Hi, I've just been diagnosed with prediabtes last week. Struggling to get my head around it!

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Hi Matt,
Thank you for response, yep I was guessing that would be the case as we're all very much individuals and react differently. Still scratching my head as just received fasting blood test results today and every category came back satisfactory! (What does that even mean when my first blood test came back 45mmol). I am kicking myself because the two months worth of blood cells they tested would have had a very unusual amount of carbs as I had my swimming champs all throughout November and I was living in high carbs, bagels, jelly babies to get through four swimming galas a week plus running then December period was Christmas eating and drinking delights, totally not the norm for me as I usually follow a healthy nutrition for training. Common sense tells me that there would have been excess sugar floating around my blood! The only thing is at least it's highlighted just how important it is to always eat healthily.
Hi Running Like a Girl. How were you diagnosed and what were your numbers? I too was diagnosed with prediabetes 5 years ago following an oral glucose tolerance test. Unlike you though, I was carrying too much weight and didn't exercise enough😳! Trying to keep things under control though! Katieb
Hi katie,
My blood test was 45mmol so right inbeteeen normal and type 2 diabetes. My weight is good and bmi 24. I train five days a week, swim approx 2400 meters in an hour and run approx 20miles a week. But I did have gestational diabetes when I was pregnant and my dad had onset type2 diabetes. Still coming to terms with this, I've tried to avoid it all my life!
Hi katie,
My blood test was 45mmol so right inbeteeen normal and type 2 diabetes. My weight is good and bmi 24. I train five days a week, swim approx 2400 meters in an hour and run approx 20miles a week. But I did have gestational diabetes when I was pregnant and my dad had onset type2 diabetes. Still coming to terms with this, I've tried to avoid it all my life!

Hi there. My last result was 42 (6.0) so not too bad. I think it must be the gestational diabetes plus genetics for you which is a shame given you have tried so hard to avoid it! My dad, grandmother and aunt were all Type 1. Hopefully you will keep a full blown diagnosis at bay. This is a great forum with loads of advice and support so it's great you have come here. Good luck with the marathon training; your family and friends (and you!) must be very proud! Keep in touch. Katie.x
I'm new on here and have been reading up on every scrap of information regarding prediabtes since I was diagnosed last week. I am a healthy weight and bmi, I run four times a week (training presently for London marathon) been running for over five years and belong to a swimming club and compete regularly. However my Dad had type two diabetes later on in life but he was very overweight and unfit which is why I've always kept myself fit. Struggling to accept this diagnosis and desperately want to get this into remission. Trying to stay positive. Was wondering if there are any other runners that could give some advice on fuel for long runs please as I'm terrified of carbs now?!
Been diagnosed for 3 months myself man ,was a gym fanatic, thought I was eating sensible diet ,unfortunately people like yourself , myself and many others get hit with this life changing news when we believe ourselves to be living healthy lifestyles , I wish you well for 2017 .
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