the lunchtime reading you were going hypo after breakfats because you were having to increase both short and long acting insulin at the same time. having the long and short insulins seperate means you can adjust each dose seperately.

and don't forget that you were already on both these insulins (just mixed together) and these worked well on the days you weren't working.
I'm sorry if I have worried you in any way, not my intention at all.

I've been around forums for a while so have absorbed alot of information (i know a fair bit about pumps for example having never used one)

Should take you to a picture of the action profile so you can see when it peaks.

You said in a previous post if I remember right that you are often high at lunchtime, it might be that the peak will help you be in range at lunchtime coupled with an accurate humalog dose will prevent you having hypo's after breakfast.

by increasing your humalog mix dose to try and control the lunchtime reading you were going hypo after breakfats because you were having to increase both short and long acting insulin at the same time. having the long and short insulins seperate means you can adjust each dose seperately.

and don't forget that you were already on both these insulins (just mixed together) and these worked well on the days you weren't working.
I'm sorry if I have worried you in any way, not my intention at all.

I've been around forums for a while so have absorbed alot of information (i know a fair bit about pumps for example having never used one)

thanks, things becoming a bit clearer, does make sense what you have said. sure it will work out well once I have got the doses right, fingers crosssed.

just a little confused at graph? Is lantus same as humulin I? When i go on the dafne course will they tell me how to compensate for the peak of the insulin and carb count? I think my brain is gonna hurt real bad, but cant wait to get to grips with it all!!
well I reckon when you go on DAFNE you'll know loads more now than compared to when you first joined this site. they should go everything with you and work out ratios for you to start with, i've heard good reports, however not been myself.

on that graph, sorry should have explained better, the solid flatter line is lantus, humalinI is like the NPH the dotted line with the pronounced peak.
there is a member here copepod who using humalin I maybe they could chip in and give some personal advice.
well I reckon when you go on DAFNE you'll know loads more now than compared to when you first joined this site. they should go everything with you and work out ratios for you to start with, i've heard good reports, however not been myself.

on that graph, sorry should have explained better, the solid flatter line is lantus, humalinI is like the NPH the dotted line with the pronounced peak.
there is a member here copepod who using humalin I maybe they could chip in and give some personal advice.

thank you, still worrying me that big peak though! :D
hi my name is hannah im 19. i have done the DAFNE corse it is well worth doing. i would say that u need to talk to your diabeties nurse. i have found with the DAFNE corse it give you the freedom to feel semi mormal with what you eat as you can eat what you like as long as you stick to your ratios. hope this helps
hi my name is hannah im 19. i have done the DAFNE corse it is well worth doing. i would say that u need to talk to your diabeties nurse. i have found with the DAFNE corse it give you the freedom to feel semi mormal with what you eat as you can eat what you like as long as you stick to your ratios. hope this helps

thank you, im sure it will help me loads, wont be for quite a few months yet though. the course that is, start my basal/bolus in couple of days and sure things will be better after that. Started new job today and was soo hard to concentrate as was between 11 an 16 all afternoon until tea time. and you cant explain to people how you feel can you?! At other times I can drop loads in 30 minutes. rambling now, anyway thanks again for all help on this forum, much appreciated.

Humalin I - splitting doses AFTER ADVICE

When I mentioned occasionally waking up with low blood sugar in the wee small hours or at normal waking hours, and reporting not liking eating late at night and a sometimes irregular lifestyle my DSN suggested splitting my Humalin I dose, into 2 equal doses. Note it's important to give information like that to obtain appropriate advice -otherwise I think he might had suggested a late night snack. This worked well for me, but I wouldn't have even thought of it without his suggestion. The regime suits me particularly well as I sometimes work some very odd hours eg manning checkpoints through the night, sometimes several nights in a row, during expedition adventure races, with unpredictable periods of exercise eg moving 10s of large boxes, bikes, kayaks etc, so having 2 chances in each 24 hours to adjust basal dose is helpful. Not that you have to do odd things like me to find it worth considering discussing this with your DNS or other professional advisor who knows you.

But I still haven't managed to fit in a DAFNE course, although speakign with some who had done it and a dietician who runs it helped. I'm on the waiting list and a reserve in case of cancellation.
When I mentioned occasionally waking up with low blood sugar in the wee small hours or at normal waking hours, and reporting not liking eating late at night and a sometimes irregular lifestyle my DSN suggested splitting my Humalin I dose, into 2 equal doses. Note it's important to give information like that to obtain appropriate advice -otherwise I think he might had suggested a late night snack. This worked well for me, but I wouldn't have even thought of it without his suggestion. The regime suits me particularly well as I sometimes work some very odd hours eg manning checkpoints through the night, sometimes several nights in a row, during expedition adventure races, with unpredictable periods of exercise eg moving 10s of large boxes, bikes, kayaks etc, so having 2 chances in each 24 hours to adjust basal dose is helpful. Not that you have to do odd things like me to find it worth considering discussing this with your DNS or other professional advisor who knows you.

But I still haven't managed to fit in a DAFNE course, although speakign with some who had done it and a dietician who runs it helped. I'm on the waiting list and a reserve in case of cancellation.

thanks for advice, have started regime today so first humulin I tonight. will have to see how I go, but what you said about splitting does make sense. I work shifts and do exersise. but dont have a particular physically demanding job such as yours sounds! I think they probably start you on one dose initially to see how you go maybe? Its difficult to get out all info on hospital visit about your lifestyle as it changes doesnt it. Most of us dont have a regular pattern of work, especially shift work and I like variety in my diet, not same old same ole every single mealtime. Challenging, will of course be speaking to dns over next couple of days. thanks again
i realy hope you get on the DAFNE corse soon its changed my life and i hope it will do the same for you. please keep us posted and let us no how you get on with it good look!
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