Hi pre diabetic

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At risk of diabetes
Hi, name is Bev and just been told I am prediabetic. I take this as a positive and bought 800 blood diet book so started a few days ago and have kept to 800 calories a day but struggling to keep carbs under 30. Need a list of calories and carbs as determined NOT to become diabetic. Any help hugely appreciated.
Am 66 gave up smoking 8 years ago and drinking 18 months ago but am 2.5 stone heavier so need to shift it.
Thanks Bev
Morning Bevsy. I am in the exact situation as you. It can be a bit of a minefield when it comes to cabs and calories. I have found the book Carb & Calorie Counter (by Chris Cheyette & Yello Balolia) very helpful. The book is also supported by Diabetes UK.
That's great, thanks. Am determined to beat this and the extra benefit is to shift this weight. Seeing diabetic nurse Monday, so want to b well on this journey. Will get this book now, thanks so much x
Hi Martin, no haven't taken advice yet, that is Monday. I read the 8 week blood sugar diet book and 30gram looked like the level I need to stick to. Was a huge carb eater so for last 5 days, no bread, potatoes, rice,pasta and fruit. It's really hard but do not want diabetes and need to drop cholesterol too. Just ordered the carb and calorie counter book so hope that will help. Can't say I am hungry just in need of eating. Rubbish cook and very fussy eater but need to do this. Really appreciate the advice. Thanks Bev
Hi, Bev

Low carb, exercise and weight loss is the universal advice so you're on the right track. Too late for me as I am already diagnosed Type 2 but at least I'm able to manage it with diet and exercise alone, at least for now.

Stay focussed.

Hi, Bev

Low carb, exercise and weight loss is the universal advice so you're on the right track. Too late for me as I am already diagnosed Type 2 but at least I'm able to manage it with diet and exercise alone, at least for now.

Stay focussed.

Thanks Martin, walk my dog 3 or 4 times a day too but that's it for excercise. Can u not get rid of it even now??
Thanks Bev
As you are not fully diabetic, could you not simply reduce your blood glucose levels to normal and see if you lose weight, and your Hba1c reduce down to normal levels?
For a full blown diabetic the 800 calories a day diet might be appropriate, but I do wonder why you think you need to go to extreme measures when there is an easier option which many have found very effective even after becoming diabetic.
Many find that eating around 50 gm of carbs a day is very effective - though having a blood glucose meter helps a lot in deciding what to eat.
I know that there is a lot of fuss made about weight and cholesterol, but I think for myself that having normal blood glucose is far more important for my health and wellbeing. Having said that though my weight has reduced quite a bit since diagnosis and my cholesterol went down - but as a side effect whilst eating low carb.
Hi Drummer, thanks for the advice. To be honest I think I will be better when seen the nurse on Monday. I bought the 800 8 week blood sugar diet book and trying to use it religiously, which is probably wrong. I am so determined to sort it AND get slim again as the huge benefit. I have never been good at dieting so this diagnosis to me was a positive and am surprised how good I am being. 46lbs is amazing, well done you x
I did not realise that my weight was reducing - had given up weighing myself in despair whilst on a cholesterol reducing high carb diet which made me almost as round as I was tall. One day I stood up and my trousers fell down.
I cannot diet - too many low calorie low fat diets have completely beaten my metabolism, so if I don't eat I go into hibernation mode. Low carb is a way of eating, not a diet and I find it so easy to do.
Eating two meals a day, low carb, means I have energy and I keep on losing volume - I have gone back to work and started dancing again. I doubt I will ever regain the 24 inch waist I had in my twenties, I would have a skirt of loose skin down to my knees, but am down from XXL size to L - and even bought a M by mistake and it fitted!!
For an ordinary type two diabetic removing high carb foods from your meals will reduce your blood glucose - right down to normal if you are lucky, eating cauliflower not potatoes, low carb breads such as Livlife or protein bread at 4 gm of carbs per slice, lots of eggs cheese meat fish and salad stuff, stir fries are also a good option - and using herbs and spices to add zing and variety helps a lot.
I used a meter to check that my meals were appropriate, trying to keep below 8mmol/l after meals - then when I did get there the same meals had less and less effect.
For an ordinary type two diabetic removing high carb foods from your meals will reduce your blood glucose - right down to normal if you are lucky, eating cauliflower not potatoes, low carb breads such as Livlife or protein bread at 4 gm of carbs per slice, lots of eggs cheese meat fish and salad stuff, stir fries are also a good option - and using herbs and spices to add zing and variety helps a lot.
I used a meter to check that my meals were appropriate, trying to keep below 8mmol/l after meals - then when I did get there the same meals had less and less effect.
Thanks so much for all your help and advice. I know I can beat this, just need to learn so don't have to check everything x
Afraid not. With Type 2 the pancreas is either not producing enough insulin or your cells don't respond to it properly (insulin resistance). It's not reversible but it is sometimes possible to get to remission, which is my goal. I would still be diabetic and would have to maintain the same dietary and exercise regime, and keep my weight down, otherwise I'll be back to square one and possibly on medication.

