How do I get on DAFNE?

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tracey w

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

How do you get to go on DAFNE course. Ive been type 1 for nearly a year and feel it would benefit me greatly. With all the good things I have heard about it.

However my doctor, consultant and diabetes nurse have never mentioned it. I have a hospital appointment in a couple of weeks, is this when I should mention it? And what sort of things would make a good case? How do they decide who gets on? Any advice appreciated.
Hi Tracey

Unfortunately access to DAFNE can be quite patchy dependant on where you live. If you go to the DAFNE website (just google dafne and it should be the first one) they have a list of where the course is run. If it is run by the health Trust where you are a patient the next thing is dependant on funding, how many people they can put on it depends on how much money they have so the rules for how they decide will vary according to area. For where I live the rules were that you had to have been diagnosed for at least 2 years (to make sure you're not honeymooning) and have an a1c under 12. They also wanted to see that you were willing to work at your control so I guess a willingness to learn, keeping a diary up to date, testing when you should etc!

Definately worth asking at your appointment, I'd highly recommend it and everyone I've spoken to about it though it was great.

Good luck, let us know how you get on!

Hi Tracey

Aymes has really good advice. Also, some hospitals run courses but do not call them DAFNE. For example, in DAFNE you have to get a whole week off work (5 consecutive weekdays) which is hard for some people. So some centres choose to run their courses on 5 consecutive weekends, for example. So ask your diabetic team about any course they run, not just DAFNE. Also someone posted a link to an online education course in an early discussion, I can find it if you want. It includes all the DAFNE skills. But you miss out on meeting other diabetics which some people find very helpful. These skills like carb counting can be learned from your diabetic team but a lot of teams just do not teach them, plus the intensive educational setting of DAFNE is helpful (you have 5 days to only think about diabetes, whereas for appointments you have about 15 minutes).
I'm desperate to get on a DAFNE course too. I asked at my hospital, where I have my diabetes clinic; they don't run one, and they can't refer you to other hospitals for it.

Apparently you can only go on a course if its at a place where you receive 'routine treatment', however the only hospital in Glasgow that offers it, doesnt have a diabetes clinic, and only provides diabetic services for those being admitted and diagnosed.. which doesn't sound like routine treatment to me.

I'm going to asking about it again with my GP on Wednesday to see if they can refer me to a hospital for it (which I'm a little doubtful of, but no harm in asking), or if there are any other courses around here.

If anyone has any luck getting on a DAFNE if there hospital/centre doesnt offer it, I'd love to know how
Thanks guys!

I will do some more research on it, and will be asking at my next appointment. But really it should be offered to everyone who wants it. Usual story y the sound of it, postcode lottery. Good luck to all trying to get on it. Will keep you posted.

Just checked the website and my hospital is one of the sites that do it, its a start.

think its a shame if I have to wait another year before being considered though. Just to get educated on my own disorder.:(
Good luck!

I really hope you get on the course - It's ridiculous - we are told to take responsibility and when you try to - the doors are slammed in your face!
I have never been offered a DAFNE course - in 35 years! But it is the method I use by common sense and what they first taught to my Mom all those years ago!
When I asked one of my DSNs about DAFNE, I was told they don't run it, but they can make arrangements to see their dieticians. Never did get a referal though.

Last clinic at the hospital was useless. Wanted to speak about increasing the concentratin of insulin I use or maybe even going on a pump. The doctor (not even a specialist) was impressed by my knowledge of DM, but then just went into a spiel about daily exercise. No consideration about any other health issues such as back problems, or how to actually fit in any exercise into an already busy schedule.
Hi Tracey

Aymes has really good advice. Also, some hospitals run courses but do not call them DAFNE. For example, in DAFNE you have to get a whole week off work (5 consecutive weekdays) which is hard for some people. So some centres choose to run their courses on 5 consecutive weekends, for example. So ask your diabetic team about any course they run, not just DAFNE.

