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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Little intro to say Hi. Male 61 NHS information Analyst semi-retired and part time farmer. Diagnosed Type 2 at the end of January with a HbA1c of 120, quite a shock but there you go you pay the price for being overweight and eating too much of the wrong things between meals, got put on Metformin and gliclazide, now on Metformin and Empagliflozin. Progress to day, I have lost 16.6kg/36lb and had my first HbA1c since diagnosis back from the docs today and its down to 35, so feels like a good day.
That's a great result - well done. It took me the best part of a year to get down to that level. Thanks for sharing.
Welcome to the forum @Mogwyth and congratulations on a great result in so short a time,
Little intro to say Hi. Male 61 NHS information Analyst semi-retired and part time farmer. Diagnosed Type 2 at the end of January with a HbA1c of 120, quite a shock but there you go you pay the price for being overweight and eating too much of the wrong things between meals, got put on Metformin and gliclazide, now on Metformin and Empagliflozin. Progress to day, I have lost 16.6kg/36lb and had my first HbA1c since diagnosis back from the docs today and its down to 35, so feels like a good day.
Amazing turnaround in such a short period, very well done!
Many congratulations on a fantastic weight loss and tremendous HbA1c reduction.
You must be very pleased with your progress so far!

Have they suggested adjusting your medication with your HbA1c so significantly reduced?
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