Hi everyone. Diagnosed type 2 in April (week before my 30th) and feel like I’m drowning

I haven’t had a chance to say welcome to the forum. I'm only a couple of months into diagnosis and still figuring it all out but here is a really good place to be when you it all feels overwhelming!
Hi! Thanks so much for taking the time to message. Yeah I'm so glad I posted, everyone's been so lovely and helpful.. experience is such a valuable thing. Hope you're doing okay with your new diagnosis, it's tough to navigate
Ah, so it's all relative to your overall "normal"? I've been stressing myself out trying to come to terms with the fact that it's not a simple problem with a simple solution and that it's going to take time to learn. Think I expected to see certain numbers and be able to say "right, I'm at X so therefore I need to do X and that's that". Just clueless!

I appreciate everyones kindness here in dealing with my ignorance and taking time to help me out. I seem to suddenly have hit panic mode so its all a great help to me
You will quickly realise it is not as easy as it sounds when in practice things can be very individual and variable. For example the amount of carbs in a meal can have a different outcome depending on lots of different factors, time of day, what you eat them with, what the carbs are, some people tolerate bread but not rice or pasta whereas for others it will be the other way round.
If you look at precise numbers and a single test of a food then it can become disheartening and it is better to look for trends.
Don't be in too much of a rush to bring your blood glucose levels down as it can be kinder on your body to do it more gradually to avoid issues with your eyes and nerves.
Just take one day at a time and have a plan of action.
You will quickly realise it is not as easy as it sounds when in practice things can be very individual and variable. For example the amount of carbs in a meal can have a different outcome depending on lots of different factors, time of day, what you eat them with, what the carbs are, some people tolerate bread but not rice or pasta whereas for others it will be the other way round.
If you look at precise numbers and a single test of a food then it can become disheartening and it is better to look for trends.
Don't be in too much of a rush to bring your blood glucose levels down as it can be kinder on your body to do it more gradually to avoid issues with your eyes and nerves.
Just take one day at a time and have a plan of action.
This is really helpful, thank you so much. It's all new to me so it's really useful to hear that its obviously going to take some time. Hopefully I'll start getting the hang of things soon!