My clinic did a course which took place one day a week, over 4 weeks. We had talks from a podiatrist and eye specialist, plus a carb-counting introduction. It was very good, and good to meet fellow diabetics. Most were newly diagnosed, but one person had been Type 1 for several years and came away learning a lot from what had changed since his diagnosis - for example, his meter was out of date and not working properly, plus he only took account of sugar content in foods, not total carb content.
As far as I could gather, there are not that many DAFNE courses running in the UK at the moment. Far too few for the number of diabetics anyway! I only now realize how lucky I was to go on a course! Also, as far as I know, there is just one DAFNE trained diabetic consultant in Thanet, the area where I got my training. Maybe if more diabetics put pressure on government, their own GP's, hospitals, dieticians etc, they will train more people to run courses. I have an appointment with my consultant tomorrow, and will make it clear that I think it is a fantastic course, and could save the NHS/government millions by empowering diabetics to have better control. Leading to fewer complications... Prevention is better than cure, and since there is no cure for diabetes, surely prevention of complications makes sense...
"Also, as far as I know, there is just one DAFNE trained diabetic consultant in Thanet, the area where I got my training."

I think this is a problem. The nurses and dietitians seem to run the courses and they are great. But on my DAFNE course the consultant just dropped in for a few minutes to answer questions and seemed to be treated like a minor deity - throughout the week, if we did not know something, the nurses always told us to ask the doctor as if they would know better than us and better than the nurses just because they read a book many years ago. I thought it was supposed to be an exchange of knowledge, not the same old same old 'doctor-knows-everything' approach. The doctors should be learning from us as well as us learning from them.

"Maybe if more diabetics put pressure on government, their own GP's, hospitals, dieticians etc, they will train more people to run courses."

I agree 100%. There is information on the DAFNE site here and a leaflet here to print and show your doctor what they should be providing in terms of structured education.
I have now got inject my self at mealtimes using the carb counting method, this to me is similar to dafne method , juat my opion.
edinburgh infirmary runs a one day course which i cant remember what they called it... would glasgow refer a patient through to edinburgh for it maybe?
I wanted to go on the course that my clinic runs, which is very similar to DAFNE but called something else. But told that i can't go because I ahve MODY. I've taught myself to carb count but it would have been nice to go on the course
DAFNE Advocate

Sorry to here you are having probs getting on DAFNE. My advice is dont give up.

Id been diagnosed almost a year to the day when i did a 5 day DAFNE course. It completely changed my control and attitude towards having diabetes.

The staff that ran mine were fab but the opportunity to meet people with the same condition and experiences was empowering. Ive been following DAFNE a year now and Im in no way a perfect diabetic but i am far more knowledgable and confident about dealing with the hiccups!

Ive spoken to people that havent done it who say that theyve been carb counting forever so dont need to do it, but you learn so much more that just how much insulin to have with a certain meal. It covers adjustments to make for illness, alcohol consumption, excercise and anything else you might want to do!

Sadly i have found with other aspects of my care that in some places the people who shout the loudest tend to get what they want/need. So keep going, ask everyone and dont be afraid of being a bit demanding. Its your condition and you deserve access to the knowledge that can imrpove your short and long term control.

(PS. My proven use of DAFNE theory also helped my consultant make a case for a pump for me, and that was because i asked him for one!) although im still waiting to find out if ill get funding.

Good Luck x
Vicki good luck with funding for your pump! Thanks to everyone for all your advice, see consultant on 18th and will be asking questions then. let you know what happens

Hi guys,

Just thought Id let you all know how I got on at clinic today.

Am going on to basal/bolus regime, which I am quite happy about, AND

am on the list for the DAFNE course!!!

My diabetic nurse was so impressed with my motivation and knowledge about foing onto basal/bolus (which I must say have learned everything from reading the posts on this forum!!), she asked me If id heard of DAFNE, before I even mentioned it.

looking forward to changing regime and doing the course in the new year.

Thanks for all your advice
fantastic news, you really will get so much out of it. I've always found that going to appointments armed with a bit if knowledge always means I get so much more out of it so good for you!!
thats great news Tracy, It'll be alot of work but I persoanlly think it's definatly worth it.
which insulins will you be using?
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