I have so much to learn but am determined. Not sure anything shifting though but is only 5 days, I think x
Welcome @Bevsy
Loads of advice given to you above from experienced people with T2.

You mention how hard it is avoiding the ‘heavy’ carbs.

One thing I have developed a distinct liking for is courgette in place of spaghetti. It is courgette glut time, and I am regularly offered them from people with allotments. I just spiralise the courgette, and pour boiling water over it before using it as a crunchy alternative to give me a ‘carrier’ for my bolognaise. I also use it in salads, a,long with spiralised carrots. Still carbs but so few in comparison to pasta etc, and helps me stick to my target of 30g carbs at each meal.
Hi. That sounds good. I may get some pre done later. Forgot about those. I was trying to do 30grams if carbs a day!!! Is that too low??
Thanks Bev
Hi Bevsy and welcome to the forum from one fussy eater to another. As you are not full diabetic I personally would say 30g a day is rather low and 800 calories too must be limiting you. Try not to think of it as a diet because that is not what it is, it is a life change that needs to be sustainable and I fear you are putting yourself under a lot of pressure. As the others have said by lowering your carbs (and not worrying about the calories) you will almost definitely lose weight. I lost 20lbs with no trouble at all and in fact had to increase my intake because I didn’t want to lose anymore. By lowering your carbs you need to increase your fat intake so cheese, cream, full English breakfast, not the baked beans or toast are fine to have as we need fuel from somewhere and we are not getting it from the carbs. Obviously we need to follow what is best for us but don’t put yourself under so much pressure that you crack.
Feel free to ask any questions you like we are all happy to help x
Hi Sue, thanks for all your advice. The carbs add up so quickly which is bit stressful as then don't know what to eat. The recipe's are no good for me as wouldn't eat, so that's a bit stressful. Maybe when I get knowledgeable I could write a recipe book for the fussy eaters!!! X
Hi Sue, thanks for all your advice. The carbs add up so quickly which is bit stressful as then don't know what to eat. The recipe's are no good for me as wouldn't eat, so that's a bit stressful. Maybe when I get knowledgeable I could write a recipe book for the fussy eaters!!! X
I’d be the first one to buy it. I also find it difficult and my diet is pretty boring to be honest but then it was never exciting. The carbs made me so tired but I didn’t realise it, I even wondered if I had ME as was constantly sleeping whereas now I’m not. Thankfully your bg’s are still quite low so you should be able to contain it by small changes whereas mine were high . Nevertheless you are doing the right thing in taking control.
What are bg's ??? Love to get all these things sorted and also my sleep apnea as am allergic to the mask. Mega tired all the time too, so losing that would also b great. Looks like a win,win,win,win altogether x
Bg s are Blood Glucose levels.

It is rare for people with T2 to be offered a blood glucose meter as there is then the ongoing cost of test strips. However many choose to self fund so that they can test before and after meals in order to see what specific foods do to their glucose levels. Weirdly we all react to foods in different ways, and have to find out what works for us.

I used to eat porridge for breakfast, until I saw how my levels spiked after eating this. I soon changed my breakfast and can now keep them on target afterwards.

Keep asking questions. You will have spotted that there is plenty of support from others on here. I have learnt most of what I know from here.
I am so overwhelmed with the help I have had today. I don't know what my glucose is right now. Just want to learn as much as pos then when the nurse gives me some other stuff Monday I hope will do well.
Was going to buy oats today as struggle with breakfast but didn't. Thanks Bev X
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