Sounds like you are doing really well Modingle - well done for getting to grips with things! 🙂 Shame you are having to fund your own strips though, this really infuriates me as it is such a valuable tool, especially in the early days after diagnosis - it is an ignorant and short-sighted penny-pinching action and many people not able to self-fund will end up not knowing how their changes to diet and activity levels are working. Rant over!
As for things described as 'healthy' being high carb, this is unfortunately due to the obsession that all fat is unhealthy, so the marketing emphasises tha lack of fat content but ignores the carbs - which will just as easily pile on the pounds! It could be that, with your exercise, you are creating more muscle which is denser than fat, so your clothes may feel looser as you become more toned, but your weight may not immediately come down.
Keep up the good work, and let us know how you go!