Hi-ho, Hi-ho, It’s back to Medtronic I go…

Yeah Helli - and some of the riders have come down with Covid - can't stop anyone breathing in and out and encountering A Germ ......
I love you 'well known members'. Do you remember going to diabetic clinics and if your BG was 10, they used to say appalling things like, "You've been a bad boy" (when I was 45 years old and had had type one for 19 years). This last lot of contributions from you all were just balm to me. Diabetes is just impossible and we all have to deal with it. My life really changed for the better with the closed loop 780G and sensor 4, and it sounds like recent advances have changed the Type 1 diabetic experience for you. I''m 84 and have to get more genial and laid back, but the 780 has reduced my fevered impatience with diabetes and reading all your helpful comments to people raises my spirits a lot. Please keep going.
I love you 'well known members'. Do you remember going to diabetic clinics and if your BG was 10, they used to say appalling things like, "You've been a bad boy" (when I was 45 years old and had had type one for 19 years). This last lot of contributions from you all were just balm to me. Diabetes is just impossible and we all have to deal with it. My life really changed for the better with the closed loop 780G and sensor 4, and it sounds like recent advances have changed the Type 1 diabetic experience for you. I''m 84 and have to get more genial and laid back, but the 780 has reduced my fevered impatience with diabetes and reading all your helpful comments to people raises my spirits a lot. Please keep going.
That’s amazing to hear of someone of your generation getting on well with the technology, what a great story! My mum is just coming up to 80 and is a real technophobe, always complaining about bloody computers what’s wrong with a pen and paper, was offered sensors but refused them, would definitely never cope with a pump, and is always complaining about how we manage diabetes, even though her hbA1c is in the 70s and my daughter’s has been consistently in the 40s since she went onto closed loop (and was only in the low 50s before that)… I think my mum would prefer it if the world had stayed as it was in the 1960s, she understood it then. How refreshing for me to hear that other people are not like that! (And I’m sure you’re not alone)

Edit: I should just add here, that I’m aware that pumps don’t work for everyone, and my mother is entitled to manage her own diabetes however she sees fit. I just wish she’d show us the same respect, especially when what we’re doing is clearly working!
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And the reason I came on this thread in the first place… daughter is getting another T-Slim. She did manage to get her TDD down a bit but not enough. It would help if she wasn’t such a sweet tooth! It would also help loads if she could still walk, pretty certain she’d have no problem getting Omnipod if that was the case. So slightly disappointing for her but understandable, she’s accepted the decision without argument and we are awaiting the arrival of the new pump any day now 🙂
Well I’m up and running - with the fancy new Simplera sensors.

Still finding my feet and building my first impressions, but pretty promising so far
Well I’m up and running - with the fancy new Simplera sensors.

Still finding my feet and building my first impressions, but pretty promising so far
I look forward to hearing how you get on Mike.

Excited to hear about the new sensors. I have to wait until December for the switch when I get my new pump. They look similar to the Libre, but just a bit bigger, and a lot easier to put in.
Also I am looking forward to not having to remember to get up early to put the transmitter on charge.
Do you still have two hour warm up? Is it feasible to put the sensor in the day before it needs to be activated? A bit early to be firing questions at you!!!

Let us know how you get on.
Do you still have two hour warm up? Is it feasible to put the sensor in the day before it needs to be activated?

Yep it’s still a 2hr warm up. Not thought about pre-inserting - it wasn’t anything I ever needed to do with Libre. The start-up time would be the same though
Yep it’s still a 2hr warm up. Not thought about pre-inserting - it wasn’t anything I ever needed to do with Libre. The start-up time would be the same though
I have some that take a bit of time to connect (only minutes which is nothing in the grand scheme of things). Just wondered about early insertion I did it all the time with Libre.
Yep it’s still a 2hr warm up. Not thought about pre-inserting - it wasn’t anything I ever needed to do with Libre. The start-up time would be the same though
The sensor starts broadcasting the Bluetooth signal as soon as the cap is removed from the applicator, and the battery only lasts for 7 days and 2 hours, so pre-inserting is not an option.
The sensor starts broadcasting the Bluetooth signal as soon as the cap is removed from the applicator, and the battery only lasts for 7 days and 2 hours, so pre-inserting is not an option.
That seems like a shame when quite a few people experience erratic results from their sensor in the first day or so due to "insertion trauma", especially when it is being linked to a pump, but I guess there is the facility to calibrate with these sensors to overcome that issue.
That seems like a shame when quite a few people experience erratic results from their sensor in the first day or so due to "insertion trauma", especially when it is being linked to a pump, but I guess there is the facility to calibrate with these sensors to overcome that issue.
Yeah, I know that the Dexcom One+ also starts from the moment it is placed on the skin. I agree that the fact that they can be calibrated overcomes that issue
Yeah, I know that the Dexcom One+ also starts from the moment it is placed on the skin. I agree that the fact that they can be calibrated overcomes that issue
Although, I thought interestingly, the Dexcom Health Adviser (former DSN) talked about not calibrating straightaway to let the sensor get to a steady state after inserting. Couple that concept with not calibrating while one's BG is in a period of flux (which I interpret for me as best first thing in the morning before any early bolus and before any fotf is kicking in to cause change; or midday when my breakfast bolus has fully dissipated, or .... ); so in effect several hours after inserting. How that marries up with a pump, I don't know.

Really the topic of calibrating deserves its own thread.
The sensor starts broadcasting the Bluetooth signal as soon as the cap is removed from the applicator, and the battery only lasts for 7 days and 2 hours, so pre-inserting is not an option.

Yes I was told that opening the cap primed the sensor. I have to put my next one in tomorrow so I’m interested to see how that goes.

I suspect any time limit is coded, rather than battery power itself. Rather like the Dex transmitter’s 115 days - there’s plenty of battery juice left, but the device’s clock is ticking in sensor-life increments, and won’t let you start another sensor if the transmitter’s day count would overrun (even if you technically had 9 days left of transmitter life.

I’m sure the Simpleras are similarly constrained by software? Though to make it exactly 7 days and 2 hours from unscrewing seems a bit miserly! Stuff happens… People arrive at the door, a fire alarm goes, or whatever!
At least they give us the warm up time as an extra!!!
At least they give us the warm up time as an extra!!!
LOL! Indeed!

I thought this was interesting this afternoon too…

I had a (probable) set failure - I really don’t get on with 90-degree sets and am still awaiting angled ones. My levels skyrocketed after lunch just at the time when my first Simplera sensor ended so I was in the 2hr Void Of Doom.

However when I looked at my app screen I could see that Smartguard was still making tentative basal adjustments (the pink blobs) even though it no longer had sensor data to refer to. I thought that was a helpful thing, and it’ll help me not to Rage Bolus next time.

Ooo that is interesting. I think in warm up it is taking the readings and the two hours allows it to be confident that it is ready to take on the job.
I sometimes get impatient and have given Hermione a BG before the two hours is up and if she is happy she has put me into Smartguard. Other times she is not happy at 2 hours snd asks me to wait a bit longer.