Hi pre diabetic

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A mushroom omelette (or in fact any omelette other than potato) is a good choice for a low carb breakfast. I have mine with a side salad and avocado. It fills me up so that I don't need lunch, just a snack of nuts, cheese or olives and then I have a very small portion of potatoes with my evening meal of meat or fish and veg.
What are bg's ??? Love to get all these things sorted and also my sleep apnea as am allergic to the mask. Mega tired all the time too, so losing that would also b great. Looks like a win,win,win,win altogether x
I hope that like me you will find that your tiredness will really improve once you have been lowering your carbs, it took about 4 months for me to really notice a difference, I have also noticed when I have had a mad day and had one and a half or even two sandwiches that i immediately experience real exhaustion and have to sleep for at least an hour or more, so I really Hope lowering your bg’s will improve both your tiredness and sleep apnoea.
Sorry about the abbreviation, we use a few
DN is diabetic nurse
DSN diabetes specialist nurse
Bg’s or Bs is blood glucose/sugar
T1 and T2 Type 1 or 2 diabetes
Can’t think of others at the moment but just ask if there is something you don’t get as nobody minds x

A mushroom omelette (or in fact any omelette other than potato) is a good choice for a low carb breakfast. I have mine with a side salad and avocado. It fills me up so that I don't need lunch, just a snack of nuts, cheese or olives and then I have a very small portion of potatoes with my evening meal of meat or fish and veg.

Have had bacon medallions and scrambled eggs with mushrooms a couple of days. All a learning curve but everybody is so helpful I know I will get there. Thanks Bev x
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