Hi Paul, I'm truly sorry that you again find yourself in this position. Like others, I have no knowledge of the fine details of the DVLA rules nor the interpretations that might emerge in practice. Superficially, we don't seem to have many, if any, active forum members who have such experience as coach or even lorry drivers and found themselves needing to wrestle with a circumstance similar to yours.
That said, perhaps a fresh question to the forum with a title that specifically includes coach driving and DVLA rules, might find those members who normally prefer to "lurk" - but who can add the value that so far we don't seem to be able to authoratively provide. Also look yourself at the DVLA's rules and advice then phrase a new question asking about whatever aspect is troubling you about the DVLA rules. I would suggest your opening paragraph, explaining, is not needed for a new question trying to find a way forward.
Also you could try phoning DUK on Monday and asking them for their more official guidance, as well as possibly starting a dialogue with the unemployment benefits centre, or jobseekers, or possibly even the support line
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...QFnoFCKABEAE&usg=AOvVaw0u0GilYBC5oyRJwX3Mg8ma) -. This might lead you to a different avenue.
Meanwhile, I want to turn to your diabetes management - because if you are going to formally record 3 months of twice daily finger pricking, this will mean you would want to get the best results that are realistically possible.
The bitterly cold weather last week seems to be ending and warmer weather is again in sight. My basal insulin requirements have already needed me to tweak (reduce) my basal from 9 to 8.5 and now 8 units, daily. As you know, I'm not a Doctor. My layman understanding is that the incoming warmer weather is improving (ie also reducing) my natural insulin resistance. Also, for me the warmer or drier weather makes it possible for me to get outdoors for longer periods and of course the garden is "springing " into life and nedding my attention. However, for you, this warming weather might be happening but you basal needs might be being concealed by your possible reduced activity levels. I know that at the garden centre you were often kept very busy and physically active for each full working day. If that has (or is about to) significantly change, then it is possible your own daily insulin requirement might increase. You won't be getting the silent BG help from being constantly "on the go" that you have been getting.
The other thing that has abruptly changed is the likely increase in your own stress levels. However calm you might seem on the outside, it would be most unlikely that you don't have (again) huge inner turmoil and anxiety about what has happened. For most of us increased stress elevates our BG.
I think you should at least be aware that your BG might quickly change and if it does increase, then be prepared to use your insulin to gently help; as well, of course, by considering upping your activity levels to mimic what you would have been doing if you were at the garden centre. Try and mimic your working eating patterns to at least try to remove one other changing factor - or if that is impractical, do try to not binge eat or excessive snacking. There will be huge temptation to do that, but you still have diabetes, you still have some basal insulin dependency and it is still most important you look after yourself.
A final thought: if you need to fp twice daily you might need an increase in test strips. Consider letting your Surgery know you are going to need more strips and try to avoid "bouncing" them with a sudden unexplained increase.
Good luck with all of this.