Hi blood sugars should i be worried

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If your blood surgars are constanlty as high as that they might want to investigate a full day, overnight so they can work out if your meds need changed or maybe the time you administor the meds.............

As you say, you may be unwell and thats why your readings are really high, even so, something must be done.........
Gail Im so pleased you are being seen tomorrow, i know you dont like to stay in hospital but this needs to be sorted and i think you know that.

Be strong we are all here to support you, good luck, xx
aww gail sorry your feeling rough hun...good that your hopefully going to get it sorted though , you certainly cant carry on with blood sugars like that... i would feel rough too....and thats why your feeling so sick.... and theres no point in rehydration stuff coz your body will just pee it back out again , but certainly keep drinking the water till you see the doc tomorrow
look on the bright side if you do have to stay in hospital someone can wait on you 24/7 while u lie there and emagine yourself on the desert island 🙂
what ever happens i hope you feel better soon hun x
Hi Gail

Hope they get you sorted tomorrow you must be feeling pretty lousy at the moment.

Take care

Hi Gail,
I think the reason they got an appointment that fast was because your levels are so high and they know they need to do something to help you. Try not to worry about being in hospital, it cant be worse than being at home with such high levels and I am sure they will do their best to get you feeling better.🙂Bev x
Big hugs gail, I hope the consultant manages to get you sorted out x
thanks guys it means a lot to me that you have all taken time to reply
Yeah good luck Gail hun x will be thinking of you
That was quick. Saw her shes put up the insulin. ASked me how did i feel about being admitted told her didt really want to in. Bg 20.00 no keytones, so we came to an agreement if over the weekend i get any keytones or the vomiting starts up again Im to go straight to a+e and I will have to be admitted, shes going to make them aware of situation. Dr **** is a sweetheart she took the time to listen about my fear of going in and she understood me. I know it may be hard for some of you to understand this fear but have had some very bad experiences at that hospital, Im to keep regularity testing bg/keytones and call the dsn Monday morning with my readings, if no keytones etc and they will decide where to take it from then.
Thanks for all your wishes means a lot to me
you all take care
Sounds like a plan! Good luck with your new doses lets hope those bg levels strt coming down now.

well done on going in to see them, must have been hard, but you got through it , well done xx
Thats great news Gail - you will feel much better once your levels are lower.🙂Bev
Glad to hear you got some sensible help and avoided hospital. When I was a child I spent a lot of time in hospital and wasn't always given good care. I remember once feeling really ill and begging them to check my sugar but instead they decided I was hypo and force fed me sugar. Turned out I was high and ended up very,very ill thanks to them. Your situation is probably different but these fears live with us and are hard to overcome. you did really well today to go to the appt and get things sorted out. Hope the new dose helps a lot and you feel a bit better over the weekend.x
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