Hot Weather

How is the hot weather effecting your blood sugar levels?

  • My blood sugar's too high when it's hot

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • My blood sugar's too low when it's hot

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • My blood sugar's all over the place, up and down, when it's hot

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • The hot weather isn't effecting me much

    Votes: 8 26.7%

  • Total voters
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Well today in the afternoon seems to have taken the opposite effect I've spiked up really high in the afternoon to 15 and only come down to 8.9 by diner. With cooler weather coming tomorrow not sure if I should go bdbj to doing what I was doing before with my livermer. Part of the problem is a drop from 4.5 to 4 isn't a very small change really having already put it down from 5 a couple of weeks ago.
I suspect it's just a random weird thing at the moment with the heat, but could also be there was still insulin in your system from your previous dose - I get that sometimes, think it's going to last 5 hours and it lasts 6 and suddenly drops my levels.
I suppose there was also the portentonalty I was falling anyway I don't have any sensors at the moment (because I kept having issues with the libre) so I don't which way it was going at the time I did correction
Yes, there is that too, even when the Libre sensors are dodgy, at least they tell you which direction you're going.
have hospital appointment in afternoon so not looking forward to that
Hope it went OK, @nonethewiser - and that the heat there wasn't unbearable, hospitals tend to be unpleasantly hot places even in normal weather.
I’ve had a mare the past few days, ran high upto 18/20’s. No matter how many corrections I took/water drank or movement, it wouldn’t budge. Gave in today with my opened insulin pens after a chat with a friend. Never thought about the heat affecting the insulin itself, sure enough a correction with a new pen and I tanked from 18 to a < 3. Little bit scary going to a 3 nevermind in this heat.
New pens back in the fridge after use and put into a frozen reusable coffee cup if I need to walk anywhere.
Tell you what I’m done in after running so high over the past 24-48hrs
Yes, there is that too, even when the Libre sensors are dodgy, at least they tell you which direction you're going.
It wasn't that they were inaccurate was the problem was they always stopped working they consullyly stoped working)
I’ve had a mare the past few days, ran high upto 18/20’s. No matter how many corrections I took/water drank or movement, it wouldn’t budge. Gave in today with my opened insulin pens after a chat with a friend. Never thought about the heat affecting the insulin itself, sure enough a correction with a new pen and I tanked from 18 to a < 3. Little bit scary going to a 3 nevermind in this heat.
New pens back in the fridge after use and put into a frozen reusable coffee cup if I need to walk anywhere.
Tell you what I’m done in after running so high over the past 24-48hrs
Well done for finding a solution to the problem @Daisycoo .
It is not surprising that you are so tired after running so high.
I hope that you have felt a lot better today with the levels back down.
Might be worth trying bolusing elsewhere, @Inka and see if that helps.

I've had several spikey days in succession and then today I've had 4 hypos, the last one plummeted down to 1.8 - that's my own fault for not eating a biscuit before going out to water the pots this evening though (I was 7.1 before I started, I thought I'd probably be 5ish and need a biscuit when I came back in ... ).

I'm looking forward to Wednesday too, @rayray119 ! I've been finding it really hard to calculate insulin doses too, but most summers are not quite like this one has been!

Just following this up to see how you’re going @TheClockworkDodo ? I found out that my stomach was, indeed, the cause of the massive drops. I’ve stopped using it as it was terrifying. I’ve adjusted my basal and that seems ok. But my issue is still the boluses. Lots of my legs/arms don’t have good absorption, and I only realise that when my blood sugar soars. It was 17 after my evening meal last night whereas the previous evening with the same ratio it had gone along safely between 5.6 and 8.9, settling around 6. The only difference was poor absorption from my injection site last night. So frustrating because usually the best absorption is my stomach but that’s totally out of bounds now due to the massive drops (even with greatly reduced boluses).

So if anyone is struggling or searches, bear in mind where you’re bolusing; reduce your boluses; reduce your basal; and keep testing/scanning. Most importantly - it’s not just you struggling.
Thanks @Inka - I'm back to normal, I think, which means lots of hypos still, but at least without the massive spikes in between. I've been carefully reducing all my doses, though I still keep coming in from watering the garden in the evening hypo, no matter what I eat before I go out - and I know as soon as the weather changes and I stop watering I'll suddenly need to put my evening dose up again.

Can you manage to inject in your buttocks? They're probably my best site. I do morning dose first thing with a long pre-bolus (for mixture of fotf and slow absorption) in one leg and basal in other leg, and my lunchtime and evening bolus doses in my buttocks.
I can certainly reach my buttocks but I find them quite painful for injections and that makes me nervous about using them. The skin/fat feels different there so I find it hard to know where to inject. Some people seem to use the top - ie just below the lower back and others right in the middle. I admit I’m nervous about trying.

Yes, I’ve found exercise makes me drop faster than normal, even moderate exercise. Of course, that makes it hard to judge whether to correct.

I’m glad you’re getting back to normal. It’s extremely disconcerting when things go wrong like this. It’s trying enough at the best of times.
I'd use anywhere between top to middle, not immediately under lower back as there's not much fat there, and definitely not anywhere I'm going to be sitting on! - but anywhere else. I find it's easier if I hoick the fat up to meet the insulin pen, so if I'm injecting my left buttock (say), I hoick it up and to the left with my left hand and hold the insulin pen in my right hand.

I do very occasionally find a jab there is painful, but no more often than I find a jab in my leg is painful. Usually it's because I've jabbed too near my hip bone or accidentally hit a vein.

I am apple-shaped and have no bum to speak of, so not a huge amount of spare fat there, but just by the nature of buttocks they are more fatty than anywhere else I inject, so I usually find it easy to find a site. I know what you mean about them feeling different though, the skin seems to be thicker there somehow.
Thank you so much for that @TheClockworkDodo 🙂 I’m going to psych myself up to have a go. I have a needle phobia so if anything freaks me out a bit, eg injecting in a new site, I struggle and worry a fair bit, so the detail you gave is great. I can work through it a few times in my head first before giving it a try.
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