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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok, so as i was washing up for dinner hollyoaks was on in the background (don't ask...I am an ashamed fan...), and there was this bit where a young lad had a burger in his hand and was oogling a young lady as she practiced some kind of martial art. She saw him, did some magical martial arty thing and grabbed his burger:

"I'm saving you from diabetes"

Get yout pitch forks, burning torches and planks with nails in here... Get your angry mob supplies here!
I'm quite ashamed to say I like hollyoaks too 😱 and when I heard that it made me quite angry was going to write a thread about it too but you beat me to it 😉 x
mail them and complain!!! we all should and see what they say
use this form http://help.channel4.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?New,Kb=C4_Author,Company={2EA1BB9C-510E-44A5-A481-01EB1DDA1669},USETEMPLATE=contact_ve.tem
We are big fans in this household but while my dad is here have not seen it since last Wednesday.Shall have to watch on for this on 4 on demand.Id not say im an ashamed fan ill see what its like.
does this sound ok.

I was disgusted to hear the words " I am saving you from diabetes" used in your show last night, with regards to taking away a burger. It is comments like this that put out the wrong message. Diabetes is NOT caused by eating too much sugar or fatty food,or caused by being over weight or living an unhealthy lifestyle. Type 1 Diabetes is an auto immune disease, where the body doesn't produce any insulin and Type 2 is were the body still produces insulin but it maybe less effective or the pancreas produces some but not enough. This has caused much upset
does this sound ok.

I was disgusted to hear the words " I am saving you from diabetes" used in your show last night, with regards to taking away a burger. It is comments like this that put out the wrong message. Diabetes is NOT caused by eating too much sugar or fatty food,or caused by being over weight or living an unhealthy lifestyle. Type 1 Diabetes is an auto immune disease, where the body doesn't produce any insulin and Type 2 is were the body still produces insulin but it maybe less effective or the pancreas produces some but not enough. This has caused much upset

nice one! I forgot to copy pastey mine, but it ended up a rather long rant about the whole thing - blah blah type 1, blah blah type 2 is insulin resistance not caused solely by diet and lifestyle blah blah. Educate your writing staff and the cast, oh and I might write to diabetes uk about it too *blows a rasperry" - :D
I didn't watch Hollyoaks. Is the person who took the burger a regular character ?
If it was they could be showing ignorance and then get diagnosed and be made to face up to the reality and their incorrect assumptions.
I didn't watch Hollyoaks. Is the person who took the burger a regular character ?
If it was they could be showing ignorance and then get diagnosed and be made to face up to the reality and their incorrect assumptions.

she was a new character

but if i remember correctly, one of the cast members is diabetic, T1 (or maybe thats eastenders :confused:), so these assumptions shouldn't have been made...
eastenders has a few. sorry lol only know this thanks to my research for didka lol
eastenders has a few. sorry lol only know this thanks to my research for didka lol

yeah, lucy beale (whatever her name in real life is) is T1 and Heather Trott is T2 🙂

Oh i hope e4 gets back to me!
it may have been rae, she works in the burger place with newt, im trying to get 4 on demand to load at the minute so i can see for myself
it was gem, having a go at duncan 🙂
Got a reply!

Dear Ms Wise,

Thank you for contacting Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries regarding HOLLYOAKS.

We are sorry to hear you were upset with regards to comments made about
contracting diabetes and that you feel the programme is putting out the
wrong message.

HOLLYOAKS is a youth programme that deals with issues young people encounter
on a day-to-day basis. Research has shown that these subject matters are
very real issues for the HOLLYOAKS audience and has also identified that the
depiction of such storylines can help individuals to cope with their own
situation, by realising that other people go through similar experiences.

I would like to assure you that every effort is made to ensure that
HOLLYOAKS gives an accurate depiction of these youth issues, in a
responsible way. Accordingly, the HOLLYOAKS production team heavily research
all storylines before they are portrayed on screen.

Channel 4 does everything in its power to ensure that its programmes comply
with the Office Of Communications (Ofcom) statutory guidelines on taste and
decency. In addition to this, a member of the Channel 4 editorial team views
a tape of each episode before it is transmitted to further ensure it is
suitable for pre-watershed viewing.

I hope this goes some way to addressing and alleviating your concerns about
the programme.

Nevertheless your complaint is welcome and has been logged and noted for the
information of those responsible for our programming.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. We appreciate all
feedback from our viewers; complimentary or otherwise.


Ryan Thomas
Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries
WoW - at least they back to you.

I doubt if there will ever be really good coverage on TV dramas about Diabetes - but we live in hope.

Well done you for contacting them though

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