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Hi Karen,

Ross does all of his bg tests and injecting himself so he'll continue to do that and at the moment he's on school lunches and ideally I'd like that to carry on too. I'm hopeful that Ross can just return to school with a bag full of snacks and his diabetes stuff. All that said, I think the reality will be that his bg levels will be all over the place and we may have to go over to packed lunches in order to keep the figures under control.

We will have to have a care plan in place for him as they'll need to know what to do if he has a bad hypo and even just for ensuring he can test his b/s when he needs to. I've spoken to the school and they've said they'd rather he didn't return until the care plan is in place but he's been off now for four weeks (he went into hospital the week before they broke up for Easter).

It's all so much more to think about - for you it's bad enough when they start school without all the added hassle of diabetes. Some days I wish I could just switch it off and enjoy a 'normal' day.

Anyway, it sounds as though you and the school have got things organised - I'm sure it'll all go really well.

Hi Shirl - ur a v handy person to speak to - thanks for all your comments; and I'm a bit relieved, as I think I've covered the things you've mentioned with the FS1 teachers (my son is in the Rising 5's programme). I'm really anxious about hypos, as the teachers have had training with Oscar's nurse - but actually putting this all into practice will be difficult for the teachers (given they have (a) never had a child with diabetes at the school previously and (b) being in a classroom with all the other children, they might not pay the amount of attention to Oscar at the necessary time (I'm a bit worried about them missing the vital signs - but I've put as much as I can into the Care Plan) I have everything crossed and I guess it will take a lot of trial and error to get these things right ... I'll keep you posted - Oscar is starting in a couple of weeks time, so fingers crossed. Thanks again, Karen 🙂

Hi Karen, I'm new on this site my daughter was going into P2 when she was diagnosed, lucky for me she had the same teacher from P1, who hadn't had a diabetic child before, our DSN went in and we got a care plan up and running, we also had a daily diary which I could put in her levels or concerns and vice versa, this worked well, She's now in P6 and we still use a diary system. She test and does lunchtime injections at school and is quite chilled about it all. Hope all goes well for you🙂
Hi Karen,

Ross does all of his bg tests and injecting himself so he'll continue to do that and at the moment he's on school lunches and ideally I'd like that to carry on too. I'm hopeful that Ross can just return to school with a bag full of snacks and his diabetes stuff. All that said, I think the reality will be that his bg levels will be all over the place and we may have to go over to packed lunches in order to keep the figures under control.

We will have to have a care plan in place for him as they'll need to know what to do if he has a bad hypo and even just for ensuring he can test his b/s when he needs to. I've spoken to the school and they've said they'd rather he didn't return until the care plan is in place but he's been off now for four weeks (he went into hospital the week before they broke up for Easter).

It's all so much more to think about - for you it's bad enough when they start school without all the added hassle of diabetes. Some days I wish I could just switch it off and enjoy a 'normal' day.

Anyway, it sounds as though you and the school have got things organised - I'm sure it'll all go really well.


Heidi - we have the exact same concerns re: lunches - I want to give the school lunch a go, but have a funny feeling we might have to switch to packed lunches too !!! I can't believe that the school are encouraging (!) more time off until the care plan is in place - that's not v.helpful is it - especially not for Ross. I'm lucky really as the teachers in Oscar's school seem to be really helpful so far, hope it's not just a novelty that will quickly wear off. I wish I had that magic button too - just for one day... Fortunately, I'm lucky to have a little boy who is so laid back and takes it all in his stride - I count my blessings there.
Ross sounds like he is doing really well doing his own bg and injections - he's a true star - when Oscar gets to that stage, I'll ask Ross for some tips, as he'll be such an expert by then.
I think Oscar's school bag is going to bigger than him with all the extra kit and food etc - I can just about remember the days when I could grab my keys and go ...
Hope Ross gets back to school soon and that his 1st day back goes ok. Take care you, Karen 🙂
Thanks everyone ...

Hi everyone - I just wanted to say "thanks" for the very warm welcome to the Forum. I've already had so much great information, it's really going to help Oscar and myself a great deal. I'm sorry I haven't replied to each individual post - but just wanted to say thanks again. Take care everyone, it's really reassuring that there's some help outside the clinics - as they don't have all the answers, especially for the day-to-day things. 🙂
just another little suggestion ...make sure that any other staff who may take oscar for say pe or library are fully aware as well of proceedures . I say this as i was a librarian in a girls primary and i used to take classes from reception to yr2 in the library alone ....nobody told me anything i just found out about who to look out for by reading the notice board in the staff room !! thank G i didnt experience any problems !
just another little suggestion ...make sure that any other staff who may take oscar for say pe or library are fully aware as well of proceedures . I say this as i was a librarian in a girls primary and i used to take classes from reception to yr2 in the library alone ....nobody told me anything i just found out about who to look out for by reading the notice board in the staff room !! thank G i didnt experience any problems !

Hi there - that's a really good point (thank you) as Oscar will be all over the place in FS1 ... and you're right, there are various teaching/support staff involved - so must make that addition to my care plan and communicate to the teaching staff (so many things to remember, and new stuff cropping up all the time). Hopefully, by the time next Monday comes, Oscar will be fully covered, then I'll be waiting, anxiously by the phone for the next few months lol :D
Hi there - that's a really good point (thank you) as Oscar will be all over the place in FS1 ... and you're right, there are various teaching/support staff involved - so must make that addition to my care plan and communicate to the teaching staff (so many things to remember, and new stuff cropping up all the time). Hopefully, by the time next Monday comes, Oscar will be fully covered, then I'll be waiting, anxiously by the phone for the next few months lol :D

no problem ...and good luck for monday ...oscar is starting his education journey and my youngest is just finishing his ...GCSE time !!X😱X
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